Permanent makeup is the perfect solution for all those who wish to correct facial imperfections, want in a natural way to emphasize their beauty. The treatment is also recommended for people with poor eyesight, actively practicing sport or struggling with face asymmetry. Permanent makeup allows for correction or total reconstruction of eyebrows by re giving them shape, highlighting colour or levelling out unevenness. The treatment is helpful if you wish to emphasize the shape of the eye, model and improve the colour of lips. Permanent make-up also allows you to lighten shadows under the eyes, to create a "mole" or serves to mask the scars and discoloration. The effect of permanent make-up is completely natural and maintains for about 2 - 3 years. The process of makeup brightening runs in a natural and gentle manner –it is dependent on factors such as, among others, care, lifestyle and genetic factors. In our Institute, the procedure is performed by a qualified beautician with many years of experience and numerous diplomas. Thus we guarantee the highest quality of procedures performed.

Price of treatment: from 240zł

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    Permanent make up of eyes
    Permanent make up of eyebrows
    Permanent makeup of lips


    The treatment of permanent make-up consists of the introduction of non-toxic natural substances into the epidermal layer, which remain in the intercellular spaces for 2-4 years. Over time, the dye uniformly fades and finally disappears.

    Before the treatment, the selected area is anaesthetized and the outline of makeup is determined and the colour pigments are selected. Then the skin is once again anaesthetized and a beautician proceeds to the treatment. The procedure takes about 2 hours. During the treatment there is some discomfort associated with damage to the epidermis and the introduction of the dye. The pigments are introduced with sterile and high-quality equipment for permanent makeup. This ensures the highest safety of the treatment, adequate absorption of the dye in the skin and a natural effect.

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    Permanent makeup is recommend to all those who are not satisfied with the shape and colour of their eyebrows. Often it is used by people who typically perform henna, but they want to save time. Permanent makeup of eyebrows is also suitable for people who have hair loss due to illness, accident or bad regulation of eyebrows. Permanent makeup of lips and eyes is recommended for people who want to give the eyes a deep expression, improve their contour and lip colour.

    Preparations for the treatment of permanent makeup

    The day before the treatment, you should give up the use of blood thinners and alcohol. Do not tan the skin, which will be subjected to treatment, and do not lubricate it with antibiotic creams. Only in the case of makeup of lips, sometimes it is recommended to take the preparation HEVIRAN which is a preventive mean against possible herpes infection.

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    Before the treatment, the selected area of the skin is anaesthetized. Specialist agrees with the customer the outline of the makeup and selects particular colour pigments. Then the skin is once again anaesthetized, then the beautician proceeds to the treatment.

    During the treatment there is some discomfort associated with damage to the epidermis and the introduction of the dye. For this purpose only high-end devices are used, with sterile tips, created strictly for this type of treatment. This ensures the highest safety of the procedure, proper absorption of pigment in the skin and a beautiful, even and natural effect.

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    • Eye area – lower or upper line– performer in order to emphasize the line of eyelashes, its optical thickening and improving the contour of an eye
    • Lips – outline or contour with filling – make-up is performed to model, give fuller shape or color of your lips. The treatment reduces asymmetries – including those arising from illness such as harelip.
    • Eyebrows – shadow or hair to hair method – the treatment optically thickens brows and corrects their shape. You can perform a complete reconstruction of eyebrows.
    • „Mole “- for all people who want to emphasize in this way, their type of beauty.
    • Highlighter –it may be made to conceal shadows under the eyes, skin discoloration and other changes.

    You can also enjoy treatments of the medical micropigmentation for example, the reconstruction of the nipples or optical thickening of hair.

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    Permanent make up of eyes Permanent make up of eyes

    For whom is the treatment of permanent eyes makeup?

    Permanent makeup of eyes is recommended to all women who want all the time to look attractive. Even if they are completely “sauté” – completely without makeup. Well made permanent eye‘s makeup looks elegant and very natural. Perfectly highlights the advantages of beauty, and possibly also covers up its faults. Brings out the depth of your look, making lashes appear longer, thicker and denser, the eye more shapely, and iris colour underlined.

    Permanent eye makeup was created for people who live a very active life and do not always find time to do the exact makeup. Equally often it is used by women who actively play sports, especially the one that involves substantial effort or constant contact with water. Another group of women who decide to perform permanent make-up, are people looking for a way to hide defects such as drooping eyelid, sunken eyes or need to disguise the wounds, for example after accidents.

    How does the treatment of permanent eyes make up look like?

    Before the treatment, the selected area of the skin is anaesthetized. Specialist discusses with the client the outline of performed makeup, and based on their experience and opinion of a person selects particular colour of pigments. In case of need, you may also perform a test make-up, which will show you more or less, what effect can be expected. Then the client’s skin is anesthetized again. Only then the beautician proceeds to the proper procedure.

    When making permanent makeup of eyes, the client may feel some discomfort, which is associated with nothing else than just the damage to the epidermis and the introduction of dye. The anaesthesia used before guarantees, however, that it is only a slight discomfort – not pain.

    To the introduction of the pigments inside the epidermis, only high quality devices are used, with sterile tips, created strictly for this type of treatment. This ensures the highest safety of the procedure, proper absorption of pigment in the skin and a beautiful, even and natural effect.

    How long does the permanent make up of eyes last?

    The treatment of permanent makeup of eyes remains generally for about 2-3 years. In the case of the eyelids, this period is usually longer because skin in these areas is less prone to natural peeling, than it is the case of the area of the eyebrows and mouth. From our experience, we know that the clients that after 3 years from the first treatment have made the correction, or refreshing of the colour, enjoy the beautiful natural eye makeup for many years.

