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Are you wondering how to get rid of excessive hair from your legs, armpits, bikini line or face? Not sure which laser hair removal device is actually effective? Don’t wait any longer! Read our interview with an expert in the field of permanent hair removal. It will explain all types of laser therapy.
Let’s take a closer look at laser hair removal surgery. Why do most customers choose this form of hair removal? There are many other solutions: waxing in various forms, depilation with sugar paste, etc. Why is laser hair removal the most popular?
Cosmetologist: Laser hair removal is a modern method of permanent hair removal. As a result of photothermolysis, the hair root is damaged, as a result of which it falls out after a few days. Unfortunately, other methods will not remove your hair permanently. In addition, I assure you that waxing or sugar paste are not less painful methods of getting rid of hair. However, with laser hair removal, about 6 to 8 treatments are enough to enjoy smooth skin once and for all.
Cosmetologist: Already after the first treatment you can notice a significant weakness. Slow growth and, above all, a loss of about 30% of the existing hair. The interval between treatments should be between 5 and 8 weeks depending on the body part.
Cosmetologist: The best and the fastest visible effects can be obtained when the person undergoing the procedure has light skin and dark hair. When the contrast is high, all the energy of the diode laser is directed to the hair melanin – not the skin pigment. However, nothing is lost for people struggling with light hair. The equipment I am currently working on (Soprano ICE note) has a SHR program that destroys light hair.
Cosmetologist: Each patient reacts differently. Each person undergoing the procedure has a different skin tone, hair thickness, or there are other factors determining the number of treatments. Experience has shown me that the minimum number of treatments necessary to completely reduce hair is 6 treatments. This is the most optimal and the most common number of treatments.
Cosmetologist: Laser Soprano ICE is characterized by a very helpful cooling head. It reduces the discomfort of the person undergoing the procedure, as well as reduces and even eliminates the risk of skin burns. In addition, two hair removal functions HR and SHR allow the removal of dark and light hair.
Cosmetologist: After a series of treatments, there is a recommendation to perform a booster treatment once every six months / once a year. Since not all hair is in the growth phase at the same time, the treatments are performed 5-8 weeks apart. Some hair is in the resting phase much longer. I assure you that this is a minimal, almost imperceptible amount.
Cosmetologist: There is a whole list of contraindications. The most important is taking oral and topical photosensitizing preparations. If a person who wants to undergo the procedure is taking any medications or supplements, they should check the leaflet or consult a doctor whether the preparation has photosensitizing properties. Epilation is forbidden for pregnant women, people with cancer or skin diseases. This list is extensive, I also invite you to a free consultation. Visit our website, where all necessary information is included.
Cosmetologist: The most important condition is to remove hair in a place that we undergo laser hair removal. The skin should be smooth, shaved, not lubricated with any lotion or antiperspirant. Before each treatment, the hair must not be pulled out. It is also very helpful not to sunburn the skin for about 3 weeks before treatment.
Cosmetologist: The best time of year for the first treatment is autumn / winter. As I mentioned earlier, untanned skin is the best. It is also inadvisable to use a solarium.
Cosmetologist: Yes, I also perform laser treatments for discoloration, erythema, telangiectasia, laser removal of stretch marks, photorejuvenation. I perform these treatments using a Fotona laser, as well as Harmony XL Alma Laser, Accent XL Alma Laser, Pixel ERB, RF.
Cosmetologist: Laser removal of vessels, erythema are effective. If the person undergoing the procedure does not follow the indications after the procedure- the problem will return.
Cosmetologist: Laser is designed to remove vascular changes, hair removal, it can also be used to treat rosacea and photorejuvenation treatments. It is an ideal, modern solution enabling a wide spectrum of activity.
Cosmetologist: The treatments you mentioned are performed using modern technologies, which are primarily aimed at stimulating skin cells to work. This is very important, because as we age, the regenerative processes of our skin slow down. Therefore, the use of lasers is an ideal effective solution to skin aging problems such as uneven pigmentation, skin flaccidity, significantly dilated blood vessels and wrinkles. It should be remembered that you have to wait for the full-size effects of laser treatments. In some cases up to several months. However, the effect is long-lasting, satisfying and with proper care after the procedure. It does not require an infinite number of treatments. Aesthetic medicine brings effects almost immediately, but they are not long-lasting. The effect disappears and treatments should be repeated every few months.
A brilliant proposition for people struggling with the problem of aging is to combine laser treatments with aesthetic medicine treatments. Then it is possible to get the full-size effect of getting rid of our skin’s undesirable traits.
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