Cavitation peeling

Cavitation peeling

Cavitation peeling is a cleansing and refreshing treatment that works well for virtually any skin type - especially recommended for sensitive skin or for the tendency to form blood vessels. The treatment is a highly effective alternative to manual skin cleansing.

Skin scrubber uses the strength of ultrasonic waves. Vibrations enriched with micromassage, improve microcirculation and oxygenate the skin, cleansing and refreshing. The treatment stimulates cell renewal processes, collagen and elastin production. Cleans the skin of toxins, sebum, removes dead skin. Antibacterial - antiseptic. It is an excellent preparation before other treatments.

High frequency vibration of the skin scrubber softs and removes cuticle, sebum, dirt and cleanse back spots. It reduces acne, pock, toxic substances, and refreshes skin. Skin scrubber exfoliates dead skin cells, removes oil, loosen and cellular derbis. Bacteria level is reduced. This method stimulates the skin to production of the collagen and ealsting. The ultrasonic facial is non-invasive, safe and gentle. It‘s suitable for all kind of the skin from Acne to Rosacea and mature or sensitive skin.

Cavitation peeling is completely safe, does not cause irritation.


Skin scrubber is a gentle and effective treatment that removes dead skin, cleanses pores and eliminates discoloration. It is recommended for all skin types, also sensitive and with dilated capillaries. It is a very pleasant, relaxing treatment. It is an excellent alternative to classic facial cleansing. We owe the effectiveness of cavitation peeling to the action of ultrasound waves, which improve microcirculation of the skin, oxygenate it, purify and refresh it. The natural processes taking place in the skin, such as cellular renewal, the production of collagen and elastin, are improved, thanks to which the skin maintains a beautiful, youthful appearance for longer. The effects of the treatment can be seen immediately after its implementation. The skin becomes clean, smooth and radiant. Strongly dry areas of the skin are perfectly moisturized.

The treatments can be used as an independent procedure or as an introduction to other care, revitalizing and nourishing treatments. It is recommended for every woman. Regardless of her age.

After the treatment skin is bright, youthful and refreshed, complexion is healthier without redness or irritation.

  Cavitation peeling  

Price range: from 249 

Treatment price

from 119zł

Treatment time




Number of treatments



2-3 weeks


Face, Neck Decollete

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    Masz prawo dostępu do treści swoich danych, ich poprawiania, ich sprostowania, usunięcia lub ograniczenia przetwarzania, prawo do wniesienia sprzeciwu wobec przetwarzania, prawo do przenoszenia danych, prawo żądania dostępu do danych, a także prawo wniesienia skargi do organu nadzorczego, jeśli uznasz, że przetwarzanie Twoich danych jest niezgodne z aktualnie obowiązującymi przepisami prawa w zakresie ochrony danych. Przysługuje Ci też prawo do bycia zapomnianym, jeśli dalsze przetwarzanie nie będzie przewidziane przez aktualnie obowiązujące przepisy prawa.
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    • Twoje dane mogą być przetwarzane w sposób zautomatyzowany, w tym również w formie profilowania.


    For whom?
    Advantages and effects of cavitation peeling

    For whom? For whom?

    The procedure is most often used by people struggling with the problem of local drying of the epidermis, which was difficult to overcome by other methods. It is also a very popular treatment, typically exfoliating, in people with sensitive, delicate skin that can not afford chemical peels or manual facial cleansing. Due to its effectiveness and gentle action, cavitation peeling is recommended for all skin types, including dry, oily and mixed skin.

    Many people use the treatment from time to time to refresh and cleanse the skin. In this way, they can avoid the accumulation of pollutants in the pores of the skin and the formation of discolorations. Other people use cavitation peeling before nursing, nutritional or rejuvenating treatments, such as various types of therapies and nutritional rituals, moisturizing masks, treatments based on collagen flaps or gold. In this case, the implementation of cavitation peeling before applying on the skin nutritional and moisturizing preparations, gives great benefits, because it guarantees us that all active ingredients and vitamins contained in the preparations will have the opportunity to reach the epidermis faster and deeper. In a word, the cavitation peeling made by the procedure increases the effects of the proper treatment.

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    Advantages and effects of cavitation peeling Advantages and effects of cavitation peeling

    Cavitation peeling is the fastest and easiest way to recover clean skin. It is a painless and precise procedure that can be used not only on the face, but also on the neck, cleavage and back. Its main task is to thoroughly disinfect the skin to prevent the formation of blackheads and inflammation. It is safe for vascular and sensitive skin. It is an excellent aid in multidirectional therapy of acne treatment. Lightens sun discoloration, age spots caused by hormonal changes or badly treated with acne.

    The above effects are a win-win for the beneficial effects of the ultrasound wave on the human skin. The wave improves the degree of permeability of cell membranes, thanks to which both oxygen and active substances from cosmetics have a better chance of penetrating deeper into the epidermis. In addition, the blood vessels are strengthened and the damage regenerated. The circulation of blood and lymph improves, thanks to which the swelling of the face and possible bags under the eyes disappear. The skin is moisturized and smoothed. The skin looks beautiful and healthy.

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    Contraindications Contraindications

    • Metal implants in the body
    • pacemaker
    • varicose veins
    • cancer and tumors
    • thrombophlebitis
    • hypertension
    • pregnancy
    • mental illness
    • skin inflammation
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    Area PLN
    Face + ultrasounds 249 zł 
    Back or arms 279 zł
    Face (mask and serum for free) 249 zł
    Face, neck, decolletage (mask and serum for free) 299 zł
    Face, neck (mask and serum for free) 279 zł
    Additional to acids 149zł
    Face + almond acid or salipeel 379 instead of 429 zł
    Face, neck, decolletage + ultrasounds (mask and serum for free) 329 zł
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