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Nithya Collagen

Nithya - collagen treatment

Nithya - collagen treatment

Collagen is the main building block of our skin. It influences its elasticity, density and elasticity. The skin contains the most type I collagen. Over time, after about 25 years of age, its amount decreases and collagen fibers become weaker and shorter.

  • Additional factors that disturb the natural collagen balance in the body are stress, UV radiation, tobacco smoke, air-conditioned rooms and insufficient sleep. They make the skin thinner and less elastic and wrinkles appear as early as about 30 years old. Fortunately, thanks to the constantly developing aesthetic medicine it is possible to make up for collagen deficiency and slow down the skin aging process.
Why Nithya?

Why Nithya?

Our Beauty Institute in Warsaw offers Nithya treatment, which uses type I collagen and makes it possible to supplement its deficiencies both on the face and on the whole body. We provide high quality cosmetic services and aesthetic medicine treatments. Giving your body in our hands you can be sure that you will be satisfied with the results.

Nithya treatment is:

  • a collagen mesotherapy, which is a non-invasive way to rejuvenate and regenerate the face and body skin.
  • The preparation used in the treatment contains micro-particles of type I collagen, which is compatible with collagen naturally occurring in the skin.
  • Thanks to this, Nithya treatment is fully safe, does not cause allergies and does not require any allergological tests.

Treatment price


Treatment time




Number of treatments



2-3 weeks



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    For what?
    How to prepare?

    For what? For what?

    Are you thinking about Nithya’s collagen treatment, but aren’t sure if the therapy will work for you? The Nithya treatment is suitable for people over 30 who want to smooth out wrinkles and reduce scars and stretch marks. Below is a full list of indications for the treatment:

    • Wrinkles in the area of face, eyes, lips, neck and cleavage,
    • Lack of skin firmness on the stomach, thighs, buttocks, shoulders,
    • stretch marks,
    • postoperative and acne scars,
    • loss of the correct facial oval.

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    Contradictions Contradictions

    Before making an appointment for any of our proposed cosmetic treatments in Warsaw, it is worthwhile to read the contraindications. Nithya treatment is characterized by low invasiveness and is safe for the skin, however, in some cases it is not possible to perform the therapy. The main contraindications include:

    • pregnancy and lactation period,
    • skin inflammation,
    • cancers,
    • herpes,
    • active acne.
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    How to prepare? How to prepare?

    The collagen treatment of Nithya does not require special preparation. Our beauty salon in Warsaw discusses the course of the therapy in detail during the consultation, which precedes the planned treatment. We conduct a thorough interview and establish a treatment plan. A week before the start of the treatment, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and aspirin, which interfere with blood clotting, should not be taken.

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    Before starting the treatment, an anesthetic cream is applied to the treatment site. Nithya collagen is injected under the skin. The technique of application is similar to classical needle mesotherapy. Punctures are made with a thin needle every 1-1.5 cm. The treatment lasts from 10 to 30 minutes, depending on the area of the body being treated. Nithya treatment does not require convalescence and just after it is done you can return to work and daily activities.

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    The Nithya treatment makes up for collagen deficiency in the skin. The result is shallow wrinkles, which become less visible. The skin looks younger and more radiant. Atrophic scars after acne and discoloration lighten up, the skin is definitely smoother and better hydrated. The preparation given to the skin of the body firms the buttocks, thighs, abdomen and shoulders. It makes the body better moisturized and flexible. The visibility of scars and stretch marks is reduced. Therapy effects last from 12 to 18 months. In case of scars and stretch marks the effects are permanent.

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    Immediately after the treatment the skin may be slightly reddened. The effect may last up to several days. During this time, avoid strong rubbing of the skin and use soothing creams. Right after the treatment it is not recommended to use the sauna, solarium or swimming pool. You should also avoid direct exposure to the sun and use a cream with a filter. The cycle of injections is complemented by Nithya foam with pure collagen, which restores the natural balance of the skin after the treatment and helps maintain the effects of the treatment.

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    After performing collagen mesotherapy Nithya specialist evaluates the condition of the skin, determines the effects and determines the number of treatments that will provide the best results. It is recommended to perform a series of treatments in order to obtain better and more lasting results. To optimize the effect of the treatment, it is worth to carry out a minimum of 3 treatments with a two-week interval between meetings. After about three months from the end of the treatment you can perform the so-called reminder treatment, which will preserve the effect of the entire therapy.

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    Price Price

    1 ampoule 1100 PLN

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