Restylane skinlift With age, the skin slows down the production processes of building substances such as hyaluronic acid, elastin or collagen. As a result, the skin becomes thinner, less elastic, dehydrated and strewn with wrinkles. As the years pass, the face oval deteriorates. Is it possible to remedy this? Thanks to the new, innovative Restylane Skinlift treatment it is possible. The treatment is a response to problems related to skin aging. The Restylane Skinlift treatment revitalizes and firms the skin, modeling selected areas of the face. The skin regains its young, fresh and natural look. In order to regenerate, rejuvenate the skin and lift the falling parts of the face, during the treatment two innovative products are used - Restylane Perlane and Restylane Skinboosters. This two-cure treatment effectively reduces both deep wrinkles and improves the overall quality of the skin. It strongly moisturizes and stimulates natural collagen. Both products are necessary for the procedure. Restylane Perlane lifts the skin and holds it in the right place - filling deeper wrinkles, Restylane Skinbooster smoothes and rejuvenates the face. The treatment is not invasive and is considered to be more effective and safer methods of skin revitalization. It is relatively painful and does not require convalescence. The effect of the treatment lasts about 7-12 months.

around 1850zł

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    After restylane skinlift
    For whom?

    After restylane skinlift After restylane skinlift

    The skin after the treatment may gently cheat, until 24 hours it is red and swollen.
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    For whom? For whom?

    The treatment is intended for people who want to comprehensively improve the appearance of their skin while maintaining the natural look of the face. The treatment will work in the case of people struggling with skin aging, poor hydration and changes in the face oval. So if you care about the effects, this Skinlift treatment is designed for you.

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