Laser hair removal without secrets – step by step preparation for the procedure

Laser hair removal is one of the most effective methods of getting rid of unwanted hair. What’s more, this type of cosmetic treatment has been gaining popularity recently and is no longer treated as a taboo topic. Do you know what you should do to get the best results from laser hair removal? Learn more about the service, laser hair removal without secrets is possible!

STEP 1 – Do not use creams that contain fruit acids, vitamin A and vitamin C

Before we visit the beauty salon, the first preparations should start a month before the planned visit. You should stop using ointments and creams that contain fruit acids, vitamin A and vitamin C. They can irritate the skin and significantly affect the effects of the service. During the first consultation, the cosmetologist should also discuss the topic of oral retinoid use. The patient should forgo this supplement already half a year before the planned treatment.

STEP 2 – Do not pull out the hair

The specialist will certainly inform you that four weeks before laser hair removal all types of epilators, wax and tweezers should be discontinued. All these methods of getting rid of unwanted hair can significantly affect the condition of hair bulbs. It can significantly reduce the effectiveness and efficiency of the treatment.

STEP 3 – Avoid the sun

Laser hair removal without secrets – how does the laser work? The light beam focuses mainly on dark body hair. Sunbathing, whether in the solarium or in the sun, contributes to the growth of melanin. It weakens the natural pigment of hair. At least two weeks before the procedure, you should not sunbathe or use self tanning products. They can significantly affect the effects of the procedure

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STEP 4 – Do not use scrubs, phototoxic, photoallergic drugs or herbs

Four weeks before the procedure, the skin should not be irritated with peels. All such actions exfoliate the epidermis and may contribute to skin irritation during the procedure. It is also worth mentioning here that the skin on the day of the procedure should be cleansed, therefore no oils, lotions, creams and antiperspirants should be used. The skin should be well moisturized, therefore, the day before it should be treated with good quality and effective cream. One month before the procedure, you should also discontinue all drugs with photosensitizing, antidepressant and psychotropic effects. Antibiotics and steroids should also be discarded from supplementation. The effects of the treatment can also be negatively affected. For example by the consumption of herbal teas, especially calendula, chamomile and horsetail.

STEP 5 – Get rid of the hair with a clipper

Shaving before laser hair removal should take place the day before or even on the day of visiting the beauty salon. Hair should be shaved with a normal clipper. This should be done gently so as not to damage the top layer of skin. Shaving your hair will significantly speed up the duration of the treatment. If you are going to the procedure for the first time – leave a little hair on a small area of ​​the skin.  The cosmetologist can assess the level of melanin and set the parameters of the device accordingly.

After getting acquainted with all the above you can be sure that laser hair removal without secrets is possible. The effects of the treatments will be satisfactory if you follow the instructions above. Get rid of unwanted hair in a few steps!


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