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Bruxism is a fairly serious disease that, if left untreated, can lead to many complications. Although the causes of excessive grinding are unknown, at least a few factors favor this unpleasant ailment can be distinguished - chronic stress, malocclusion, neurosis, genetic conditions. Bruxism mainly affects children, less often people between 15 and 39. After 40, it is rare. The presented disease is characterized by increased activity of masseter muscles, leading to strong clamping of teeth and their friction. This ailment belongs to the subgroup of sleep disorders - parasomnia - because it occurs during sleep. Untreated bruxism can lead to abrasion and, in extreme cases, even to broken teeth. At a later stage of the disease, degenerative and inflammatory conditions appear, which translate into major pain, including headache. In addition, the sound of grinding teeth can cause difficulties in falling asleep partners of sick people. The J’adore Institute specializes in fast and most importantly effective bruxism treatment.

Price of treatment: about PLN. 700

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    Administratorem Twoich danych osobowych jest J’adore Instytut, Karmelicka 45, 31-128 Kraków NIP 672 200 14 43
    • Twoje dane osobowe podawane w formularzu kontaktowym będą przetwarzane, wyłącznie do podjęcia określonych działań na Twoje żądanie, np. w celu udzielenia odpowiedzi na Twoje pytanie wysłane drogą elektroniczną poprzez zapis na stronie Administratora.
    • Podanie danych osobowych jest dobrowolne, ale niezbędne do przesłania odpowiedzi na Twoją wiadomość.
    • Twoje dane osobowe będą przetwarzane wyłącznie przez okres niezbędny do udzielania odpowiedzi, a następnie zostaną usunięte, chyba że zdecydujesz się korzystać z naszych usług i pozostawisz je na innej podstawie i we wskazanym Ci celu.
    • Twoje dane osobowe będą udostępnianie innym odbiorcom danych, takim, jak serwisy świadczące usługi utrzymania systemu informatycznego i hostingu, dostawcę usługi poczty elektronicznej itp. jeśli okaże się to konieczne.

    Masz prawo dostępu do treści swoich danych, ich poprawiania, ich sprostowania, usunięcia lub ograniczenia przetwarzania, prawo do wniesienia sprzeciwu wobec przetwarzania, prawo do przenoszenia danych, prawo żądania dostępu do danych, a także prawo wniesienia skargi do organu nadzorczego, jeśli uznasz, że przetwarzanie Twoich danych jest niezgodne z aktualnie obowiązującymi przepisami prawa w zakresie ochrony danych. Przysługuje Ci też prawo do bycia zapomnianym, jeśli dalsze przetwarzanie nie będzie przewidziane przez aktualnie obowiązujące przepisy prawa.
    • Posiadasz też prawo do cofnięcia zgody w dowolnym momencie, cofnięcie zgody pozostaje bez wpływu na przetwarzanie danych, którego dokonano na podstawie zgody przez jej cofnięciem.
    • Twoje dane mogą być przetwarzane w sposób zautomatyzowany, w tym również w formie profilowania.




    At the very beginning it should be noted that bruxism treatment is completely safe and painless. It is based on the injection of high class Botox. It’s practically painless, because the procedure uses anesthesia . An experienced specialist at the J’adore Institute injects botox directly into the jaw muscles – on both sides of the face. The effects of the treatment are visible the next day. After the first visit, the patient experiences a marked weakening of masseter muscles. Injection of the appropriate dose of Botox weakens the muscles accordingly, thanks to which their pressure on the jaw decreases. To completely get rid of the problem of bruxism, it is necessary to perform at least two treatments. In addition, it is recommended to repeat the injection every few months to avoid recurrence.

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    Bruxism treatment is extremely difficult. Since the causes of this disease are not fully known, effective therapy to prevent teeth grinding has not yet been developed. Our treatment allows you to get rid of the ailment itself, and to reduce the muscle tension, which is largely responsible for uncontrolled clamping of the jaw. Everyone, both men and women, regardless of age – who want to get rid of nighttime ailments quickly and effectively should decide to visit the J’adore Institute. The treatment is dedicated to people for whom pharmacological treatment did not bring the desired results.

    Everyone who has observed uncontrolled symptoms of the disease should undergo the treatment of bruxism – strong mouth clenching, teeth grinding, teeth rubbing, damaging of chewing surfaces and incisal teeth, tooth fractures during sleep etc. As for the indications for a visit to our Institute, it is impossible to ignore the ineffectiveness of other actions aimed at stopping the development of the disease.

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    Untreated bruxism can cause serious health consequences. First of all, our bite will suffer. Frequent crush of jaw causes abrasion and crushing teeth. Further consequences of bruxism may also affect the aesthetics of our face, which by excessive masseter muscle growth may deform.

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    Contraindications Contraindications

    Treatments are completely safe for health. However there are several contraindications for Botox that must be strictly observed. Botox should not be used by pregnant women or nursing mothers. Treatment of bruxism in our salon is not recommended for people who have problems with the cardiovascular system or chronic autoimmune diseases. Contraindications include allergy to human album, Alzheimer’s disease and allergy to any component of botulinum toxin. It is forbidden to combine botox with selected pharmacological agents, including: painkillers, blood thinners, antibiotics and spasticity drugs.

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    The treatment does not require any special preparation.

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    What factors affect bruxism?
    As mentioned at the beginning, these may be genetic conditions, defects in the mouth and occlusion, as well as changes in the temporomandibular joints. Bruxism is also affected by chronic stress, neurosis, general deterioration of health, and an increase in bioelectrical activity during sleep.

    How long does bruxism treatment takes?
    Bruxism treatments at the J’adore Institute are relatively short. The subcutaneous injection alone does not last more than a dozen or so minutes

    After what time will we notice the first effects of the treatment?
    Contrary to popular belief, the first effects of the treatment are not visible immediately after its completion, but on the second day. After 12-24 hours, the patient feels weakness of the jaw muscles, which translates into a decrease in their pressure directly on the jaw. Of course, in order to completely eliminate the ailment which is bruxism, it is necessary to perform at least two treatments and to perform regularly, i.e. a booster treatment (every few months).

    What are the possible side effects of Botox bruxism treatment?
    Side effects associated with the use of Botox in the treatment of bruxism are extremely rare. The procedure itself may be uncomfortable for the patient because of the need for injection. In addition, you may experience facial swelling, bruising or redness for 24 hours after leaving the Salon.

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