Scar removal – a few interesting facts about the course of laser therapy

Until recently, laser therapy was used only in medicine. Today, her benefits are also used in the cosmetology category. It turns out that laser procedures often free you from the need for invasive surgery. Today, the laser allows you to fight the signs of aging, permanently remove unwanted hair, and even fight skin imperfections such as scars, stretch marks and discoloration. Remember that thanks to laser therapy you can regain your perfect look. Do you want to know how the laser works and how safe scar removal works? Get the details.

Laser therapy in the fight against scars

Today, you no longer have to undergo invasive surgery to remove all types of scars. It turns out that safe scar removal is possible with the use of laser therapy. We are talking here not only about the small and shallow ones, but also those that have been created a long time ago and are really deep. Of course, the best results are obtained when the laser removes scars formed recently, but these old marks can also be eliminated.

The laser scar removal procedure itself can be performed on any part of the body. Laser therapy is completely safe for the human body and if it is performed professionally, there are no complications.

Scar removal

Safe scar removal with a fractional laser should be carried out by using at least several treatments. Each treatment lasts from a few minutes to few hours. Time depends on the size of the scar and the type of change on the skin. The shallower the scar, the faster and better the laser works.

Scars are eliminated by beams of laser light that penetrate deep into the skin and stimulate the natural processes of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid production. This is how the skin tissue is stimulated to natural regeneration, thanks to which a new, completely healthy skin is created.

Laser scar removal is possible in the case of scars resulting from mechanical skin injuries, postoperative scars or burn scars. Remember, however, that treatments can be performed only when the wounds are completely healed. Laser therapy cannot be used if the patient has previously used scar removal preparations. These are usually photosensitizing and can cause permanent skin discoloration. In this case, wait about 3 months.

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Laser removal of stretch marks

Exactly the same way you can fight stretch marks. It turns out that safe removal of such scars gives spectacular results. If stretch marks are removed immediately after they are created, we can speak of full success. Laser therapy for stretch marks can be used on any part of the body, most often the procedures are performed on the abdomen, buttocks and thighs.

An experienced specialist always decides on the number and frequency of laser treatments. Much depends on the condition of the skin, but also the stage of the skin changes. Because stretch marks are usually small in size, each laser treatment session lasts no more than a few minutes. Fractional laser, for example Ipixel is great at renewing skin tissue. Beams of laser light reach deep into the skin and stimulate it to spontaneous renewal. As a result, new skin tissue is formed and stretch marks become invisible.

Scar removal

Eliminating acne discoloration

Importantly, laser therapy using a fractional laser is also a great treatment for refreshing the skin. We are talking here about combating discoloration of the skin of the face, which arose, for example, as a result of acne lesions. It is known that these can unnecessarily age our face.

Acne discoloration is usually shallow and easy to remove. After a few laser treatments, there is usually no trace of them. A beneficial side effect will be perfectly smooth facial skin and leveling its moisture level. An interesting fact is that laser therapy is increasingly used in the fight against oily skin and acne. Thanks to this, you can effectively prevent discoloration.



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