Scar removal
Advances in medicine, treatment of diseases that until recently were incurable and the continuous development of science cause that man lives longer and longer. However, time cannot be deceived and in some areas of our body we can quickly see our age. This is mainly betrayed by areas such as eyes, neck, hands and knees. However, with the advancement of medicine, there has also been a great development of aesthetic medicine, which in a practical way will allow us to turn back time and regain a youthful appearance.
The skin around the eyes is thin and delicate, which is why the first wrinkles appear around them. Stress, sleeplessness, long hours spent in front of the computer cause bruises under the eyes, drooping eyelids, and the look loses its former glow. In addition, the eye is constantly moving, blinking and squinting contribute a lot to wrinkles and we cannot avoid it. There are two ways out of this situation, either we will accept it or we will use cosmetic procedures that will improve the appearance of the delicate skin around the eyes.
Plasma IQ is a modern device used for non-invasive lifting with the help of plasma micro beams. The procedure is performed within the epidermis. It does not cause skin damage, and hence, you can return to normal activity after it. IQ plasma treatment will reduce wrinkles around the eyes and help reduce drooping eyelids. Effect of the treatment lasts from 2 to 4 years.
Botox, or wrinkle injection with botulinum toxin, blocks the neuromuscular junction in tissues. Thanks to this, mimic wrinkles around the eyes are smoothed. The final effect of the treatment is visible after about 23 days. Similar effects are also given by the use of hyaluronic acid, but the acid additionally moisturizes the injected areas. The treatment with hyaluronic acid will help reduce small wrinkles, as well as improve skin elasticity and firmness.
Dark circles and bags under the eyes look unsightly, causing the face to look old and tired. Mesotherapy treatment will cope with them, during which active substances are injected deep into the skin. Such a preparation is a kind of “vitamin bomb” containing hyaluronic acid and vitamins A, C and E. The preparation injected into the skin nourishes, regenerates and rejuvenates.
The lateral wrinkles on the neck appear very quickly and this is the result of lowering the chin and slouching. We leave the head very often, and the skin of the neck is delicate and thin. Which is why the signs of aging are quickly visible on it. It is said that the neck betrays our age.
Alma Harmony Pro ClearLift fractional laser is one of the most modern devices that use a beam of light to improve skin quality. The treatment is extremely effective. It works perfectly at smoothing wrinkles on the neck. It removes scars and discolorations that arise with age. After the ClearLift treatment, the skin regains its youthful appearance, becomes smooth and supple.
IPIXEL laser has similar properties, which perfectly removes wrinkles, scars and discoloration. The treatment with the use of IPIXEL laser causes peeling of the epidermis. Skin becomes smooth, even and clearly younger. Both methods using the laser are non-invasive and very effective – youthful appearance becomes achievable.
Our hands are used to perform many activities and it is difficult to imagine life without them. At the same time, they are constantly exposed to contact with detergents and weather conditions. This makes the skin of the hands age quickly. They become rough, lose their firmness, and discolorations often appear.
This modern laser is mainly used for treatments related to the treatment of pigmentation changes. The action of the laser breaks down discolorations and automatically absorbs the spots by the body. The treatment is very effective and almost painless.
Hyaluronic acid naturally occurs in our body, but with the passage of time it is getting smaller, making the skin wrinkled and dry. In order for the hands to regain their former elasticity, smoothness and firmness, it is recommended to perform the hyaluronic acid treatment and supplement its deficiency in the skin of the hands.
The skin of the knees is stretched with practically every step, so it is not surprising that they quickly become wrinkled and unsightly. It loses its firmness and density, revealing our true metric.
Alma Harmony Pro ClearLift fractional laser thanks to a light beam entering the skin to a depth of 3mm makes the skin smooth, elastic and firm. This treatment will restore your knees to a youthful appearance and, if necessary, eliminate discoloration.
There is also cellulite around the knees, which we will get rid of using Alma Accent XL laser treatments. Radio waves heat subcutaneous fat layers and accelerate blood circulation. This breaks down lumps of fat and expels them by the body. The treatment effectively eliminates cellulite, makes the skin firm and elastic.
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