AQUALYX – NON invasive liposuction

AQUALYX – NON invasive liposuction

Aqualyx is one of the best medical products on the market, whose main task is to break down and eliminate localized body fat. The product causes permanent destruction of fat cells and then transporting them to the liver and expelling the body. This is the only kind of liposuction without a scalpel - an alternative to surgical liposuction.

Aqualyx is currently the only medical material in the world registered with the CE mark to reduce localized fat, using intralipotherapy. The product is highly effective and permanently destroys adipose tissue.

The intralipotherapy treatment involves the administration of Aqualyx directly to the adipose tissue through injections or injection with a specialized needle. Aqualyx introduced into adipose tissue causes the destruction of fat cells, which are then physiologically removed from the body. The treatment is virtually painless and takes about 30 minutes. After the treatment may be slight itching, burning and tenderness of the treated area - these are the effects that demonstrate the effectiveness and effect of the given solution. After the procedure, the patient can immediately return to daily activities, only redness and swelling may be visible for a few days and hematoma may appear at the injection site. This is a normal response of the body to the treatment that resolves spontaneously.

Aqyalyx is a product:

  • safe and highly effective
  • non-invasive
  • the effects of the treatment are visible after the first treatments

from 350zł

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    How quickly will I see results after Aqualyx?
    Who is the treatment suitable for?
    What are the side effects?

    How quickly will I see results after Aqualyx? How quickly will I see results after Aqualyx?

    Just one treatment will help to reduce the fat deposits, however between 3-8 sessions are required to see the best effect. Younger patients are more likely to results after a longer period.


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    Who is the treatment suitable for? Who is the treatment suitable for?

    It is suitable for patients who do not have large amounts of fat to remove but don’t like localised, stubborn fat deposits in areas such legs, knees, stomach, chin, outer and inner thighs. Aqyalyx is solution for all of you, who do not want the more invasive liposuction or laser lipo treatments.

    The treatment is not recommand to patients under 18 years and over 60 years of age. It is also not suitable for pregnant or lactating women or those with a pathological condition.

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    What are the side effects? What are the side effects?

    Side effects are minimal. After the treatment the patinet can expect a little skin irritation, bruising and oedema, which will ease after a few days.

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    Aqualix, Dermastabilon from 350 zł (depends how many units of the solution are required)
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