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Nucleofill Treatment

Nucleofill - what is it?

Nucleofill - what is it?

Nucleofill, a preparation for biostimulation and skin renewal. It is based on natural polynucleotides.

Biostimulation of the skin is an important form of skin regeneration, consisting in the renewal and improvement of its physiological features.

Polynucleotides occur in all organisms. They are tiny parts of DNA and RNA nucleic acids. They have the ability to spatially attach a large number of water molecules, which results in tissue hydration and also helps to rebuild skin cells. They also fight free radicals and inhibit photo and chronic aging.

The treatment will help you:

  • improve skin quality and density
  • it will eliminate minor wrinkles
  • improves the oval of the face and its tension
  • Young and strongly stimulates to repair
Dlaczego warto?

Dlaczego warto?

The first signs of skin aging can be observed as early as at the age of 25. By this time, the skin starts to lose its natural glow, flabby and wrinkles appear.

In such a situation the Nucleofill treatment can help:

  • It has an antioxidant effect,
  • and penetrating deep into the skin regenerates, moisturizes it
  • Liftings.
  • Through the continuous action of external factors such as wind, frost, snow, rain or UV radiation on the face skin, as well as a bad diet, smoking and air pollution, the condition of the skin significantly deteriorates. Through its weakening, the repair functions are slowed down, resulting in an ugly, grey, limp complexion, which is susceptible to any irritation and is more rapidly aging cells.

Make an appointment at our aesthetic medicine salon in Warsaw. 


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Treatment time




Number of treatments



3-4 weeks


Porblematic areas

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    How does the treatment look?
    After a while
    Q & A

    Nucleofill Nucleofill

    How Nucelofill works:

    • The first is the production of type I collagen and elastin, which helps to lift and thicken skin tissues.
    • the second is the antioxidant effect and elimination of free radicals
    • the third and final stage is to ensure long-term hydration and hydration of skin cells
      Polymer microparticles:

    They have the ability to act immediately to eliminate free radicals, which are caused by many adverse factors. Among them are mainly long-term and severe stress, polluted air, prolonged sunbathing, poor diet, as well as alcohol abuse and smoking.

    Free radicals oxidize fats, including those in the epidermis, which violates the skin’s protective barrier and dries it out. Collagen fibers are damaged and are prone to irritation and wrinkles.

    Polynucleotide therapy has a positive effect on the health, condition and color of the skin, which makes it look beautiful and resilient.

    What is lifting?

    It is a treatment that helps to smooth out wrinkles and stretch the skin of the face.

    What are antioxidants?

    This is another name for antioxidants, compounds that remove free radicals from the human body. It helps to slow down the aging process and reduces the risk of developing civilization diseases. The main antioxidants are:

    -Vitamin A

    -Vitamin E

    -Vitamin C



    – Minerals

    -coenzyme Q

    What exactly is skin hydration?

    The main purpose of skin hydration is to store water. But why can’t you just douse in water or lie down in a long bath to fully moisturize your body? Well, this mechanism works quite differently. The water that flows from the tap is often rocky water and the water in the pool contains a very high concentration of chlorine, which promotes drying and irritation. The skin should be moisturized with special cosmetics designed for different skin types, whose action is supported by treatments in beauty parlors.

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    How does the treatment look? How does the treatment look?

    First, the specialist checks the condition of the skin and on this basis selects the preparation: Strong or Medium.

    It is possible to anaesthetize the face with a special cream, because people who are sensitive to pain can feel very unpleasant stimuli that give the impression of spreading and pinching the skin.

    Then it is injected into the bio-aesthetic points, into the lower and middle parts of the face after 0.15ml of the preparation. It is best to repeat a series of such treatments every 2-4 weeks.

    In exceptional cases a combined therapy is required. It is based on the injection by a beautician with the preparation in the middle part of the face (Strong dose), and in the lower part of the face and neck a Medium dose. This gives a much better effect of the whole treatment.

    Indications for this type of treatment is primarily dehydrated and underoxygenated skin, which has lost its elasticity and became dry. Each beauty salon will adjust a special product and treatment to the age and specific skin type.

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    • reduction of skin flaccidity
    • Improving its flexibility and hydration
    • Recuperation
    • minimizing photoageing and photo damage
    • improvement of hydration
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    Contradictions Contradictions

    • cancers
    • no proper blood clotting
    • inflammation and skin infections
    • Herpes
    • pregnancy and breastfeeding
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    After After

    After Nucleofill treatment the skin becomes firmer, regenerates faster and thickens. Thanks to the antioxidant effect and strong moisturizing it is visibly elastic and rejuvenated. The color of the skin is improved and wrinkles are visibly shallow. The most important after the treatment is the fact that it looks very natural. The face is clearly fuller in radiance, but its natural features do not change, so there is no artificial effect. After the treatment there are no special guidelines to be implemented. You should use cosmetics recommended in the beauty salon and follow the advice and recommendations of a beautician or cosmetologist.

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    After a while After a while

    It is important that after 4-6 months, you should visit the clinic of aesthetic medicine for a fixation and reminder treatment. As in the case of other biostimulative treatments, it should be remembered that the results increase with time as the treatments are repeated regularly. This is related to the regeneration and remodeling of the skin, and the substances given in the preparation give the skin a signal to the next stage of the process of skin tissue reconstruction.

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    Q & A Q & A

    • “Is this treatment for me?”
      Of course, it all depends on whether there are any of the above mentioned contraindications. If not, the answer is simple: treatments containing Nucleofill will come in handy for anyone who thinks that their skin needs support, appearance and firmness.
    • “Should the treatment be repeated?”
      Well, as described above, for a good and more lasting effect, the treatment should be repeated in 4-6 months. The next visits are decided by the beautician leading the patient.
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