NIR SOPRANO Thermolifting. Over the years, the amount of collagen and elastin in the skin gets reduced, which results in the appearance of wrinkles, relaxation of the skin or loss of elasticity. The skin becomes less tense, vulnerable to the force of gravity - loses its youthful appearance. Harmony Elite. Fortunately, these problems can be faced successfully with the treatment of thermolifting NIR SOPRANO XL and using ST Harmony Elite head.

Price: from 199

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    • Twoje dane mogą być przetwarzane w sposób zautomatyzowany, w tym również w formie profilowania.


    NIR HEAD - Relief of muscle pain
    Cennika zabiegów:


    With heating and irritation of the collagen fibres to a temperature of about 40 degrees, it comes to contraction of their original length and hence activation of the processes associated with regeneration of skin. The skin becomes younger, with stronger tense, dense, flexible and the small wrinkles are levelled – skin‘s structure is significantly improved. The effects can be seen immediately after the treatment in the form of increasing firmness and reduction of wrinkles – However, full results are shown in approximately 4-8 weeks after the treatment.

    This is because the effect obtained during the thermal treatment stimulates fibroblasts to increase formation of new collagen fibres as a result of which its output is increased by about 30%. This is a gradual process.

    Treatments of NIR thermolifting may be performed throughout the year. The sun radiation is not important.

    The treatment is painless and requires no anaesthesia. Immediately after it, you can return to your daily duties

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    • The area of the face and neck – bridging flaccid, not firm areas of the skin, improving the oval / contour of the face, overcoming the problem of sagging cheeks, a significant improvement in elasticity and skin tone
    • The area of the abdomen – treatment recommended especially for women after pregnancy or persons after weight loss
    • The area of arms – removal of skin laxity inside of the arms, excessive fat
    • Legs – tension and firming of the inner and outer thighs and the area around the knees.
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    • Pregnancy
    • Inflammatory diseases of skin and subcutaneous tissues, open wounds, burns
    • Tumours
    • fillers and botulinum toxin for three weeks after surgery
    • Diabetes
    • Anticoagulants
    • Vitiligo
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    NIR HEAD - Relief of muscle pain NIR HEAD - Relief of muscle pain

    NIR treatment of Harmony systems is also suitable for heating of tissues, which brings relief from pain in muscles and joints and reduces inflammation. It helps in muscle spasms and back pain.

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    Cennika zabiegów: Cennika zabiegów:


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    Kupując 4 zabiegi termoliftingu na twarz 1 zabieg retises ct gratis!

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