LVL Lash Lift Elleebana

LVL Lash Lift Elleebana
LVL Lash lift is a special technique designed to give you longer-looking lashes with no lash extensions. The effect is similiar as if you used a really good eyelash curler, but you don't need it and what's best - this lift lasts for 6 to 8 weeks! To give you are eyelashes even more definition, we will apply a black lash tint which really makes your lashes look more prominent. The full treatment takes around 45 to 60 mins. So if you dream of beautiful eyelashes you have to consider this treatment! Eyelash lift is the safe and easy way to temporarily curl your lashes. Elleebana Lash Lift offers an ultra-hydrating keratin treatment option that clients and professionals will love. This service is time saving, creates incredible income potential, and highlights your clients' natural beauty. Lash lifts and tints are a fantastic option for everyone who is interested in dark, luscious, and beautifully curled lashes with low-maintence and minimal commitment.

LVL Lash lift - advantages

  • elevation of eyelashes and their curling
  • improving the condition of eyelashes
  • nourish eyelashes
  • a spectacular look
  • attractive price - in comparison with the extension by volumetric methods

Lash lift - for whom? For people:

  • with straight eyelashes
  • których naturalne rzęsy rosną w dół
  • wanting to turn up and thicken your natural eyelashes
  • who value natural looks,
  • with a drooping eyelid, "sad eye"
  • who want to straighten, discipline lashed eyelashes, especially at the outer corners,
  • which eyelashes lack nothing or, for example, want to save time in the morning  with makeup


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    How to prepare for Eyelash Lift?
    After the treatment
    Elleebana Eye Lash Lift

    How to prepare for Eyelash Lift? How to prepare for Eyelash Lift?

    If it’s only possible please arrive to treatment with no eye makeup. If you use waterproof mascara please stop 2 days before you appointment. Contact lenses should be removed during your treatment.

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    After the treatment After the treatment

    Please, don’t get your lashes wet and don’t apply anything at all to them for the next 24 hours after treatment. Brush out the lashes daily.

    And also you can still wear mascara! Your eyelashes will look better, longer and curlier. You don’t have to do anything special with your lashes in between lifts other than giving them a good brush out daily and stay away from waterproof mascara.

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    Elleebana Eye Lash Lift Elleebana Eye Lash Lift

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    SPECIAL PRICE – Lamination of eyelashes – come with another person for treatment at 159 PLN per person

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