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Geneo to wyjątkowe urządzenie marki Pollogen, dostępne w ofercie Instytutu J'adore w Warszawie. Oferuje ono połączenie bezpiecznych i sprawdzonych technologii dla kompleksowego działania odmładzającego twarzy, szyi i dekoltu. Należą do nich: Oxygeneo, Tripollar RF oraz Ultrasound. Jest wiele możliwości wykorzystania tego innowacyjnej aparatury kosmetycznej. Można skoncentrować się na jednej technologi, lub je połączyć w celu uzyskania spektakularnych efektów. Nie do przecenienia jest fakt, że zabieg ten można wykonywać przed ważnymi uroczystościami, ponieważ daje natychmiastowe efekty wygładzenia i rozświetlenia skóry.

O zabiegu Geneo

Urządzenie Geneo łączy w sobie wiele możliwości wykonania różnych zabiegów na twarz, szyję i dekolt. Efektem jest odświeżona i odmłodzona cera. W zabiegu wykorzystuje się 3 unikalne technologie, które działając synergicznie pobudzają naturalne mechanizmy organizmu, które wywołują tak zwany efekt Bohra, skutecznie odbudowując skórę. W zabiegach wykorzystuje się opatentowane kapsułki, primery w żelu oraz serum dobrane w zależności od problemu skóry:

  • Neo Revieve Eco dla działania odmładzającego,
  • Neo Bright Eco dla rozjaśnienia i odżywienia skóry
  • Balance dla skóry tłustej;
  • Receive działający przeciwstarzeniowo;
  • lluminate aby rozjaśnić, wygładzić, poprawić koloryt skóry oraz dodać jej blasku.

Zabiegi Geneo są przeznaczone do wszystkich rodzajów skóry. Bezapelacyjną zaletą tego zabiegu jest wykorzystanie jednorazowych, sterylnych końcówek dla pełnego bezpieczeństwa i komfortu psychicznego klienta.

from  369 zł

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    What does the Geneo treatment look like?
    What is the Geneo treatment?
    Indications for use of Geneo
    Contraindications to Geneo treatment
    How often should I have the Geneo treatment?
    Postoperative recommendations
    GeneO at J'adore Instytut

    What does the Geneo treatment look like? What does the Geneo treatment look like?

    The treatment does not require anesthesia or special preparations. It resembles a massage, for which a special head is used, with which the specialist works on the treatment area. A special gel is applied to the treatment area. The treatment takes from 20 to 60 minutes.

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    What is the Geneo treatment? What is the Geneo treatment?

    Due to the complexity of each treatment technology, they will be discussed separately:

    1. the OXYGENEO treatment is used to rejuvenate, nourish and brighten the complexion. The genesis of its creation is interesting as it was inspired by hot springs which oxygenate the skin. In the first phase of the treatment the horny layer of the epidermis is exfoliated and impurities are removed so that the skin is ready to receive active ingredients which will penetrate into the skin. This second stage of the treatment is the absorption of the ingredients contained in special capsules. The skin takes in the beneficial active ingredients such as azelaic acid, hyaluronic acid and kojic acid. At the same time, a huge number of carbon dioxide-rich micro-bubbles are produced on the surface of the skin. These are created from the combination of a dedicated capsule and gel. The skin becomes oxygenated. The microbubbles burst on the skin and cause the Bohr effect. It involves sending carbon dioxide-rich blood to the treatment area of the skin, increased blood flow in the capillaries and more metabolism in the skin cells.

    2. TRIPOLLAR RF treatment is a third generation radio frequency technology. The advantage of its action is uniform and volumetric, simultaneous heating of both superficial and deep layers of skin tissue. Concentrated radiofrequency waves provide immediate and lasting effects of skin tightening and smoothing. Heated fat cells accelerate metabolism and shrink, modeling the treatment area.

    3. ULTRASOUND is a technology which uses the effect of ultrasound on the human body. Ultrasound waves are used to help push active ingredients deep into the skin. Thanks to this solution ingredients of the preparations penetrate difficult to overcome epidermal barrier. Ultrasounds soften the epidermis and improve microcirculation and skin metabolism. They also improve skin pH and have a killing effect on bacteria. The effect of the treatment is cleansing the skin of toxins and keratinized epidermis, as well as reduction of fine wrinkles and acne scars.

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    Indications for use of Geneo Indications for use of Geneo

    GeneO treatments are suitable for all skin types. It is especially recommended for people expecting:

    • rejuvenation,
    • brightening,
    • hydration,
    • even skin tone,
    • improving skin structure,
    • exfoliation of keratinized epidermis.
    • In addition, it is worth using if there is a problem with acne or discoloration.
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    Contraindications to Geneo treatment Contraindications to Geneo treatment

    Every cosmetic procedure requires the exclusion of treatment contraindications. In the case of the Geneo procedure these are:

    • skin tumors,
    • pregnancy and breastfeeding,
    • local viral and bacterial skin infections, such as herpes, acne
    • diabetes,
    • sensory and circulatory disorders,
    • neurosis,
    • tuberculosis,
    • hypertension,
    • isotretinoin treatment.
    • In case of any doubts, our specialists will answer all questions and properly qualify for the procedure.
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    How often should I have the Geneo treatment? How often should I have the Geneo treatment?

    Best results can be achieved by performing a series of 6 treatments, at least 7 days apart.

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    Postoperative recommendations Postoperative recommendations

    Immediately after the procedure you may feel a slight burning sensation. However, it is not unpleasant and disappears after several minutes after Geneo treatment. After the treatment it is recommended to take proper care of the skin to maximize the durability of the effects. You should use appropriate cosmetics recommended by a specialist and maintain a proper level of skin hydration.

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    GeneO at J'adore Instytut GeneO at  J'adore Instytut

    In summary, Geneo treatments performed at the J’adore Institute in Warsaw are a breakthrough solution combining 3 advanced and proven technologies and excellent cosmetics, rich in properly selected active substances. Depending on the need, treatments can be performed separately or by combining all possibilities of the device. Geneo treatments belong to the so-called lunch treatments or banquet treatments. This means that these are short treatments for which there is no need for special preparation, anesthesia and after the treatment there is no period of convalescence. Immediately after the treatment the skin is brightened, smoothed and tightened. The treatment is recommended to everyone who needs to renew, moisturize, brighten, smooth, oxygenate and tighten the skin and who has problems with bags and dark circles under the eyes, wrinkles, acne scars or discoloration. In fact, we sincerely recommend it to everyone!

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