Our hair is exposed to adverse weather conditions throughout the year. Winter frosts, frequent temperature changes, wind, salty sea water, as well as a dryer and a straightener.. All this causes the hair to become thin, dull, dry, and finally begin to fall out. Then we search for help for them and we wonder how to quickly and safely improve the condition of the hair so that it regains its healthy shine. Ways to improve your hair condition are different, we’ve mentioned the most effective one below.

Dr Cyj treatment for quick hair growth.

Dr Cyj is an innovative preparation containing hyaluronic acid and a complex of seven peptides that effectively inhibit hair loss, stimulate it to grow and give a quick thickening effect. This treatment revitalizes hair and scalp cells. The preparation is injected into the scalp to a depth of 0.2 – 0.3 cm at one centimeter intervals. The whole procedure lasts about half an hour. It has no side effects, only small bumps may appear at the injection sites immediately after the procedure. Sometimes there is also a slight itching. All inconveniences disappear spontaneously after 24 hours of surgery. Full therapy with Dr Cyj means 4 treatments at two-week intervals. The first effects can be seen already after 15 days from the first application of the preparation. Hair loss is inhibited, they become stronger and denser, the scalp is nourished, so that new hair grows faster. Hair condition improves immediately.

hair condition