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Nuevia Antiageing

About the procedure

About the procedure

The main advantage is the immediate effect and lack of a period of convalescence.

  • Contour correction with NEAUVIA line fillers helps to avoid swelling and achieve the most natural effect – it ensures clear and refined contours. The density of the drug allows doctors to create volume in the required area without visual strain on the face.
    The ultra-pure organic product, which does not contain toxic substances, minimizes the risk of immunological reactions. The patented method of obtaining hyaluronic acid from haystacks, in contrast to traditional fillers using bacteria, extends the range of applications for people with streptocococcus sensitivity. The risk of allergic reaction and drug rejection is reduced to zero!
  • Extended visual effect – now your reflection in the mirror will delight you even for a year!


  • Face asymmetry
  • loose chin
  • Loss of contour definition and face deformation
  • Deterioration of skin quality

Book an appointment with our beauty salon in Warsaw

Treatment price

from 500zł

Treatment time

45 minutes



Number of treatments

1-3 treatments


4-6 weeks



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    • Twoje dane osobowe będą udostępnianie innym odbiorcom danych, takim, jak serwisy świadczące usługi utrzymania systemu informatycznego i hostingu, dostawcę usługi poczty elektronicznej itp. jeśli okaże się to konieczne.

    Masz prawo dostępu do treści swoich danych, ich poprawiania, ich sprostowania, usunięcia lub ograniczenia przetwarzania, prawo do wniesienia sprzeciwu wobec przetwarzania, prawo do przenoszenia danych, prawo żądania dostępu do danych, a także prawo wniesienia skargi do organu nadzorczego, jeśli uznasz, że przetwarzanie Twoich danych jest niezgodne z aktualnie obowiązującymi przepisami prawa w zakresie ochrony danych. Przysługuje Ci też prawo do bycia zapomnianym, jeśli dalsze przetwarzanie nie będzie przewidziane przez aktualnie obowiązujące przepisy prawa.
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    • Twoje dane mogą być przetwarzane w sposób zautomatyzowany, w tym również w formie profilowania.



    Effects Effects

    • face harmonization according to classic beauty canons
    • hydration, skin revitalization
    • restoration of tissue volume and quality
    • correction of small wrinkles and furrows in the mouth area
    • reconstruction of lip volume and lip contour modelling
    • soft tissue reconstruction of the ear lobe
    • filling in wrinkles in the lips and mouth area
    • correction of mild wrinkles – furrows in the area of nasolabial furrows
    • time zone and perimeter correction
    • correction of nasolabial folds
    • Volumetric correction of soft tissue of the middle third of the face
    • Volumetric face oval modelling
    • Volumetric correction of the upper, middle and lower third of the face
    • elimination of crow’s feet;
    • regeneration of neck and shoulder skin;
    • regeneration of elbows and knees;
    • reduction of stretch marks;
    • rejuvenation of the hands;
    • deep hydration;
    • increase skin firmness and elasticity.
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    • acute phase diseases
    • blood clotting disorders
    • anticoagulant intake
    • inflammatory process in the area of drug administration
    • pregnancy and lactation
    • oncological diseases
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    Before the procedure, the cosmetologist examines the patient’s skin, collects detailed information about the patient’s health and previous cosmetic treatments, the presence of chronic diseases and allergic reactions in the patient. He finds out what results the patient expects from the performed procedure.


    Before introducing the drug, the skin should be cleaned, makeup removed with cosmetics and treated with an antiseptic solution. Then the patient together with the doctor determines the problem and the desired final result. The amount of the drug and the technique of cosmetic injections are determined individually by a specialist in an aesthetic medicine clinic.

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    • Limit visits to the sauna and pool for seven days
    • do not sunbathe in the sun or in a solarium for 10 days
    • Neauvia biorevitalisation is a gentle face and body treatment performed with a preparation based on pure hyaluronic acid.
    • Neauvia contains 18 mg / ml of hyaluronic acid reinforced with 0.01% calcium hydroxyapatite. This unique composition activates collagen synthesis, making the skin more supple, firm and moisturized.
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    – non-toxic biocompatible product;

    – low risk of immunological response;

    – Increased skin resistance to stretching;

    – increased levels of collagen and fibroblasts;

    – Slowing down the biodegradation of hyaluronic acid;

    – fully adaptable to tissues;

    – PEG “suspends” the immune response because the filler is not recognized as a foreign body, which is why PEG makes Neauvia fillers on the world market the most biocompatible with human tissues. Neauvia fillers are able to create the desired volume without compressing the surrounding tissue, thus always providing natural results.

    NEAUVIA is mainly used on the face, neck, cleavage and hands, but can also be used on elbows and knees.

    NEAUVIA is ideal for bio-revitalisation of the delicate areas around the eyes and neck, cleavage and also for rejuvenating the hands, elbows and knees. A series of 4-5 treatments can brighten the skin, regenerating tissues and producing collagen. For optimal results, a series of 4 treatments should be performed at 3-week intervals.

    Hyaluronic acid (HA) based fillers have long been popular due to their good effects, low invasiveness and safety of use.

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    The materials used in production make Neauvia Organic fillers unique in terms of quality and composition.
    Hyaluronic acid obtained from the Bacillus Subtilis strain (haystick) allows the separation of very pure hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid has never been so pure!
    One of the key elements in the production process of a filler is the molecule used to cross-link hyaluronic acid – PEG polymer. It is one of the first stabilizers in the world that does not lead to the formation of harmful substances in the body, resulting in virtually no side reactions.
    The aging process gradually deprives the skin not only of hyaluronic acid, but also of collagen, which is naturally produced by fibroblasts and is responsible for the density and elasticity of the skin, resulting in the formation of wrinkles. The solution that can interfere with this process is a unique combination of hyaluronic acid and calcium hydroxyapatite (CaHa), which is a natural and safe mineral that stimulates the process of neocollagenesis in the skin. As a result, the density and structure of the skin improves, while maintaining ideal volume and the revitalizing effect of hyaluronic acid.
    Along with hyaluronic acid, fillers also contain amino acids, calcium hydroxyapatite, so that not only is the ideal volume maintained, but also improves skin density and structure.

    NEAUVIA in beauty institutes are 21st century technologies in the service of aesthetic cosmetology!

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