    Permanent makeup is the introduction of non-toxic natural dyes into the epidermis, which, over time, evenly fade and disappear. If a person wants to keep effect for as long as possible, then after 2-3 years after the first treatment she can make the aforementioned adjustments, which will restore the original colour intensity

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    Permanent make up of eyebrows Permanent make up of eyebrows

    For whom is the treatment of permanent eyebrows makeup?

    Many of our clients who come to make permanent eyebrows are people who as young girls tried to regulate their eyebrows on their own, did it clumsily, and thus led to the fact that the eyebrows do not have the correct shape, and in some places are strongly thinning. For such people permanent makeup of eyebrows is a godsend – again, they can enjoy equal, shapely, respectively dense and natural-looking eyebrows.

    Permanent makeup of eyebrows – not only for people who do not want to constantly keep in mind the need to make henna

    Permanent makeup of eyebrows is recommended for people who want to improve their facial features, because nothing else has no such impact on our beauty, as properly selected colour and shape of eyebrows. It is also an excellent treatment for people after an accident, who suffered from cuts of eyebrows, and thus lost the hairs in a given place. Permanent makeup of eyebrows is also the easiest way to make our face in every situation look fresh, naturally beautiful and relaxed.

     How does the treatment of permanent eyebrows make up look like?

    Implementation of permanent makeup of eyebrows is similar to the above-discussed long lasting eye makeup. At the outset, anaesthesia is performed and the shape of the eyebrows is outlined. You should also decide which method to apply. You can get so called shadow technique or hair to hair method. Everything depends not only on what effect we want to get, but primarily on what is more appropriate for a particular type of beauty. Not without significance is also a kind of natural eyebrows of the clients. The effect of the treatment may be optical adjustment of the shape of the eyebrows, darker hairs, better density or total reconstruction of eyebrows.

    How long does the permanent make up of eyebrows last?

    The pigment, which was introduced into the skin during permanent make-up of eyebrows, typically maintains there for about 2-4 years. At the end of this period it may gradually fade, so all the time the eyebrows look natural. In some cases, after the first treatment there may be more potent desquamation of skin cells in this area. Then, a few weeks after the first visit, you should come back to correct the colour.

    Permanent makeup of eyebrows is a permanent treatment, the effects of which persist for several years. It is a perfect solution for people who are not fully satisfied with the current shape and colour of eyebrows. It is also a great alternative to traditional henna of eyebrows, which, unfortunately, has to be performed even every few days.

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    Permanent makeup of lips Permanent makeup of lips

    For whom is the treatment of permanent lips makeup?

    The mouth is a showcase of a woman – the main element of beauty, which adds her sex appeal and femininity. Perfect shape and deep lip colour can be achieved by doing permanent makeup of lips.

    Permanent makeup of lips can be performed only on the contour or on the whole lips. It all depends on whether you want only to improve the shape or outline of the lips or fill them with colour to make them look fuller, larger and more alluring.

    Permanent makeup of lips is a good option for people who have very bright, natural lips and want to give them a bit of clarity. Successfully it is used also for people who want to overcome the visible asymmetry of the lips. Also, the one that is for example the result of so-called cleft lips and palates.

    How does the treatment of permanent lips make up look like?

    The treatment of permanent makeup of lips starts with determine the colour of intensity of the pigment and the expected shape of the lips. Then, a local anaesthetic, which reduces the pain caused by the introduction of dye into the epidermis, is applied. Modern anaesthetic preparations, that were created with the aim of cosmetic surgery or related to aesthetic medicine, ensure the achievement of optimal comfort during the procedure.

    How long does the permanent make up of lips last?

    Permanent makeup of lips lasts long, about 2-4 years, sometimes longer. The durability of the pigment depends on the type of dye used, the type of skin and natural predisposition to the speed of peeling of the skin.

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    • psoriasis and vitiligo,
    • pregnancy,
    • taking steroids,
    • cancer
    • active skin infections and dermatitis, herpes

    Properly performed treatment makes no complications and is completely safe. Sometimes women prone to herpes and intending to undergo pigmentation of lips, may observe herpes infection after the treatment. In order to minimize this risk, it is suggested taking antiviral medicine before the treatment.

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    Pricelist Pricelist

    If you are wondering what the cost of permanent makeup is, make sure to check our price list. Pay attention also to the current promotions, concerning, for example, makeup of the whole lips with colour filling, or full makeup, i.e. eyebrows, eyelids and lips.

    Our beauticians perform permanent make-up not only on standard areas of the face, such as lips, eyebrows and eyelids, but also are willing to take on other tasks, such as the execution of a beauty spot or treatments of medical micropigmentation as breast reconstruction, optical hair thickening.

    Permanent make-up – the price should not be the most important!

    Those who first decide to perform permanent makeup, often look for bargains. It is nothing wrong as long as these are promotions organized from time to time in any good beauty salon. .However too low price may be a result of lack of experience of the beautician or the poor quality of devices and tints used and it can create a dangerous situation. You have to remember that permanent makeup is associated with discontinuity of the epidermis, so the treatment should be decided only when it is performed by an expert, in the renowned salon, which observes all the rules of hygiene.

    Method Price
    Permanent  make up of eyebrows from 1320-1440zł *
    Consultation with a linergist without treatment 120 zł
    Lips contour 960zl
    Lip contour with shading 1200zl
    Full lips filled with color 1500zł 
    Upper line/ decoration line 540 zł/ 720zł
    Lower line 480 zł
    Mole 240zł
    FULL MAKEUP (eyebrows + eyelids + lips) 2400zł
    * the final price of permanent eyebrow makeup depends on the selected treatment method.
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