Teosyal Redensity Eye Treatment

Teosyal Redensity

Teosyal Redensity

Teosyal Redensity eye treatment is performed in the clinic of aesthetic medicine. The specialist with the help of a very thin needle introduces the carefully composed preparation to the eye area. A massage is also performed to make the specifics fully work. What is included in such a preparation?

  • First of all, hyaluronic acid, but it is also impossible not to mention the amino acids that take care of stimulating collagen in the skin. Very often in the preparation we also find valuable antioxidants, whose primary task is to neutralize free radicals. It is always worth asking about the exact preparations used by the beauty institute where we undergo the treatment.
  • The treatment can be combined with other treatments such as eye plasma, botox or PRP.
Why is it worth to decide on a treatment?

Why is it worth to decide on a treatment?

The Teosyal Redensity under-eye treatment is worth to choose because it is effective, but also very safe. Its undeniable advantage is also the fact that it is enough to perform this treatment once in order to enjoy fully satisfactory results. Therefore, performing the treatment in series is not necessary.

There are quite a lot of indications to perform the treatment, but the most important are the shadows under the eyes.

  • This treatment will also bring relief to people who are struggling with stubborn bags under their eyes.
  • Dry and wrinkled skin under the eyes will also be an indication for the treatment Teosysal Redensity.
  • In fact, it is worth visiting a beauty salon when we are not satisfied with the condition of our skin under the eyes. The doctor will certainly help us to decide whether to perform the treatment.

Treatment price

from 500zł

Treatment time




Number of treatments



3 weeks


Around eyes

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    Q & A


    Unfortunately, despite numerous indications to perform the procedure, it will not always be possible to perform it. Among the contraindications to perform the procedure, the most important are pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding, as well as uncontrolled diabetes. The procedure cannot be performed also when fighting against a skin infection or strong inflammation. Allergy to hyaluronic acid also makes it impossible to perform the procedure. If we are not sure whether we are allergic to hyaluronic acid, it would be worthwhile to perform the so-called allergy test. The tendency to scarring will also be a contraindication to undergo the treatment. Fortunately, the vast majority of contraindications are transient. For this reason, after they have resigned, the beautician can proceed to the treatment.

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    Effects Effects

    Everyone who intends to visit a beauty salon to perform the Teosyal Redensity treatment would like to know what effects you can count on. And you have to admit that there are really a lot of them. First of all, thanks to the treatment the skin under the eyes has a chance to gain a uniform color. The visibility of shadows has a chance to be significantly reduced. Among the effects you can also mention: skin tension, hydration and regeneration. It will also be possible to reduce the visibility of the bags. It must also be admitted that the so-called valley of tears is filled during the treatment. Therefore, the person who undergoes the treatment has a chance to look much younger and fresher. The results last for a really long time, even up to twelve months. In some cases, however, the duration of the results may be a little shorter, and in others a little longer. It is always worth following the recommendations of a specialist regarding possible care after the treatment. This also affects how long the results will last.

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    Q & A Q & A

    The most common questions about the procedure are presented below, together with the answers:

    • 1. how to prepare for the Teosyal Redensity eye surgery?

    Many people are wondering if some preparation for the treatment is necessary. It turns out, however, that no. All you have to do is visit a beauty institute of your choice and put yourself in the hands of professionals.

    • 2. when should the treatment be repeated?

    As mentioned above, it is not necessary to perform treatments in series. However, it should be kept in mind that after about 12 months the effects disappear. It is therefore recommended to repeat the treatment after this time.

    • 3. Is the treatment painful?

    The Teosyal Redensity eye treatment is not painful thanks to the use of a professional anesthetic cream. However, if you are a very sensitive person, it may be that the specialist performing the procedure will decide to administer an injection anaesthetic. However, this is necessary in a few cases.

    • 4. does the procedure result in any discomfort?

    Although the procedure itself is not painful due to the use of an anaesthetic cream, some discomfort may occur after the procedure. This applies especially to sensitive people. Among other things, swelling, usually small, may appear in the eye area. Pain and bruising are another quite frequent side effects. Fortunately, all these unpleasant sensations disappear after a few days after the procedure.

    • 5.How long does the procedure last?

    The Teosyal Redensity eye treatment does not last long. It usually takes a quarter of an hour to complete, although sometimes this time may be extended to an hour. After the procedure it would be worthwhile to rest.

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    After After

    Although no special preparation for the treatment is necessary, certain recommendations should be followed afterwards. It is definitely worth avoiding sunbathing. If we can, let’s not go out into intensive sunshine. Otherwise, we will be exposed to harmful ultraviolet radiation, which may harm the skin after the treatment. You should also forget about the visit to the sauna. Too high temperatures could reduce the effectiveness of treatments. Aesthetic medicine clinic, where we perform the treatment is always a place where we should also dispel any doubts related to the treatment. So if we have any questions, do not be afraid to ask them to the person performing the treatment.

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