

First of all and the main question is.. what the carboxytherapy is? And the answer is simple, it is the least invading radical reform which reduce the cellulite, which was till now invented. And what is more is the most effective. Liposuction and buttocks have now new competition and it is for sure. Carboxytherapy is also revolutionary tool for  wrinkles and double chin. It helps to reduce gaps and shadows under eyes. Every women who has imperfections of the skin, no matter what the reason of that is – should try this treatment!

At the time of injection, CO2 gas evenly spreads under the skin, causing the blood vessels to widen and thus improve the nutrition and oxygenation of tissues. Carbon dioxide during the carboxytherapy treatment stimulates tissue regeneration processes. Thanks to this, small blood vessels are created, and thus the skin becomes biologically younger and stronger.

 When is it worth to do the treatment?     

  • in the fight against cellulite     
  • excess fat    
  • psoriasis     
  • hair loss     
  • flaccidity and aging of the skin

Carboxytherapy treatments are also used as a solution to get rid of wrinkles. Carbon dioxide administered in appropriate doses in the facial skin helps to delay the aging process of facial skin and improve its condition.

from 220zł

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    For who is this treatment?
    How does it look?
    How does the treatment look? VIDEO

    For who is this treatment? For who is this treatment?

    This cosmetic surgery is dedicated for everyone who has some imperfections of the skin. This treatment is crucial. Certain maturity is required but sex or age are not making any difference. Carboxytherapy is also called the treatment which make look younger. Because of what it does: correct skin, eliminate furrows, help to get rid of the cellulite and excess of the fatty tissue, remove stretch marks, smooth the creases, as well as has positive influence of limiting the defluvium.

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    How does it look? How does it look?

    Probably you are wondering what the carboxytherapy treatment looks like. Mainly, this treatment is based on appropriate dose of the carbon dioxide which is injecting subcutaneous or intracutaneous with the help of the small needle. The association penetrating into nearby tissue is extending blood vessels, in the end precipitating the formation process new. Is increasing the blood flow transporting nutrients, as well as is stimulating the rotation process of collagen.

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    Results Results

    After the treatment the skin is becoming well-toned, and at the same time more resilient. Sacks and shadows under eyes are disappearing, similarly to static wrinkles from regions of eyes. Carboxytherapy also is curing venous failure, disturbing the circulation, varicose ulceration, as well as psoriasis.

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    Contradictions Contradictions

    The treatment with carboxytherapy cannot be let for people who are contending with bacterial infections and viral, battling against cancer, pregnant or breast-feeding, suffering from inflammations of the skin, battling against mycosis and herpes, as well as with organic failures.

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    Treatment Price
    1 treatment for dark circles and bruises under the eyes 220,00
    Skin of head 220,00
    Body selected one area (abdomen, buttocks, thighs front or back) 330,00
    Stretch marks/ scars up to 10 cm – 1 treatment 220,00
    Stretch marks/ scars above 10 cm – 1 treatments 275,00
    Package of 5 treatments for shadows and dark circles under the eyes 735,00
    Package of 4 treatments for scalp (skin of head) 735,00
    Package of 5 treatments (cellulite – thighs front or back/ stomach/ buttocks) 1365,00
    Package of 10 treatments (cellulite – thighs front or back/ stomach/ buttocks) 2520,00
    Package of 4 treatments (stretch marks/ single scars up to 10 cm) 735,00
    Package of 4 treatments (stretch marks/ single scars above 10 cm) 890,00
    Promotion  – 2 areas of the body (thighs front + back/ stomach + front of thighs etc.) during one visit 525 Zlotych instead of 660! 525,00
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