
Bruxism is a disease that affects according to the different studies about 8-20% of the population and mainly affects young people. The most often mentioned cause of this problem is believed to be stress. Bruxism also called temporomandibular joint dysfunction is simply grinding and clenching teeth at night. Apart from the obvious damage to the teeth, it can also cause lots ailments such as headaches, facial pain, and runaway of masseter muscle, which may lead to changes in the shape of the face. In addition to the bulky and often wearing off rails on the teeth, there are more innovative methods of treatment. Our institute carries out treatments using botox that will solve forever the problem of a person suffering from bruxism.

Bruxism - cure it with botox in our beauty clinic!

The treatment is painless (used anaesthesia with ice), and generally takes up to several minutes. Botox is injected into the masseter on both sides of the face. The very next day after the first treatment the patient experiences significant weakening of the masseter muscles. The muscle because of injecting the appropriate dose of Botox are weakened, thereby the pressure on the jaws reduced. The treatment must be repeated every few months, but often having two treatments is sufficient to completely eliminate the symptoms. bruxism

Price of treatment: from PLN. 500

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    The procedure is dedicated for all the people who have problems with accepting treatments using relaxation rails.

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    Untreated bruxism can cause serious health consequences. First of all, our bite will suffer. Frequent crush of jaw causes abrasion and crushing teeth. Further consequences of bruxism may also affect the aesthetics of our face, which by excessive masseter muscle growth may deform.

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    Botox treatment of bruxism in the salon does not require special preparation by the patient. There is also no necessity to perform additional tests before starting the treatment. Specialist doctor before starting the treatment thoroughly disinfects the site of injection of Botox, and marks the points of punctures.

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