Many women want their figure to be slim and slender. It is only natural, if we like ourselves physically, then we feel better mentally as well. Either after pregnancy or simply gaining weight, fat tissue can be deposited in places where it is not necessarily desirable. With the help comes aesthetic medicine and treatments it offers, such as endermology, cryolipolysis, or Storz Medical in Warsaw. They will be described in this article.

Why is it important to change your diet when performing body shaping treatments?

It is worth knowing that the first and key step in fat reduction and body slimming is the introduction of an appropriate diet. The menu should be based on healthy, unprocessed products. It is not about a restrictive diet, but about keeping track of meals, eating less and maintaining a calorie deficit. The diet should be supplemented with vegetables and fruit. Besides, it is recommended to introduce physical activity. It is very important, because a balanced diet has a significant impact on the effects of treatments. If the diet is high in calories and there is no sports activity – the effects may not be so spectacular.

Jak skutecznie wysmuklić sylwetkę, slim your silhouette effectively

How to slim your silhouette effectively – Endermologie – useful in slimming your silhouette

Endermologie is a massage that uses negative pressure. It is very effective in reducing accumulated cellulite and unwanted fatty tissue. The silhouette becomes slimmer and the skin firmer. Additionally, it also stimulates the metabolism to work, thanks to which the body removes harmful toxins. During the treatment, we wear a special suit, so the equipment does not directly touch the skin. It is worth noting that this treatment is completely painless. When deciding on body slimming treatments, it is worth choosing a professional beauty salon, such as J’adore Institute in Warsaw.

Cryolipolysis – an effective slimming treatment

This is a procedure that uses very low temperatures to break down fat tissue. As a result, fat cells disintegrate and die, and the surrounding tissues remain intact. Cryolipolysis is performed using a special vacuum applicator that sucks in the fatty tissues. The treatment itself does not take long, and during one session you can focus on up to eight parts of the body! The treatment is recommended to be performed every 6 weeks until the satisfactory effect is obtained.

Jak skutecznie wysmuklić sylwetkę, slim your silhouette effectively

How to slim your silhouette effectively – Storz Medical – the fat and cellulite slayer

Storz Medical in Warsaw is also a very effective treatment. It is best performed in J’adore Institute. It is a professional beauty salon in Warsaw, which offers the whole range of body slimming treatments. You can perform there cryolipolysis and endermologie treatments mentioned earlier. J’adore Institute is a place where special attention is paid to professionalism, safety and sterility during the treatments. Storz Medical treatment in Warsaw, is performed using acoustic waves. These waves act on the fatty tissues, effectively reducing them and fighting cellulite. As a result, the silhouette is slimmed intensively and effectively. When looking for Storz Medical treatment in Warsaw it is worth to visit cosmetic salon of J’adore Institute, make an appointment for treatment and get rid of unwanted fatty tissue!

Accent radio waves – treatment modelling your silhouette

It is one of the treatments that effectively shape your silhouette. It uses a modern technology of radio waves and directly influences adipose tissue. Radio waves influence collagen fibres in the skin, mobilising them to renewal. The treatment guarantees slimming of the silhouette and minimization of stubborn cellulite, it is completely painless and guarantees permanent results. It can also be useful for getting rid of skin flaccidity after childbirth. With the Accent treatment using radiofrequency waves, you can effectively model your entire body. In order to make an appointment for the treatment you should visit the cosmetic salon in Warsaw J’adore Institute. You can also sign up for the treatment online!