PLASMA IQ – Laser eyelid lifting without scalpel

PLASMA IQ – Laser eyelid lifting without scalpel
Eyelid lifting with the Plasma IQ device is a technologically advanced and safe treatment. Currently, this extremely intelligent solution beats real popularity records not only in aesthetic medicine, but also in plastic surgery and in dermatology. Laser eyelid lifting carried out with the Plasma IQ device is dedicated to all those who dream of a beautiful, attractive and healthy look without surgical intervention. Eyelid surgery can be performed for both women and men. With the Plasma IQ device you can reduce excess skin around the eyes and raise drooping eyelids that give the face a tired look. It is ideal for demanding people who want the best results without having to put in a lot of effort and risk. Plasma IQ is a great alternative to more invasive surgery. eyelid lifting


Eyelid lifting IQ Plasma IQ is an innovative solution that is an effective alternative to plastic surgery. The treatment using this device is completely non-invasive. The microcream plasma does not damage the skin, and does not cause any side effects. The whole is painless and requires almost no sacrifices. It is therefore an excellent solution for people who do not have a traditional surgery.  In the case of non-surgical eyelid plastic surgery with the use of Plasma IQ, none of these problems arise, the effects of reduction of drooping eyelids and rejuvenation of the eye area are very clear. eyelid lifting

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from 699zł

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    What does the Plasma IQ laser treatment look like?
    Plasma IQ, and removal of: fibromas, skin lesions, as well as elimination of flaccidity around the lips, ears and eyelids
    The skin before and after laser eyelid surgery
    Why is it worth to do it eyelid lifting?
    Indications for laser eyelid surgery
    Contraindications to laser lifting of the eyelids

    What does the Plasma IQ laser treatment look like? What does the Plasma IQ laser treatment look like?

    Laser eyelid procedure using the Plasma IQ device is completely non-invasive, safe and painless. It consists in making a small diameter of points on the surface of the skin – within the eyelid. These points have a significant effect on the sublimation of the epidermis, while not damaging the surrounding tissues or the underlying layer of the skin. The result is increased production of collagen bonds, which promotes the recovery of skin tension and rising drooping eyelids. Non-surgical lifting of the eyelids without a scalpel, does not take a lot of time or involves no risk, so it is an increasingly popular alternative to traditional bluffflare.

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    Plasma IQ, and removal of: fibromas, skin lesions, as well as elimination of flaccidity around the lips, ears and eyelids Plasma IQ, and removal of: fibromas, skin lesions, as well as elimination of flaccidity around the lips, ears and eyelids

    Although Plasma IQ is recommended primarily for the lifting of eyelids without a scalpel, this treatment is also invaluable in reducing wrinkles over the lips (smoker’s lines), wrinkles around the ears, flaccid around the lips, drooping eyelids and crow’s feet, and other skin changes , including the marks. The plasma micro-beam emitted by the device used to perform the treatment accelerates the process of skin regeneration and stimulates the production of collagen. The skin in areas subjected to interference becomes renewed and more tense, new cells are produced, which replace signs and defects of the skin with a new, smooth skin. High safety level Plasma IQ allows to remove not only cosmetic defects, but also dermatological changes. This is not ensured by all devices used for facelift.

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    The skin before and after laser eyelid surgery The skin before and after laser eyelid surgery

    Drooping eyelids and excess skin in these areas give the face a tired, unattractive look. This may even affect people whose complexion is generally young. Laser eyelid lifting using Plasma IQ dramatically changes the appearance of the eye area. Already after the first treatment you can observe clear effects. The skin becomes taut and smooth, regains youthful elasticity, and the look becomes more attractive and radiant. It is safe to say that the Plasma IQ rejuvenates the appearance. Although this interference is relatively small, as it concerns a small area in relation to the entire face, it is surprising how important it is. Many people after this procedure give up face lifting, because the laser eyelid surgery itself significantly rejuvenates the appearance.

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    Why is it worth to do it eyelid lifting? Why is it worth to do it eyelid lifting?

    The non-surgical lifting of the Plasma IQ eyelids is extremely comfortable and at the same time effective. The effects are visible after the first visit. The whole process is safe, even for people with pacemakers. This is a very good solution for people who manifest themselves in surgical intervention, be it for fear of unwanted effects or for fear of the naturalness of the effect. Plasma IQ does not interfere with the facial features, does not change them, but only stimulates skin renewal and restores its youthful appearance. The effect is visible but very natural. In addition, the laser eyelid lifting is not associated with the need to abandon the usual activity; you do not need to undergo convalescence. There are no side effects or greater contraindications. The treatment also has an attractive price.

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    Indications for laser eyelid surgery Indications for laser eyelid surgery

    For treatment using Plasma IQ eyelid lifting should decide anyone who wants to effectively get rid of the first signs of aging – crow’s feet and drooping eyelids. In addition to eyelid plastic surgery, the device is invaluable in the case of liquidation of wrinkles over the upper lip, elimination of flaccid skin around the elbows and knees, treatment of flaccid skin on the abdomen, in the removal of scars, acne, warts, skin lesions and stretch marks. There are no major contraindications to all these treatments. It is an excellent choice for people who want a clear effect, and at the same time do not want to decide on more invasive procedures, such as surgical bluffing or surgical face lifting. This solution can also be recommended to people who do not have time for convalescence, because after this procedure it simply does not exist.

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    Contraindications to laser lifting of the eyelids Contraindications to laser lifting of the eyelids

    There are no major contraindications to perform the procedure with the Plasma IQ device, so many people decide to use it. Since laser eyelid surgery is non-invasive, and does not require any electrical connection, almost everyone can use it.

    Of course, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, the procedure can not be performed. You should then wait with the correction until the feeding is terminated or terminated. Some chronic diseases and cancers are also a contraindication, all people interested in non-surgical lifting of the eyelids are encouraged to contact us. The good news is that cases where it is not possible to perform a non-invasive Plasma IQ eyelid lift, there is little.

    Before each treatment an individual consultation takes place.

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    Area Price
    Upper eyelid 699zł
    Lower eyelid 699zł
    Both eyelids 1350zł
    Smokers wrinkles 600zł
    Near ears wrinkles 600zł
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