What it is, where it came from, and most important… is it safe?

Endermologie is a real weapon to fight against cellulite based on… massage, and actually more appropriate on strength of oppression. The treatment consists of mechanical massage, it means that by machine, not by the masseur. Nobody knows when it is coming, attacks quickly, but painlessly, although it does not cause pain, many woman has already shed her tears… Cellulite – the real nightmare of almost every woman. Regardless of diet, eating habits or amount of creams, our skin is still the same? Limp, unsightly places make you afraid to undress on the beach or at the pool. Visible depression spread almost everywhere – on the hips, buttock, abdomen, thighs…

Fortunately nowadays cellulite is no longer a problem. Why?


The key to successful treatment is endermology. The device mimics human movement, while increasing the pressure. Two rolls massage desired location, and the special suction chamber sucks the skin folds. Naturally, the whole is felt, but it is not painful. We can say that to this treatment may report anyone who suffers from an excess of orange peel.


Scientists already discovered that endermologie not only allows us to say goodbye to cellulite, but also works surprisingly well on our body. The treatment has a significant effect on cleansing the body of toxins, blood supply to the cells and intercellular exchange. To connect eliminate cellulite treatment with cleansing should be balanced diet – mainly to drink a lot. What else gives us endermologie? Speaking of blood supply, it is necessary to mention the reduction of body fat. The treatment can model a figure – at least in those places that head oppresses. More than 90 percent of patients admitted that the results were visible after the first visit!

Are you tired of cellulite? Visit the Institute of J’adore. We are waiting for you in Cracow.


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