CLEARLIFT™ Non-ablative lifting

CLEARLIFT™ Non-ablative lifting

ClearLift™ is first Non-ablative lifting - approach to laser skin resurfacing. ClearLift skin resurfacing treatments are fast and virtually painless with visible results* and no downtime! Clearlift is often referred to as the ‘Lunchtime Facelift’ the treatment is highly controlled with no pain and no downtime, but still providing similar results to chemical peeling and laser resurfacing

Alma Lasers ClearLift is the most comprehensive Q-Switched Nd:YAG treatment solution available today. The innovative technology provides a controlled dermal wound deep beneath the skin (up to 3mm in depth). The outer layer of the skin is left undamaged. All stages of healing and skin repair occur under the intact epidermis.

What is the Non-ablative lifting ClearLift treatment used for?

  • Helps in the reduction of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Promotes the reduction of melasma and other pigment lesions
  • Helps to lift and tighten the skin on the face, neck, décolleté and hands
  • Helps to create a more youthful appearance

from 499zł

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    How does it look?
    After the procedure
    How long the treatment take?
    How many treatments?

    Clearlift Clearlift

    Skin Remodeling, Non-ablative lifting, newest Anti-ageing procedure

    Clearlift is painless and precisely adapted to treat delicate areas. It‘s first fractional non-ablative Q-Switched laser, It allows practitioner to use the powerful benefits of a high intensity Q-Switched laser for the treatment of age-related skin imperfections f.ex. wrinkles, photodamage, uneven skin tone, fine lines or skin laxity.

    Clearlift is safe and very effective. It can be used even for thin, sensitive skin and for the areas such as the face, neck and décolleté areas.

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    How does it look? How does it look?

    The energy of the laser is focused benath the epiderms, this creates a controlled dermal wound while leaving the epidermis intact. It stimulates growth of new collagen as well as contracture and tightening of the tissue.

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    After the procedure After the procedure

    Clearlift is often called as a „lunchtime procedure“ because it doesn’t require any downtime and anesthetic.

    It safe for all skin type salso during summer time.

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    How long the treatment take? How long the treatment take?

    It takes from 20 up to 60 mins

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    How many treatments? How many treatments?

    3-4 treatments, the gap of 3-4 weeks

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    Price Price


    Face (you will get Ferulac Peel with vitamin C as a bonus to the treatment!) – 499zł instead of 600zł

    Package -face – 4 treatmetns 1600zł instead of 2400zł

    Face, neck, decollete – 999zł instead of 1600zł

    Package of 4 treataments Face, neck, decollete – 3499zł instead of 6400zł

    This treatment can be combine with Vitamine C or Ipixel treatment

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