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Cavitation peeling is a comprehensive treatment to refresh and cleanse the delicate face. It will be great for sensitive skin or with a tendency to form capillaries. The cavitation treatment can be used without much concern regardless of skin type. Non-invasive, and thus as safe as possible, it will be perfect as an introduction to other cosmetic treatments offered in our salon.
Cavitation peeling is not without reason performed on damp skin. The whole is based on a gradual reduction of pressure while rapidly changing from liquid to gaseous phase. During the process, contact of the skin with ultrasounds leads to the formation of micro-bubbles, which, thanks to the disintegration, effectively break down old epidermal cells. The effect of the cavitation treatment, in general, is the removal of the dead epidermis.
Treatment price
from 139Treatment time
30 - 60 minutesAnesthesia
noNumber of treatments
from 1Spacing
7 - 21 daysArea
face, neck, armsThank you for reservation. Our consultant will contact you soon to confirm your booking.
As we mentioned earlier, practically everyone can use the cavitation peeling. The skin, regardless of its type, requires regular peeling, so cavitation will have a positive effect on each patient. Of course, in some cases this treatment is particularly recommended. Regular cavitation should be given to people suffering from acne (both common and rosacea), a significant amount of blackheads and moustaches, with a “glowing face”. (with excessive sebum production), tired and gray skin, the first signs of aging (with the first wrinkles), extremely dry. Therefore, it can be noted that the cavitation peeling is perfect for any type of skin – mixed skin, oily skin, dry skin, sensitive skin, and capillary skin.
Cavitation peeling is perfectly combined with other cosmetic treatments. Our Cosmetic Salon prefers cavitation as a form of preparation for slightly more complex moisturizing, nourishing and rejuvenating treatments. As it is non-invasive and at the same time extremely effective, it accelerates the process of absorption of active substances.
As specialists in the broadly understood cosmetic treatments, we recommend performing cavitation peeling in a specific period of time, i.e. during the cold months – from the end of September to early April. Exfoliated skin should not be exposed to strong sunlight.
The treatment is preceded by skin makeup removal and moisturizing with a previously prepared cavitation solution. The peeling itself consists in the production of ultrasonic waves using a special device.
Cavitation peeling is a relatively short procedure, depending on the region (face, face, neck or face neckline), it lasts from 30 to 60 minutes. It is recommended to come to the procedure without makeup. Of course, if you use any cosmetics, including colored ones, beforehand, the cosmetician will clean the patient’s skin before starting work.
Cavitation takes place only on previously moisturized skin with the help of a special device responsible for the production of ultrasonic waves. The procedure itself is not painful, although depending on the patient’s individual predispositions, he may feel tickling or scratching at the place of its performance. When it comes to sensations, cavitation peeling can be compared to a facial or other body part massage with a vibrating electric brush.
During cavitation peeling, the skin is thoroughly cleaned millimeter by millimeter, without omitting any part of the selected area. Skin cleansing is the removal of dead cells. In the case of problem areas, e.g. beard or nose, the cleansing process may take longer. The whole ends with the application of a special mask on the treatment site – depending on the type of skin.
Cavitation peeling what should the treatment be combined with
Cavitation peeling should be repeated as needed, but not more often than once a week. To maintain the effects, it is recommended to do it once a month. The frequency of treatments decreases with their intensity. People who are just starting the process of cleansing the skin through cavitation are forced to visit more often. For normal skin, the treatment should be done as a refreshment of the skin in autumn and the beginning of spring. With problematic skin, lasting effect is only possible after 4 – 5 treatments, performed at regular intervals – weekly, bi-weekly or monthly.
Treatment area | Price |
Cavitation peeling – face | 219 zł |
Face cavitation peeling and ultrasound | 239 zł |
Cavitation peeling – face, neck | 239 zł |
Cavitation peeling – face, neck, cleavage | 259 zł |
Cavitation peeling – face, neck, cleavage + ultrasound | 279 zł |
Cavitation face peeling additional to another treatment | 90 zł |
Face cavitation peeling. neck and cleavage additional to another treatment | 105 zł |
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