Classic massage

Classic massage
What does classical massage help? For over 3,000 years, people have been using classical massage for various medical conditions and cosmetic problems. This is one of the basic types of massage that can be performed in a variety of ways, choosing different techniques and obtaining different effects. Classic massage - a method of treatment and care for beauty Classic massage is one of the most commonly performed types of massage in massage salons and beauty salons. It can cause the massaged person to regain energy, relax, release from pain or regenerate. A properly made massage can also have slimming, curative or analgesic properties. It is most often used for two purposes. As a way to get rid of spine and muscle pain and to restore good physical fitness, or to improve the condition of the skin and free yourself from stress. Classical massage not only affects the muscles, but also the psyche and the digestive system. It relaxes the mind, helps to relax completely, and also removes the unpleasant effects of stress like strained muscles or accumulated toxins in the body. In addition, it helps to achieve a balance of body and mind, which is extremely important for every man living in the current, very busy world. Massage - cosmetic properties Classical massage works well on the skin. It stimulates the work of the digestive system, which removes excess water and harmful products of metabolism from the body, oxygenates the skin and muscles, accelerates blood circulation and all naturally occurring processes that are responsible for maintaining skin in good condition. Regular use of classical massage shapes the body, firms the body, limits the visibility of cellulite and delays the natural aging processes related to the skin.   After the massage the skin of the body is oxygenated, nourished, smooth and delicate and youthfully firm. Regains a radiant color. Each classic massage is performed on special cosmetics that provide "slipping" on the hands of the masseur. In the beauty salons, creams and oils are used, which, apart from the aforementioned property, also have other ones, important mainly for the skin. Some of them have aromatherapy properties because they contain essential oils. Others are rich in nutrients, substances with anti-aging or anti-cellulite properties. Take advantage of classical massage effects even more! In good beauty salons, customers can "squeeze" the best from the classical massage. How? Well, immediately after the treatment, you can apply various types of face masks on the body with properties tailored to the needs of the skin. The operation of such masks is sensational, because the skin after the classic massage is warmed up, oxygenated, well supplied with blood and ready to absorb all active ingredients from the cream. Classic massage is also often recommended by doctors as a method to support the treatment of various diseases. Contrary to appearances, they do not have to be just dermatological problems or related to the organ of movement or muscles. Very often, for example, gynecological diseases are treated with a massage. The properties of classic massage are varied. First of all, it activates the lymphatic and circulatory system, improves metabolism, calms the nervous system, increases the mobility of joints and beneficially affects the skin. It is worth using it to live long, healthy and beautiful.

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