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Accent Rf Shaping

Alma Beauty Reform

Alma Beauty Reform

Alma Beauty Reform – Accent Reform is an innovative treatment that uses high frequency radio waves to model your body and help you reduce cellulite 

  • The treatment can bring the desired effects in the form of losing excess body fat and smoothing the body. The 40.68 MHz radio waves are designed to heat up body fat, which leads to stimulation of circulation and metabolism.
  • For this reason, the treatment is very effective and the effects are visible already after the first performance. On the other hand, the course of Accent Reform treatment in series and in combination with other treatments allows you to achieve your dream silhouette in a short time.
Why is it worth to do the treatment?

Why is it worth to do the treatment?

  • Alma Beauty Reform treatment is very effective, so it will be particularly helpful for people who are struggling with extra kilograms, fat and cellulite. Using the treatment and following the instructions of a cosmetologist you can achieve the desired effects and model your body.
  • Accent Reform works well for face treatments as well as for the whole body. This allows you to achieve the desired appearance in a relatively short time, because after the first treatment you can see positive results.
  • The use of a series of treatments is comparable to the effects of aesthetic medicine, so Alma Beauty Reform is a great alternative to more invasive treatments aimed at improving the appearance.

Treatment price

from 250zł

Treatment time




Number of treatments



1 week



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    Administratorem Twoich danych osobowych jest J’adore Instytut, Karmelicka 45, 31-128 Kraków NIP 672 200 14 43
    • Twoje dane osobowe podawane w formularzu kontaktowym będą przetwarzane, wyłącznie do podjęcia określonych działań na Twoje żądanie, np. w celu udzielenia odpowiedzi na Twoje pytanie wysłane drogą elektroniczną poprzez zapis na stronie Administratora.
    • Podanie danych osobowych jest dobrowolne, ale niezbędne do przesłania odpowiedzi na Twoją wiadomość.
    • Twoje dane osobowe będą przetwarzane wyłącznie przez okres niezbędny do udzielania odpowiedzi, a następnie zostaną usunięte, chyba że zdecydujesz się korzystać z naszych usług i pozostawisz je na innej podstawie i we wskazanym Ci celu.
    • Twoje dane osobowe będą udostępnianie innym odbiorcom danych, takim, jak serwisy świadczące usługi utrzymania systemu informatycznego i hostingu, dostawcę usługi poczty elektronicznej itp. jeśli okaże się to konieczne.

    Masz prawo dostępu do treści swoich danych, ich poprawiania, ich sprostowania, usunięcia lub ograniczenia przetwarzania, prawo do wniesienia sprzeciwu wobec przetwarzania, prawo do przenoszenia danych, prawo żądania dostępu do danych, a także prawo wniesienia skargi do organu nadzorczego, jeśli uznasz, że przetwarzanie Twoich danych jest niezgodne z aktualnie obowiązującymi przepisami prawa w zakresie ochrony danych. Przysługuje Ci też prawo do bycia zapomnianym, jeśli dalsze przetwarzanie nie będzie przewidziane przez aktualnie obowiązujące przepisy prawa.
    • Posiadasz też prawo do cofnięcia zgody w dowolnym momencie, cofnięcie zgody pozostaje bez wpływu na przetwarzanie danych, którego dokonano na podstawie zgody przez jej cofnięciem.
    • Twoje dane mogą być przetwarzane w sposób zautomatyzowany, w tym również w formie profilowania.


    Contraindications to use Alma Beauty Reform treatment are:
    Q & A

    Why? Why?

    Alma Beauty Reform treatment has a very comprehensive scope of action:

    • reduction of cellulite
    • reduction of body fat
    • silhouette modelling
    • skin tightening
    • heat lifting
    • reduction of scars, stretch marks, wrinkles, discoloration
    • Thanks to this treatment you can work on several problems simultaneously, which increases the positive effects we can expect.
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    Contraindications to use Alma Beauty Reform treatment are: Contraindications to use Alma Beauty Reform treatment are:

    • pregnancy and breastfeeding
    • cancers
    • damage to the skin coating, at the place where the treatment is performed
    • varicose veins at the site of treatment
    • inflammation at the site of the procedure
    • sensory disturbances
    • electronic components in the body, such as pacemakers
    • metal implants in the body
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    The performance of Alma Beauty Reform requires appropriate preparation by the patient. It consists in hydrating the body before the treatment, according to the cosmetologist’s instructions. In addition, it is also worth to apply a low-fat diet, which is very helpful here and will increase the positive effects of the treatment.

    • The skin in the place where the treatment is performed is smoothed and firmed, therefore cellulite and limpness disappear as the next series of treatments are performed. Radio waves reduce wrinkles and firm the skin of the face, so after several treatments the skin is clearly rejuvenated. Heating of water in adipose tissue increases metabolism, and as a result excess fat cells are drained and expelled from the body. Thus, you can observe an immediate reduction of the body circumference.
    • Application of Alma Beauty Reform treatment on the face skin improves its contour. The reduction of falling chin enhances natural facial features. Radio waves regenerate the epidermis, thanks to which the treatment eliminates or completely gets rid of discoloration, scars and stretch marks.
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    Q & A Q & A

    For each cosmetic procedure the patient may have doubts. Below we present the most frequent questions of people interested in Alma Beauty Reform treatment.

    • Does the treatment guarantee the presented effects?
      Yes, the treatment is extremely effective and the effects are visible after each of its execution. In case of resistant to fat tissue reduction, the cosmetologist may suggest performing Alma Beauty Reform treatment in combination with another treatment to make the effects as spectacular as possible.
    • Can the treatment be performed on sensitive skin?
      Yes, the treatment is suitable for all skin types. For this reason, it can also be applied to delicate parts of the body.
    • Is the treatments painful?
      Alma Beauty Reform treatment is completely painless.
    • Is the treatment safe?
      If the person who decides to undergo the treatment has no contraindications described above, the treatment is completely safe. During the treatment the continuity of the skin is not affected.
    • Is reconvalescence after the treatment required?
      No. The Alma Beauty Reform treatment does not require convalescence. This means that immediately after the treatment we can return to our daily activities and perform makeup.
    • How many series of treatments should I do to enjoy the best results?
      The treatments should be performed in the interval of a week. For the best results of the treatment it is worth to perform about 8 repetitions.
    • Is it possible to apply the treatment in summer?
      Yes, the treatment can be performed all year round.
    • Is the skin swollen after the treatment?
      The skin after the treatment may be slightly swollen and reddened, but after a few hours from the treatment the effect disappears.
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    Alma Beauty Reform treatment can be combined with other treatments, which together will provide comprehensive care and a unique metamorphosis. Thanks to the combination of Alma Beauty Reform treatment with LPG endermology, which also reduces cellulite, models the silhouette and firms the skin, we can accelerate the achievement of a perfect silhouette and rejuvenated, firm skin. It also works perfectly well in combination with Storz Medical or Redustim treatment. If you would like to know what treatments can be applied to your figure, we invite you to make an appointment at J’adore Institute.

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    After After

    As Alma Beauty Reform treatment is non-invasive, we can return to our daily activities immediately after the treatment. Aftercare after the treatment is limited only to adequately moisturizing the body or face with a moisturizing cream. Appropriate hydration and gentle massage will make any redness or swelling disappear faster to show the unique effects of smooth skin and slim figure.

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