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Botox- Youth and beauty are unfortunately fleeting. Of course, the most common signs of skin aging are wrinkles that we would most likely erase. At the very beginning mimic wrinkles appear, but over time they become deeper and more visible - they appear around the eyes, above the eyebrows - wrinkle, crow's feet. Fortunately, there are many methods that will effectively allow us to smooth out the passage of time. Botulinum toxin treatment, otherwise known as botox, reduces the number of wrinkles and prevents subsequent signs of skin aging. Botulinum toxin treatments are performed by an experienced physician for safety reasons. During the visit, a single-use syringe with a very thin needle is used for the treatment, with the help of which the botox is injected into the specified treatment place and marked by the doctor. The length of the procedure depends on the area, the visit can last from a few to even several minutes. Botox injection is practically painless, patients describe the moment of needle insertion as a mosquito bite. No prior anesthesia is needed for the procedure, come, of course, it is possible to apply a special soothing cream - you should notify your doctor beforehand.

from 200zł


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    *Given prices are approximate, the price depends on the number of preparations used

    Consultation with an aesthetic medicine doctor costs 150PLN.In case of performing the treatment, the consultation price will be deducted from the final price

    AREA price
    Botox 1 area 599 PLN
    Botox 2 areas 899 PLN
    Botox 3 areas 1199 PLN
    Bruxism 1400 PLN
    Gummy smile 400-800 PLN
    Diaphoresis feet 1400-2000 PLN
    Diaphoresis hand 1400-2000 PLN
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