Undoubtedly, scars are not a decoration of our body. Fortunately, there are effective ways to get rid of them today and you don’t have to undergo invasive surgery for that. Appropriately selected aesthetic medicine and cosmetology treatments are enough. Importantly, you can remove scars from skin mechanical injuries, postoperative and acne scars today. Learn more about methods that will restore your skin’s flawless appearance. Laser scar removal will add smoothness to your skin.
Effective methods for removing scars
The scar is a consequence of damage to the dermis. It usually creates distinctive marks on the body and affects the formation of numerous complexes. There are many types of scars, which are the result of different types of damage, have different sizes, depths and structures. Fortunately, aesthetic medicine today offers laser scar removal, which effectively eliminates them.
Laser therapy is currently one of the most effective, yet safe and non-invasive techniques to combat permanent marks on the skin. Made professionally, it does not cause any complications.
The process of removing scars with a laser is simple. All you need is a few treatments at regular intervals. You can reduce deep scars, lighten discolorations or completely reduce skin damage. A qualified specialist decides on the number and frequency of performed procedures.
Laser scar removal involves penetrating into the deep layers of the skin laser light beams that reach the appropriate layers of the skin. This specific “light” stimulates tissues to regenerate naturally. There is an increased production of collagen and elastin. With each subsequent procedure, the damaged dermis is renewed, and completely healthy tissue appears in its place.
It is worth noting that laser scar removal is not a relaxation treatment, and each session lasts from a few to several minutes.
How to prepare for laser scar removal?
Interestingly, laser scar removal requires no preparation. However, the scar must not be fresh and the skin is irritated, injured or tanned (there is a risk of permanent discoloration). Before the procedure, the patient should not take photosensitizing drugs. Client should not use ointments or gel dedicated to cosmetic scar removal too. It is also forbidden to use peels immediately before the procedure. It exfoliate dead skin, making scars shallower. Laser scar removal does not have to be combined with other treatments. This therapy has the greatest effectiveness today.
A thorough consultation takes place before the first treatment, during which the patient receives information about the course of laser therapy. Possible contraindications are discussed, and the specialist assesses the condition and type of scar. Thanks to this, he can choose the right laser that emits light beams at the right intensity. Today, the most effective is the Ipixel laser. It removes not only scars from injuries or acne scars, but even deep ones – postoperative.
How long does recovery after surgery take?
Because laser scar removal is a safe method, when properly performed, it does not involve unwanted complications. The patient can return to standard activity immediately after the procedure. Skin at the irradiation site may become irritated. The recovery period is an individual matter, for some hours there may be increased redness and swelling. If necessary, the specialist recommends supportive measures that will help soften the treated area. Note – tanning must wait until the end of the treatment.
Who can use laser therapy?
Although laser scar removal is a safe procedure for the human body, it cannot be used by everyone. The contraindication is first of all pregnancy and breastfeeding. Others: the tendency to develop keloids, oncological diseases or skin diseases such as albinism, psoriasis or active inflammation. Scars (depending on the type) can be removed by laser about half a year after their creation. After complete healing of the wound. However, this procedure should not be delayed, the earlier the treatment starts, the better results can be achieved.