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Keratin Hair Treatment

Keratin Hair Treatment
New keratin-based treatments may save you hours each day. Longing for smoother, straighter hair? Keratin Hair Straightening is aimed at helping all of you who are dreaming of beautiful, shiny and perfect hair. Keratin hair straightening treatment is also called often "Brazilian Keratin" because of its origins, the source and motives of the creation of the procedure. The treatment is primarily dedicated to hair which is overdried, ravaged the sun, coloring, lightening, chemical treatments. It helps to improve the condition of the hair which is weak due to  external factors such as wind, solar, and chemical cosmetics used to "care" or stylingThe procedure allows for complete nutrition and supplement the keratin in the hair structure. Deficiency of this basic component makes the hair is in bad shape, break, crumble, looks dull and it's hard to style. After the treatment the hair is straight, smooth, shiny, better condition. Visible improvement of hydration and nutrition makes the hair flexible, increase their vitality. You hair will not require a long time hairstyling. The treatment is based on "the heat transfer" in the hair the right amount of keratin. This is done by using a ceramic hair straightener - heated to a temperature of 230 C. This high temperature allows the opening of the cuticle, allowing the keratin reconstruction of defects inside the hair structure. After prepering the hair, keratin is applied to your hair and then the stylist uses the heat of a flat iron to seal it in. It takes about 90 minutes or longer, depending on your hair's length.

Short and medium hair 499.00 PLN

Long hair  599 PLN  

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    About Keratin Hair Treatment
    How long it lasts?
    Time saver?
    Post Care
    Before / After

    About Keratin Hair Treatment About Keratin Hair Treatment

    The keratin product besides the quintessential protein constituent also includes: antioxidants, plant extracts, fatty acids and vitamins that moisturise, nourish and form a protective barrier against the harmful effects of external factors.

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    How long it lasts? How long it lasts?

    The effects are visible to about 4-5 months after the treatment.

    The exact time depends on the type and density of the hair and proper care of.

    2 days after the procedure, do not wash your hair and try to avoid: braid, a ponytail, bun.

    It is worth to pay attention to the composition of cosmetics and styling. The main thing to use shampoos with no added salt, silicone masks. All products should not contain alcohol, which dries the hair. It is also important to refrain from coloring to two weeks after treatment.

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    Time saver? Time saver?

    If you usually style your hair straight, keratin blow out hair treatment will shorten your blow-dry time by 40% to 60%,

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    Post Care Post Care

    After your keratin hair treatment you shouldn’t use sodium-sulfate shampoo, as it helps maintain the treatment.

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    Before / After Before / After

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