Fractionation 3D – deep facelift

Fractionation 3D – deep facelift

Fotona's deep facelift

Can a facelift be done without a scalpel, without pain and reconvalescence? Is there a possibility of a strong rejuvenation of the skin without simultaneous damage to the epidermis? Is it possible that the procedure performed at lunchtime is almost as effective as strong surgical procedures?

3D fractionation with the FOTONA laser is a revolutionary treatment that causes radical rejuvenation of the dermis. The treatment is an innovative and very effective method of wrinkle reduction, improving the firmness and tightness of the skin.

Laser causes thermal damage deep in the skin. The resulting irritations strongly stimulate collagen and collagen fibers. Compared to the classical ablation and non-ablative fractionation procedures, microdamages are much deeper, so the effect of treatments will be stronger.

3d fractionation is the first non-ablative laser method for strong skin stretching, skin rejuvenation - for lifting the skin. Compared to other laser rejuvenation procedures, 3d fractionation is a gentle, non-ablative treatment that effectively reduces the signs of aging.


The new revolutionary Fotony Frac3® method (3D fractionation) creates thermal microdamages deep in the skin. The resulting irritations consequently stimulate collagen and collagen fibers. Compared to the classical ablation fractionation and non-ablative micro-damage methods, these arise much deeper, so the effect we achieve will be stronger. This is the first non-ablative laser method for tight skin stretching. The treatment strongly stimulates, rejuvenates and refreshes the skin.

from 200zł

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    What is the uniqueness of fractionation 3D facelift treatment
    For whom?
    How many treatments?
    Effects of treatment
    FRACTIONATION 3D - deep skin lifting


    In the process of skin aging, collagen fibers change their structure which in turn leads to loss of elasticity, laxity, changes in facial contours or appearance of wrinkles. This is the effect of reducing the amount of collagen fibers and changes in their structure. FOTONA is the most modern Nd: Yag laser with a wavelength of 1064nm. The device is one of the best and deepest penetrating lasers on the world market, so that the laser can destroy the blood vessels of large diameter deep hidden under the skin and at the same time strongly stimulate it. By homogeneous penetration, Fotona has a very broad spectrum of applications and minimizes the risk of tissue damage. Laser Fotona is the fastest and safest laser on the market.

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    What is the uniqueness of fractionation 3D facelift treatment What is the uniqueness of fractionation 3D facelift treatment

    A new revolutionary method of FOTONA Frac3® (fractionation 3D) creates a micro injuries of thermal nature deep in the skin. The resulting irritation consequently stimulates collagen and collagen fibers. In comparison to the classical methods of ablative and non-ablative fractionation these micro-injuries are formed much deeper, so the effect achieved will be stronger. This is the first non-ablative laser method for strong stretching of the skin. The treatment strongly stimulates, rejuvenates and refreshes the skin.

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    For whom? For whom?

    3d fractionation procedure is intended for mature persons who wish to increase tension, rejuvenation and skin firming. The treatment is recommended for all those who wish to improve the structure of the skin and lighten wrinkles while improving skin density.

    With 3 d fractionation treatment skin becomes smoother and softer.

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    How many treatments? How many treatments?

    Already after the first treatment there will be visible improvement of the skin, however, optimal results will be provided by a series of treatments. On average, we predict 3-6 treatments at intervals of 2 – 4 weeks.

    Regularity of visits affects the effectiveness of the treatment since subsequent treatments cause collagen to maintain in a positive growth phase in order to maintain and enhance the results.

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    Effects of treatment Effects of treatment

    The procedure allows for a radical rejuvenation of the skin. Fractionation 3D is a new and extremely effective way to reduce wrinkles while firming and improving skin tone.

    Laser Fotona BTL penetrating deep into the dermis causes:

    • Reduces wrinkles
    • Improves skin tone
    • Firms skin

    The result is more smooth, taut and radiant skin with a healthy glow.

    Wrinkles will trivialize for 12 months after the initial treatment, because the laser stimulates the natural process of skin renewal.

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    Contraindications: Contraindications:

    • Pregnancy
    • Pacemaker
    • Diabetes
    • Coagulation disorders
    • Epilepsy
    • Suntan, active sunbathing, use tanning creams (up to 2 weeks prior to surgery)
    • The tendency to discoloration
    • Active changes of skin of viral or bacterial nature eg. Herpes
    • The use of certain photo-sensitizing drugs, retinoids, herbal decoctions or strong therapies (need additional consultation)
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    FRACTIONATION 3D - deep skin lifting FRACTIONATION 3D - deep skin lifting

    This is a unique treatment that allows a radical rejuvenation of the skin. New and extremely effective way to reduce wrinkles while firming and improving skin tone.

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    PLN 379 and face treatment

    PLN 499 for the face, neck and cleavage


    PLN 1699 for 5 facial treatments instead of PLN 2,500

    PLN 2099 for 5 treatments for the face, neck, and neckline instead of PLN 5,000

    FRAKCJONOWANIE 3D –  Lifting
    Face 600 – 900 zł
    Forehead 200 – 300 zł
    Neck 400 zł
    Decolletage 350 – 600 zł
    Arms 500 – 900 zł
    Forearms 500 – 900 zł
    Hands 200 – 350 zł
    Back 600 – 800 zł
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