Stretch marks – reduce the unsightly “lines” on your body

Stretch marks are one of the factors that blemishes our body. It turns out that among the most frequently mentioned complexes, it is stretch marks that lead the way. Both women and men suffer from them. Interestingly, these adverse skin changes may appear as early as adolescence and even in young children. And although it is not always possible to combat them completely, there are effective ways to eliminate them and make them practically invisible. Find out more.

What are stretch marks and why are they formed?

We usually struggle with stretch marks on the thighs, stomach, buttocks, breasts. The red-pink at the beginning of the skin cavities, which take the form of uneven stripes, strokes of varying thickness and width, later take the form of purple, blue lines to finally appear as imperfections in the color of the skin or whitish, pearly.

It is certain that stretch marks cannot be completely eliminated, but they can be effectively reduced and rendered virtually invisible. Stretch marks are the result of rapid weight gain when excessive fat accumulates in critical parts of the body. After all, skin that has stretching properties cannot cope with the necessary elasticity. The skin fibers tear, resulting in stretch marks. Importantly, although the skin has regenerative properties, once formed stretch marks do not disappear by themselves. You have to fight them.

How to fight stretch marks? – Ipixel treatment

Laser removal of stretch marks is one of the most effective methods. The laser, which until now was mainly used in medicine, is now also great in cosmetology. It turns out that laser therapy is a great way to also fight with it. However, it is important that the procedures are preceded by consultation with a specialist, and that the stretch marks are eliminated by an experienced specialist. He will choose the right number of treatments and arrange them in the right time. Let’s remember that the best results can be obtained by using Ipixel laser treatments in series.

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Each treatment is completely safe and non-invasive. It takes literally a few minutes, it can be used regardless of body part and how advanced the stretch marks are. Of course, it’s best to start fighting them at the very beginning, as soon as you notice unsightly lines. Then Ipixel laser therapy will enable their complete destruction. With stretch marks in the advanced stage, it is only possible to reduce adverse symptoms.

During each treatment, beams of laser light penetrate deep into the skin, affecting the stimulation of cells to natural regeneration. First of all, collagen and elastin are stimulated for increased production. It makes the skin tight and stretch marks much smaller. These are the effects of laser removal of it – the best that can be obtained using safe, non-invasive methods that modern cosmetology offers us.

It is worth emphasizing that although laser therapy is completely safe, everyone cannot benefit from it. Contraindications include pregnancy, breastfeeding, psoriasis, albinism and oncological diseases.

Or maybe carboxytherapy for stretch marks?

People who do not want to benefit from laser removal of stretch marks may benefit from carboxytherapy, which has been hailed as a breakthrough in aesthetic medicine and cosmetology treatments since the discovery of the benefits of Botox. It turns out that carboxytherapy effectively eliminates skin imperfections, such as fine wrinkles, shallow scars or just stretch marks. It may not eliminate them completely, but it will definitely reduce their visibility. A quick effect is possible by injection under the skin with a carbon dioxide stretch. This propagates in the tissues
and stimulates skin regeneration processes.


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