
If you are looking for high quality hairsalon in Krakow, you found the right spot! Our hairstylist will enhance the beauty of your hair leaving it shiny, healthy and easier to style. Come over and pamper yourself with our hairtreatments. You can choose inbetween haircut, haircolor or new trends as ombre, sombre and others. We also offer the treatments such as keratin straightening or beach waves. Don't forget to treat yourself with our spa hair treatments. It will help to increase the flexibility of the hair and rebuild the hair structure. And it's so relaxing... Don't forget to spoil yourself! Come to our hairsalon once you are in Krakow! hairstyling      

from 85zł

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    Administratorem Twoich danych osobowych jest J’adore Instytut, Karmelicka 45, 31-128 Kraków NIP 672 200 14 43
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    • Twoje dane osobowe będą przetwarzane wyłącznie przez okres niezbędny do udzielania odpowiedzi, a następnie zostaną usunięte, chyba że zdecydujesz się korzystać z naszych usług i pozostawisz je na innej podstawie i we wskazanym Ci celu.
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    Masz prawo dostępu do treści swoich danych, ich poprawiania, ich sprostowania, usunięcia lub ograniczenia przetwarzania, prawo do wniesienia sprzeciwu wobec przetwarzania, prawo do przenoszenia danych, prawo żądania dostępu do danych, a także prawo wniesienia skargi do organu nadzorczego, jeśli uznasz, że przetwarzanie Twoich danych jest niezgodne z aktualnie obowiązującymi przepisami prawa w zakresie ochrony danych. Przysługuje Ci też prawo do bycia zapomnianym, jeśli dalsze przetwarzanie nie będzie przewidziane przez aktualnie obowiązujące przepisy prawa.
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    • Twoje dane mogą być przetwarzane w sposób zautomatyzowany, w tym również w formie profilowania.


    Spa Hair Treatments


    Stylist enhance your hair’s depth, shine, and vibrancy with highlights and other coloring treatments.

    Come over to our hairsalon in Krakow!


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    Sombre is a kind of hair coloring, which gives a very natural effect. Sombre is softer and more subtle form of coloring type of ombre.

    Ombre coloring, for the record, consists of granting shades of hair to the scalp in very clear way. In principle, the difference in the color of the hair at the head and at the ends is pretty evident.

    Colouring sombre assumes that the difference between a darker shade of the head is not so obvious, because it is only a difference of two – three shades. That is why this type of coloring is suitable for all hair colors from dark brown, red until blonde.
    It is worth to mention that sombre has another big advantage: it makes the hair become optically volume. This is due to the delicate gradation of shade on the length of hair.

    Another improvement of this type of coloring is that your face will look brighter, younger. Why?

    In practice, this means that the hair is not lightened only compartments along the length of the hair, but around the whole head (which is also on the forehead, the temples and the hair of the neck). This contour coloring looks very natural.


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    Ombre is a method of lightening the hair, which consists in applying brightener on the ends of the hair. The resulting effect is to give the appearance of natural hair bleaching by the sun. Therefore ombre looks best when it is discreet. Smooth transitions on the hair adds delicacy and rejuvenate.

    It is therefore important decision – you want to look like a star, or would you rather nicely emphasize the naturalness of his looku by pulling out the nature of the hair.

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    All the ladies preparing for such an important event like a wedding, prom or important event, please use the service to pamper yourself! With our service you will look beautiful!


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    Spa Hair Treatments Spa Hair Treatments

    The treatment is designed especially for weak hair due to styling, coloration, modeling or external factors such a sun, water or wind. The service starts with the massage of the scalp and applications of the specially selected nourish to the hair. It regenerates the hair on the lenght and the roots and eliminats the problems with dryiness, weakness and split ends. It strengts brittle hair.

    The treatment makes the hair soft, shiny and healthy and easier to style.

    Visible improvement of hydration and nutrition makes the hair flexible and  increases their vitality.

    The procedure is performed using a sauna MicroMist ozonizing hair and regenerating their structure and Steampod.


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    Not all gentlemen know that gray hair can be suppressed while keeping the effect of total naturalness. Enjoy a treatment Cover Male L’OREAL –

    Cover L’oreal is a treatment deepening natural hair color, camouflagin gray band while maintaining the male character and appearance.

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    Keratin hair straightening is an intensive regenerating treatment, straightening and smoothing even the most unruly hair. Keratin perfectly regenerates even very damaged or strutting hair. Keratin hair straightening treatment makes the hair become smooth, simple, gain a healthy appearance. The treatment is based on injecting into the structure of the hair quality, professional keratin by using a hot iron. The use of high temperature causes the cuticle opens, used keratin penetrates the hair structure, causing its reconstruction – reconstruction and strengthening. The surface of the hair visibly smooth and healthy, frizz effect disappears. The effect lasts from 3 to 5 months.


    Learn more about the treatment!

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    Beach Waves is the procedure of creating the effect of natural waves, twists – like “straight from the beach.” With this technique it is possible to obtain the effects of seemingly unruly waves, increasing the flexibility of the hair and rebuild the hair structure. The effect lasts about 8 weeks.

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    Women Short Medium Long
    Haircut with styling 145,00 zł 155,00 zł 165,00 zł
    Hairwash and Hairstyling 99,00 zł 100,00 zł 119,00 zł
    Haircut and styling of bangs 55,00 zł 55,00 zł 55,00 zł
    Haircolor (1 color) with hair wash and modeling 330 zł 350zł 370zł
    Hair Color (1 color) with haircut and modeling 370zł  410zł 430zł
    Decoloration from 160zł + price for coloring or toning / cutting or modeling services from 170zł + price for coloring or toning / cutting or modeling services from 180zł + price for coloring or toning / cutting or modeling services
    Balleyage from 225zł+ price for coloring or toning / cutting or modeling services from 270zł+ price for coloring or toning / cutting or modeling services from 280zł+ price for coloring or toning / cutting or modeling services
    Highlights from 175zł+ price for coloring or toning / cutting or modeling services from 190zł+ price for coloring or toning / cutting or modeling services from 370zł+ price for coloring or toning / cutting or modeling services
    Tone from 165zł+ price for coloring or toning / cutting or modeling services from 175zł+ price for coloring or toning / cutting or modeling services from 180zł+ price for coloring or toning / cutting or modeling services
    Flash from 100zł+ price for coloring or toning / cutting or modeling services from 110zł+ price for coloring or toning / cutting or modeling services from 120zł+ price for coloring or toning / cutting or modeling services
    Updos from 220zł
    Wedding Hairstyling from 240
    Hairstyling (trial wedding) from 210
    Haircut (scissors) from 100zł
    Haircut (machine) from 85zł
    Cover from 140zł
    Haircut (until 10 years old) from 105zł
    updo (until 10 years old) from 135zł
    Hair care
    SPA Treatment L’oreal* with Micromist and headmassage and hairstyle from 124,00 zł
    Spa Treatment L’oreal Steampod and headmassage and hairstyle* from 150 zł
    SPA treatment as addition to haircut or haircolor* from 124zł
    Botoks for hair 250 PLN (short hair), 279 PLN (medium hair), 315 PLN (long hair)
    Olaplex 90 PLN (additional to hair colour),  150 PLN  (separate regeneration) + hair cut or hair styling price
    Brasilian Blowout (keratin treatment) PROMOTION! 499 zł
    *Washing and modeling is added for the price to colouring or  regeneration

    ** The price depends on the length of hair

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