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Teosyal Redensity Rejuvenation

Teosyal Redensity

Teosyal Redensity

Correction of the eye contour allows to fill in missing volumes in any area by introducing skin fillers – hyaluronic acid-based filling gels. This is a modern non-surgical technique that allows you to improve your appearance for a long time (12-15 months on average).

  • Hyaluronic acid is a natural component of the skin, so it is not rejected by the body. Fillers based on it attract moisture, so additional volume is created exactly where it is needed.

Usually the skin around the orbital area is dry and thin, it starts to age early. As the years go by, the nasolabial furrows become deeper, disorderly cavities appear. From underneath the thin skin, vessels are clear, shadows appear, which do not give way after rest.

Dlaczego warto?

Dlaczego warto?

The Theosyal Redensity described above is a phenomenal response to the signs of aging.  After the introduction of hyaluronic acid under the eyes, wrinkles fill up from the inside and the skin is moisturized. The production of substances responsible for skin elasticity and firmness is increased, the face looks younger. Dark circles under the eyes disappear, and with them a tired look.

Complex care in the beautician, based on the injections of Teosyal Redensity, provides a long-lasting and natural rejuvenation effect around the eyes, making the face fresh, young and rested.

The innovative formula of Teosyal Redensity bio-revitalization preparation contains carefully selected by specialists ingredients that are characterized by full biocompatibility with skin cells. All these ingredients complement each other and strengthen the effect of cosmetic treatments – the antioxidant protection of the skin is restored and the dermis layer is strengthened.

Particles introduced during the treatment break down into smaller elements, thanks to which the process of biorevitalization is similar to natural. The mechanism of production of own hyaluronic acid is activated on the basis of a newly created “building block”. – mono and disaccharides. Teosyal Redensity cocktail is designed for complex facial skin rejuvenation, improving its structure. This preparation is able to activate the formation of elastin and collagen particles.

Treatment price

od 500zł

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    • Twoje dane mogą być przetwarzane w sposób zautomatyzowany, w tym również w formie profilowania.


    About the treatment
    How to prepare:
    Q & A

    About the treatment About the treatment

    Redensity is a multicomponent gel based on concentrated hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin, completely free of proteins and endobacteria. The treatment is performed by a professional beautician, cosmetologist.

    – Hyaluronic acid 15mg / g – restores the skin’s youth thanks to optimal hydration and strengthening of the dermis;

    – 8 essential amino acids (arginine, threonine, proline, isoleucine, lycin, lysine, leucine and valine) – strengthen the immune defense, stimulate the production of new collagen fibers;

    – Vitamin B6, copper, zinc – restore metabolic processes to normal;

    – 3 antioxidants (glutathione, N-acetyl-L-cysteine, alpha-lipoic acid) – protect against the negative effects of free radicals;

    – lidocaine – relieves pain and makes the treatment as comfortable as possible.

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    During the development and testing of a drug in aesthetic medicine clinics its advantages were clearly demonstrated:

    – High performance and complete safety;

    – Optimal viscoelasticity;

    – Excellent absorption capacity;

    – easy injection procedure;

    – the aesthetic effect lasts for a long time.

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    The purpose of the drug is to perform mesotherapy and biorevitalisation of the skin of the face, cleavage and neck. The course of aesthetic injections with such a cocktail is indicated in the following cases:

    – the face skin has become dull and looks “tired”;

    – dryness and wrinkles;

    – the contour of the face has become blurry;

    – a loss of elasticity and hardness of the skin is noticeable;

    – also used during the period of rehabilitation after chemical peelings, laser treatments or sunbathing.

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    There are a number of cases where it is recommended to abandon the course of biorevitalisation with Teosyal Redensity

    – period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;

    – oncological and autoimmune diseases;

    – acute phase infectious diseases;

    – existing inflammatory foci in the area of the proposed treatment;

    – low blood clotting;

    – tendency to form scars;

    – high sensitivity to the ingredients of the drug;

    – age up to 18 years.

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    How to prepare: How to prepare:

    No preparation is required before the procedure.

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    The doctor makes an initial diagnosis, finds the presence of lymphatic insufficiency.

    Then: The stage of skin cleansing before the drug is introduced.

    Disinfection of the injection site.

    Administration of the drug.

    Light massage at the injection site for better distribution of the drug in the tissues.

    Use of soothing and regenerating preparations.

    Within two weeks of the injection, sunbathing, make-up, sauna visits should be avoided, it is recommended to limit physical activity and alcohol consumption.

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    Effects Effects

    The resulting effect of the drug depends on several factors: the duration of the procedure performed by the cosmetologist, the correctness of the cosmetologist’s work and the health and condition of the patient’s skin.

    – The facial contour becomes clearer, facial features are softened;

    – shadows under the eyes are noticeably reduced;

    – the skin net is restructured and strengthened;

    – fine lines are eliminated, deeper ones are visibly smoothed out;

    – the skin becomes smooth, radiant and firm.

    In addition, we can mention the following advantages of the recommended treatment:

    Fast. The procedure takes no longer than one hour;

    Efficiently. The result is noticeable immediately and lasts on average about a year. One procedure is sufficient;

    Availability. Injections are much cheaper than surgery. No special training is required;

    It is painless. During the procedure, the patient feels only slight discomfort. The imperfections are eliminated without pain and blood;

    Safe. Hyaluronic acid is completely biocompatible; preparations based on it do not cause allergic reactions;

    No long-term rehabilitation. Full tissue repair takes 2-4 days. During this time, redness and swelling disappear.

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    Q & A Q & A

    • Will hyaluronic acid help to get rid of the bags under the eyes?
      The filler can be used to fill wrinkles, furrows and cavities. The skin in the treatment area is smoothed out. How effective the technique will be in fighting the bags depends on how severely they are. During an initial consultation, the cosmetologist will suggest an optimal strategy for dealing with existing defects.
    • How long will the effect last ?
      On average, the effect lasts for a year and a half. The exact time depends on the patient’s age, characteristics of his or her body, type of filler and observance of doctor’s recommendations.
    • So give your skin a second youth and remember that following the recommendations of the beautician will keep your face fresh and flexible for a long time.
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