Effective skin care with AD (atopic dermatitis)

Atopic dermatitis – AD is a chronic, recurrent, inflammatory disease. It is a result of strong skin irritation and hypersensitivity. Its course is characterized by severe itching, characteristic discoloration, and the location of skin lesions. There are also colloquial indications such as atopic eczema, eczema or scabies. The main reason for the occurrence of the ailments are genetic conditions. Effective skin care with AD is possible!

How to diagnose the type of disease?

AZS occurs most often in families with a positive atopic history. More than 50% of patients with the disease are diagnosed with elevated IgE antibodies. Their high level is associated with the occurrence of allergic reactions. To find out exactly what kind of disease we are dealing with, two types of tests are performed – specific IgE and specific IgE. In this way, it is possible to recognize the characteristic allergens that are responsible for causing particular diseases. In other cases, the cause is an abnormal skin-epidermal barrier.

Course of the AZS

The disease is chronic and can last a lifetime. However, in most cases, the symptoms resolve at school age – from the age of seven to adolescence. Nitrous dermatitis can affect both adults and children. Failure to use prophylactic treatment or underestimating the problem may be associated with the development of other atopic conditions. Such as: allergic rhinitis, which causes sleep disorders or bronchial asthma, which is manifested by inflammation of the bronchial mucosa and excessive sensitivity to external factors such as dust. Atopic dermatitis occurs with periods of seasonal exacerbations and remissions – the symptoms are usually alleviated in summer and exacerbations in autumn and winter. The symptoms of the disease may also intensify during the pollen season in people who are struggling with an inhalation allergy. Effective skin care with AD can be crucial.


Before treating ASE, you should consult with the appropriate specialists. The characteristics of the disease makes the process of fighting the case should be adjusted to the individual needs of the patient’s body. The treatment usually uses products that include emollients. These are specialist dermocosmetics, which use substances that help to maintain proper skin hydration. They lubricate it, reduce inflammation and help to rebuild the hydrolipid coat of the epidermis. Hydrolipid coat is a protective layer of skin composed of water and lipids. Emollients also help to protect the skin from possible adverse environmental factors such as allergens. They eliminate unpleasant itching. They also have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Their composition is based on the use of natural fats such as Macadamia, Canola, Shea butter, Inca Omega Butter, olive oil and corn oil. The products do not contain parabens – controversial preservatives, froths, artificial colorants or fragrances. Emollients can be used as creams, lotions, emulsions, gels or shampoos.

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How to eat during AD?

The diet used is also important. A balanced diet will help us to fight against unpleasant ailments and reduce their effects. Plant oils are an important part of the diet, when fighting AD. They are rich in unsaturated fatty acids – they have an anti-inflammatory effect, they supplement lipid deficiencies in the stratum corneum. This strengthens its protective barrier and reduces the feeling of itching.

Plant oils rich in linoleic acid, alfalinolenic acid (ALA) and gamma linolenic acid (GLA) will be a good choice. Their specificity will help to supplement deficiencies of the GLA enzyme – a small amount of which in the body is characteristic for people with AD. The enzyme is responsible for proper skin hydration. Its deficiency results in a weaker protective barrier for the skin, whose cell connections are not tight enough . This is due to a deficiency of ceramides. Ceramides together with sterols and unsaturated fatty acids make the connections. Where? Between the cells have a structure of liquid crystals, which affects the retention of water in the epidermis. It enables proper physiological processes of the skin. These necessary ingredients and minerals are provided by purchasing pendant oil or borage oil.

Eating oily fish like salmon or mackerel will also help to moisturize the skin and protect it from infections. It will also help with oil and fish oil, which have antifungal and antibacterial properties. Cabinet treatments that will improve hydration are for example Skeyndor treatments.

Take care of the professionals, i.e. effective skin care with AZS

If you suspect that your skin problems may be caused by AZS, consider going for a diagnosis. It is worthwhile for the examination and prophylactic treatment to be carried out in a friendly place, which will provide you with a guarantee of discretion and a friendly atmosphere. At J’Adore Institut you will find a solution to your problems, and qualified staff will help you to do so. The salon offers EstGen ultrasound treatment and EstGen home care, which works with amino acids that activate tissue processes. During the treatment the prophylaxis is also important, the effects can be seen by using selected solutions 1 to 3 times every 1 or 2 weeks or by using 4-10 treatments at an interval of 21 to 28 days. We invite you to our salons in Warsaw and Krakow and to visit www.jadoreinstytut.com.

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