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Henna Powder Warsaw

Henna Powder Warsaw

How fantastic it would be to wake up in the morning and have your eyebrows already ready to go? With Brow / Powder henna, you can actually temporarily tint your eyebrows in natural way. This procedure is long lasting - up to 2 months! Your eyebrows would be perfect every morning, with no need for pencils or powders.

The purpose of this procedure is to create a shadow and an illusion of perfect fullness, depth - visually filling in any sparseness in your eyebrows. The difference inbetween "regular henna" and powder Brow Henna is that the second one lasts way longer! It is also possible to shape your brow line, give it geometry - all to create your preferred effect. Powder Brow Xenna allows to fill in any gaps or sparse areas to achieve that much-wanted brow definition.

Brown henna is a natural plant based product made from the lawn shrub (lawsonia inermis). Products used for eyebrow styling have natural ingredients (depending on the brand). The most popular are indigo leaf extracts, extracts from the lawsonia bush, vitamin complexes or antioxidants.

Hair thickening is possible by sticking and penetrating the dye into the hair layer. The ingredients contained in henna have antibacterial and antioxidant effects. By creating a coating on the surface of the hair layer, eyebrows become thickened and stiffened. It is important to use eyebrow oils after the henna powder treatment. Because in addition to the beneficial regenerative properties, henna can contribute to drying the hair. Spectacular treatment effects can be achieved with delicate, weak and strongly adjusted eyebrows.

Organic henna on hair lasts up to 2 months after colouring (approx. 6-8 weeks). This is at least 6 times longer than traditional "regular henna" colouring.

  • The price of powder henna treatment is 149 PLN (it includes eyebrows shaping)

Treatment price


Treatment time

1-1,5 h



Number of treatments



6-8 weeks



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    • Twoje dane mogą być przetwarzane w sposób zautomatyzowany, w tym również w formie profilowania.


    Effects of henna brown
    Henna powder- how long does the effect last?
    Postoperative recommendations
    Indications for powder henna treatment
    Contraindications for powder henna treatment
    Henna Powder - how often do you repeat the treatment?

    Effects of henna brown Effects of henna brown

    Before colouring your eyebrows, it is important to prepare your hair and skin properly. The treatment begins with special designed scrub, which cleanses the skin and hair. The second stage of the treatment is to create by a cosmetologist the geometry of eyebrows, mapping. At this stage, the person performing the treatment takes precise measurements, draws the shape of the eyebrows – thanks to this practice it is possible to fill in the hair loss. After performing the above described steps, the cosmetologist starts to perform the coloring. Oxidized water is never used for powder henna! Powder henna additionally colours the skin – which gives the effect comparable to painting eyebrows with shadow or crayon. At the end of the treatment, the cosmetologist performs the adjustment of eyebrows, as well as protecting hair with eyebrow oil.

    brown henna

    Thickening of the hair is possible thanks to the sticking and penetration of the pigment into the hair layer. The ingredients contained in henna have antibacterial and antioxidant effects. By creating a coating on the surface of the hair layer, the eyebrows become thickened and stiffened. It is important to use eyebrow oils after the henna powder treatment, because in addition to the beneficial regenerative properties, henna can contribute to drying the hair.

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    Henna powder- how long does the effect last? Henna powder- how long does the effect last?

    Henna powder on the skin usually lasts up to 14 days. The durability of the treatment depends on following the recommendations after the treatment, skin type and regeneration of the epidermis. Therefore, the final effect of the treatment may last much shorter.

    Organic Henna on hair lasts up to 2 months from the moment of colouring (about 6-8 weeks). This is at least 6 times longer than the traditional “regular henna” colouring.

    The improvement of the condition of eyebrows is noticeable already after 2-3 treatments, however, it happens that the improvement of hair structure and eyebrow density occurs after 1 treatment. After colouring with henna powder, the hair becomes nourished, shiny and bold.

    The treatment lasts from 1-1.5 h

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    What can make the powder henna rinse out faster?
    -botox and other fillers (get permission from the person who gave the fillers and ask if the treatment can be done and at what interval),
    – treatments strongly exfoliating the epidermis, microdermabrasion, chemical peelings, etc. – These treatments may affect the effect of the treatment – it is necessary to consult with the stylist performing the treatment,
    – condition after chemotherapy- consult your doctor.

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    Postoperative recommendations Postoperative recommendations

    To maintain the effects of powder henna should be:
    – Avoid rubbing, touching and combing your eyebrows immediately after the treatment, preferably up to 24 hours afterwards,
    -Do not contact with water for up to 24 hours after colouring (do not wash / soak the face and eye area with water),
    -protecting the eyebrows with oil before each bath,
    – Avoid sunbathing, sauna, gym, swimming pool, steam and any activities that may affect the durability of powder henna.


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    Indications for powder henna treatment Indications for powder henna treatment


    Before performing the first powder henna, it is worth to perform an allergy test – 24 hours before the planned visit. It is recommended that you perform an allergy test if you have had various allergic reactions in the past or if you have never had eyebrows coloured before.

    Henna powder – indications for treatment:

    – hair that grows poorly,
    -they’re in the eyebrow arch,
    -weak and thinned eyebrows,
    -Eyebrows needing to be planted and regenerated.

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    Contraindications for powder henna treatment Contraindications for powder henna treatment


    Contraindications to the procedure:

    -skin diseases, skin injuries, abrasion cuts, burns and swelling in the eyebrow area, – inflammation of the eye area,
    – conjunctivitis or other infections,- sunburn/solarium,
    – psoriasis,
    – hypersensitive eyes,
    – recently undergone facial eye surgery,
    – herpes in the area of eyebrows, – last made permanent makeup (when the skin is not yet healed),
    – previous allergic reactions to other eyebrow treatments,
    – dyeing his eyebrows with paint in the last 2 weeks.

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    Henna Powder - how often do you repeat the treatment? Henna Powder - how often do you repeat the treatment?

    Henna Powder – how often do you repeat the treatment?

    In order to repeat the treatment, the powder henna must go down to the end of the colour obtained from the previous styling. It is recommended to repeat the treatment every 6-8 weeks.

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