Do you have an event coming up where you want to look beautiful? Do you want to improve the look of your skin, smooth it and tighten it in an express time? Then brightening banquet treatments are the perfect solution. They will make you look fresh and radiant, and your makeup will last all night long.
Banquet treatments – when is it worth to decide?
The answer is very simple – whenever you want to quickly improve your appearance, get rid of imperfections and make your skin look younger. Brightening banquet treatments are dedicated to people who are preparing for important events. Thanks to the content of highly concentrated active ingredients, they bring amazing, immediately visible results. Treatments of this type can be especially recommended to people who have problematic skin or have not had time so far for regular, professional care. Dry, flabby skin does not look very good and adds years, and even perfectly applied makeup will not change that.
The effect of banquet treatments is immediate. They are express, so you can perform them literally moments before the party. At the same time they are minimally invasive, which means that the skin after them does not need a long recovery, is not reddened or swollen. They are often referred to as a last resort – after all, the day before the ceremony you will not perform any invasive procedure. If you decide to take advantage of such treatments, you should of course choose the right place – a beauty salon in Warsaw, which has a wide range and professional equipment and preparations.
Exfoliating and smoothing the complexion
Exactly what treatments are good to perform just before the party? If you want to achieve a “glow” effect, then you need to take into account two basic suggestions. Illuminating banquet treatments are definitely Storz Medical and GeneO. The first one is the famous shockwave. It is a non-invasive way to make the skin more elastic and improve its tone. This treatment is performed with a specialized device that produces an acoustic wave. A special serum is applied to the face beforehand to help the waves “reach their target”. It removes sagging connective tissue and removes fine lines and wrinkles (the wave penetrates the skin to a depth of about 2 cm). What can you achieve with this treatment before an important event?
A fresh look – reduction of dark circles under the eyes and crow’s feet
skin elasticity – wrinkles become less visible, skin is taut and elastic.
GeneO, on the other hand, is a modern and breakthrough treatment, which guarantees absolute skin refreshment and total, comprehensive skin care. Its power is based on subsequent stages that allow for deep exfoliation of the epidermis, its oxygenation and revitalization. Specialized capsules with extraordinary action are used for this: NeoRevive and NeoBright, as well as a treatment gel. After the treatment you will forget about the imperfections and see a bright, radiant complexion with invisible skin pores.
Year-round treatments with acids – skin like new
As is known, acid-based treatments are rather performed in the autumn and winter season. There is a risk of skin burns or discoloration – as a result of intense sunlight. However, there are some exceptions. What are they? It is certainly ferulic acid, which is year-round. It is really effective, and at the same time its action is very fast. This acid brightens the skin and helps to remove hyperpigmentation, cleanses the epidermis and moisturizes it intensively. It also supports the process of cell renewal, which makes it a recognized method of anti-wrinkle prevention. Treatment with ferulic acid is dedicated to dry, dehydrated skin, with discoloration and the first wrinkles.
Another way to quickly smooth the skin, also using acids, is the PQ Age treatment. This is a medical grade peel that uses highly concentrated acids to quickly cleanse the skin. This peeling, despite its high effectiveness, is not invasive or painful, and is actually very pleasant.
In the last stage of the treatment, a mask with hyaluronic acid is additionally applied on the face. It will moisturize the skin and soothe irritation. Illuminating face treatments will help you dazzle everyone present at the party. Check out how much they can improve your appearance. J’adore Institute in Warsaw is a beauty parlour where you can have all the above treatments and much more. You can sign up for our treatments online.