What the Linerase Collagen is? As the name itself indicates, it is the treatment with applying Italian collagen. The treatment has not unwanted effects, is completely safe, noninvasive and what is more.. painless. The treatment is dedicated primarily to those who suffer from unsightly skin lesions, caused for example by aging. The treatment does not cause side effects - it is completely safe, non-invasive and highly effective. LINERASE is almost a breakthrough, based on a new generation of biomaterials used for reconstruction and reconstruction of the skin. The treatment can be performed on any, even the most delicate area of ​​the face as well as the entire body.
LINERASE - Why is it worth to do it?
  • inhibition of skin aging processes by maintaining the correct level of collagen     
  • smoothing wrinkles     
  • regaining the lost firmness, elasticity and density of the skin     
  • natural moisturizing and refreshing of the skin     
  • reduction of stretch marks and atrophic scars
  •  minimally invasive procedure that does not require a convalescence period    
  •  the preparation (type I collagen) does not cause side effects and allergic reactions     
  • it can be used prophylactically after the age of 25

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    What the treatment looks like?
    The skin before and after
    Why is it worth to do Linerase Collagen?
    The treatment is for everyone
    Are there any contraindications?


    As it was mentioned earlier. It’s dedicated for those who have enough not effective rejuvenating treatments. This treatment is for both men and women. Thanks to it you can make better the skin of the face, the neck, the neckline or the hand. You can improve flexibility and the springiness. There is no better treatment for wrinkles than Italian collagen. The treatment is precipitating regenerations of tissue, what is good in treatment of the scars.

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    What the treatment looks like? What the treatment looks like?

    First of all, is completely safe. Conducting each time in the local anesthesia. Can be comparing to the classical mesotherapy. Solution is being implementing deep up to the skin of the face or neck or hand. The total treatment lasts about four months and the effects are visible for at least a year. In the case of scars the effects are long-lasting.

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    The skin before and after The skin before and after

    The skin before and after the treatment which should consist of maximum 4 treatments, of course depending on the state of skin. After the treatment the skin looks much younger, density and flexibility are improved. Scars are nearly not visible.

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    Why is it worth to do Linerase Collagen? Why is it worth to do Linerase Collagen?

    The answer is simple for its effectiveness, and because is safe. Collagen causes no side effects. The whole treatment is noninvasive. Your skin will look young and healthy irrespective of the age.

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    The treatment is for everyone The treatment is for everyone

    And of course the radical reform will work with someone who has a lot of wrinkles, the sagging skin, neck or hand and also it treats scars, for instance, those which are post-operative and atrophic.

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    Are there any contraindications? Are there any contraindications?

    Yes. Linerase Collagen treatment cannot be applied in case of pregnant and breast-feeding women, as well as by people with diabetes, autoimmune diseases, cancers.

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