Spray tanning, a safe alternative to solarium

Scientists, doctors and cosmetologists have long been alarming and presenting the adverse effects that can be caused by frequent use of solariums and intensive “bathing” of the sun. Its disadvantage is primarily that the lamps that emit UV rays are carcinogenic. An additional disadvantage is the fact that the skin subjected to frequent contact with high temperature ages much faster. Instead of a solarium, it is much better to use safe alternatives. Spray tanning is becoming the most popular nowadays. Below we present the detailed characteristics of this procedure.

What is spray tanning?

Spray tanning is a completely safe and non-invasive treatment, which results in tanning of the skin in a selected tone. On the skin of a selected part of the body is applied with a special machine – an even mist with a bronzing preparation. A beautiful and healthy tan is ready in 25 minutes. This is how long spray tanning takes place in a special tent.

How to prepare for the procedure?

To fully enjoy the satisfactory effect of spray tanning and maximize its durability, it is worth preparing the skin for the treatment. The day before the procedure (or on the day of the procedure) you should perform a whole body peeling with a preparation that does not have oiling properties.

Before the procedure, the skin must be clean, dry, it can not be lubricated with creams, balms, self tanning agents. In this way, the dye from tanning will have the ability to more effectively absorb and fix on the epidermis. In addition, we will minimize the risk of stains or stains. The procedure is performed in a special tent, in disposable underwear. Hair is secured with a special cap. It is best to come in the dark, loose clothes – to protect light clothing from possible dirt.

Are there any contraindications for spray tanning?

Although spray tanning is the safest way to get a tan, not everyone can use it. Contraindication is irritated skin and skin with difficult to heal wounds. Psoriasis is a disease that will not allow  You spray tanning . In addition, the opinions of specialists are unambiguous. This is not a procedure for those who suffer from excessive sweating and asthma.

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The contraindication to treatment is not pregnancy or breastfeeding. Women who carry a child under their hearts or naturally feed their babies can also get a beautiful and healthy tan in the spray tanning booth.

Tips that should be considered after spray tanning

People who opt for spray tanning should take into account tips that are important in the management after getting a tan. Immediately after spraying the body with bronzing mist, wear loose and preferably black clothing. A fresh tan can still rub off and leave dirty marks. For about 8 hours after the procedure, avoid contact with water. Be carefoul for situations that would cause excessive sweating of the body (e.g. sauna, gym). For the next two weeks, it is not recommended to depilate tanned parts of the body. It also turns out that the effects of spray tanning can be compensated faster after a sauna or bathing in a chlorinated water pool. To maintain the tan, it is recommended to use a bronzing moisturizing lotion for daily care.

A brief summary

You will get a healthy, safe, and above all an express tan in 25 minutes. This is the average procedure for body bronzing. You can sunbathe the whole body or only selected parts (e.g. legs or torso only). The specialist selects the natural tan tone for the natural complexion, which is achieved by spray tanning. Price of each treatment depends on the body part to be sunbathing. The effect of a beautiful, golden tan is maintained depending on individual predispositions. It stayes from a few to even a dozen or so days.

Spray tanning is used primarily by those who do not have time to sunbathe with natural sun rays. This is a great way to tan. It affects the attractiveness of our appearance when we are preparing, for example, for a big ceremony.


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