Until recently, massages were known mainly for their healing properties. Used by physiotherapists and massage therapists to support patients with various diseases. They enable a faster recovery and the best possible functionality. Over time, massages started to be practiced as a form of relaxation.
You can meet with a wide range of different types of massages. Which have a beneficial effect on the human body and health. Over time, massages for pregnant women have been implemented to alleviate lumbar-sacral pains in the spine. Preparing for pregnancy and in the postpartum period. Pregnancy preparation massage involves the involvement of all parts of the body. In particular focusing on the abdominal cavity coatings to increase the elasticity and prepare the skin for stretching. Increasing the strength of joints and ligaments, muscles of the back. Abdomen and lower limbs due to increasing body weight during pregnancy and preparation for delivery.
During the massage, the techniques used are stroking, rubbing, kneading, taping, as well as vibration, shaking and rolling.
During a massage, a pregnant woman takes a sitting or lying position on her left side. The latter position is specifically designed for pregnant women. It prevents pressure on the inferior vena cava by the foetus and pressure on the breast glands. It allows you to maintain an even breath and thus ensure adequate relaxation.
The position on the left side allows massage of the upper limbs, neck, abdominal and back.
It is permitted to use this type of massage at the end of the first trimester of pregnancy. In the first two months it is contraindicated. The most important techniques used during this period are mainly stroking and rubbing. Excluding subsequent techniques in the abdominal and dorsal areas.
The most delicate movements are in the abdominal area, the stronger ones can be used in the dorsal area. The kneading technique is added to the area of the buttocks. While all the classic massage tricks can be performed on the upper, lower limbs and face. Duration of this massage is 30 minutes depending on the client’s comfort. If there is any discomfort, you can change positions to the right side after 15 minutes.
Massage after natural childbirth, as an early revitalization until the 14th day after birth. It can be performed as early as 3 hours after the birth of the baby, as a full or specialized massage to shrink the uterus. In the period from day 15 after the birth, i.e. late revitalization, a full body massage is performed, excluding breast glands, massage in case of constipation, incontinence.
In subcutaneous tissue inflammation, as well as lymphatic drainage and a massage of the mammary gland performed after the lactation period.
C-section, on the other hand, makes it possible to implement a massage in early revitalization only 6 weeks after the birth. It includes a full-body massage, bypassing the abdominal wall, although it is recommended to work out the postoperative scar. Late revitalization, i.e. from 3 months after childbirth, gives you the opportunity to perform identical massages from the period of late revitalization after childbirth by nature.
Please note that it is worth asking the attending doctor for permission to perform a massage to ensure that there are no complications. If there are no contraindications you can proceed with the procedure.
Whether the birth took place by nature or through surgery. The massage uses stroking and rubbing techniques to relieve fatigue and relax. It is worthwhile to engage the abdominal shells to start the uterine contraction process as early as possible. The so-called shell massage can be performed up to 2 times a day for 15 minutes.
eliminates negative emotions associated with childbirth. Women who feel anxiety about giving birth show reduced oxytocin secretion in the body and increased adrenaline levels. Which contributes to a situation in which the birth contractions are irregular
and ineffective, and the birth is longer and hard to bear. In addition to reducing the secretion of hormones that are important during childbirth, blood flow in the uterus decreases and metabolic acidosis can occur.
The effect of these unintended processes can be postpartum depression, stress, sexual dysfunction, lactation problems, newborn neglect. Reflexology is a method of relaxation associated with sending electrochemical signals by compressing appropriate areas of the body’s surface, so-called reflexes.
Reflexology theory is based on the the thesis that the internal organs are connected to the nerve points on the feet. Which by stimulating the appropriate grips contribute to reducing tension, excessive stress and restoring balance to the body. It is proven that reflexology during pregnancy inhibits nausea, vomiting. Constipation, swelling, fatigue, headaches and has a beneficial effect on lactation. Interestingly, it increases tolerance to pain and pain threshold. It has been proven that performing reflexology massage before pregnancy. During the whole pregnancy and just before the birth can eliminate negative emotions associated with pregnancy.
It is recommended that midwives know the principles of reflexotherapy, so that in case of a sudden pregnancy panic they can react in an appropriate way.
and calm the woman down during childbirth. A series of reflexotherapy treatments affects all body systems as well as causes local physiological changes; it relaxes muscles, improves blood circulation, gives a feeling of relief and balance both physically,
As well as mental, it contributes to the release of endorphins and enkephalins, natural mood-enhancing analgesics.
Massages are one of the methods that soothe the nerves, and everyday worries are eliminated thanks to them. Practiced for thousands of years massage works in many cases. Dedicated to women preparing for pregnancy, being pregnant and in childbirth. It relieves nervous and muscle tension and improves the functionality of the body. More and more research is being done to eliminate negative emotions in connection with childbirth through foot reflexologies. Research shows that the massage of pregnant women has a positive effect on further stages of pregnancy, including childbirth and childbirth.
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