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Aesthetic Medicine Treatments

Aesthetic medicine

Aesthetic medicine

We invite you to check our offer for aesthetic medicine treatments.

We guarantee:

  • safety of treatments
  • certified medical injection products
  • care by experienced doctors
  • natural effects
  • complete hygiene and sterility
  • comfort, full discretion and quality
Our service:

Our service:

We offer such treatments as

  • Botox
  • Lips enlargement
  • Wrinkle reduction with hyaluronic acid
  • Volumetry and facial oval improvement
  • Hybrid complexes of so-called youth molecules such as Profhilo or Nucleofill
  • Nose correction with hyaluronic acid
  • Treatment of excessive sweating or bruxism
  • Injection lipolysis
  • Collagen treatments e.g. with Linerase or Nithya
  • Nothing Lifting with Aptos, Artlift, etc.

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    Lip augmentation
    Hyaluronic acid

    Lip augmentation Lip augmentation

    Lip augmentation is performed with high quality hyaluronic acid. Generally during the procedure 1ml (1 ampoule of the preparation) is used. We work on Stylage, Restylane, Juvederm products.

    Our goal is to emphasize the natural beauty of the lips and eliminate possible asymmetries of the lips, avoiding the effect of exaggeration. The treatment also helps lips that are dehydrated and dry, restoring their proper hydration.

    The lip augmentation procedure should take about 45 minutes to 1 hour.
    Before the procedure, the doctor gives a consultation, during which the possible effect of the treatment is discussed. Then an anesthesia is applied to the lips, e.g. ointment with lidocaine. Dental anaesthesia may be applied. Then the doctor models the lips.
    After the procedure itself up to 2-3 swelling may occur, which however disappears. The final effect can be observed about a week after the procedure.
    If you are interested in this treatment, find out more on the dedicated page ->

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    Hyaluronic acid Hyaluronic acid

    Hyaluronic acid is perfect for developing such areas of the face as nasolabial furrows, wrinkles around the eyes, forehead, mouth (e.g. smoker’s wrinkles), ears or shadows under the eyes. Depending on the age and depth of the patient’s lesions, during the consultation, the doctor selects an appropriate type of hyaluronic acid – this is important because, for example, for more delicate lesions, products with a lower density are used, for deep denser ones. Thanks to this, the effect of the treatment is completely natural and there is no overfilling effect.

    Spend about 1 hour on the treatment. The amount of preparation that is used for the treatment is generally from 1ml to 2ml depending on the condition of the skin.
    The treatment is preceded by an anesthesia in the form of ointment with lidocaine. After the treatment itself, there may be a slight swelling (in the case of furrows it is minimal, in the case of eyes a little larger in general), which disappears 2-3 days after the treatment.
    The result is beautifully rejuvenated skin without wrinkles.
    Find out more about this treatment on our dedicated website ->

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    Volumetry Volumetry

    Volumetry is used to model the facial oval and give volume to the cheeks. It is not a procedure for everyone, however, in some cases it can even phenomenally affect the overall appearance of the face. To the volume is used a special – extremely dense type of hyaluronic acid – so we can model asymmetrical elements of the face with it, improve the appearance of cheek bones, or slenderize the jaw. In volumetry the most important thing is to maintain perfect proportions. In the case of volumetry, it is extremely important to have a large experience of the doctor performing the treatment, who will take care of the natural effect of this treatment.

    The treatment takes up to an hour. At the beginning a thorough consultation is carried out in order to determine the effects of the treatment. Then the patient is anesthetized. In case of volumetry, 1ml to 4ml of acid is used during the procedure. Why so much? It all depends on what part of the face requires volume – and how much tissue loss occurs.

    After the treatment you can return to normal activities, the full effect is visible after a week max 2 after the treatment.
    Learn more about volumetry surgery ->

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    Botox Botox

    Treatments using botulinum toxin, the so-called botox, are currently among the fastest and most effective treatments for temporary wrinkle reduction. With botox we can treat such areas as: crow’s feet, nose area, lift eyebrows, slim the oval of the face (by weakening the muscles around the jaws), furrows on the forehead.

    Botox is performed without anesthesia and is a very fast procedure.
    Remember, however, that after the procedure itself it is important to stay upright (do not go to sleep) for min. 4 hours. Botox should not be performed directly before activities such as airplane flight (about 48h), parachute jumping, diving due to intense pressure changes (if you plan such activities, perform botox a few days before).
    Botox is fully safe
    Treatments with botulinum toxin are performed by a doctor and are very safe.

    Find out more about the botox treatment and its prices ->

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    Skin rejuvenation treatment – in this case we recommend, among others, Hyalual, S Line Cytocare and Hydramax Skinboosters. Treatments are suggested to all those who want to strongly rejuvenate the whole skin with particular emphasis on problematic areas such as nasolabial furrows, forehead and eyes.

    The treatment does not have a filling effect, but focuses more on the global improvement of skin quality, including its hydration, tightness and the creation of a “relaxing effect”.

    The treatment is based on uncross-linked hyaluronic acid and sodium amber, which has an additional positive effect on skin regeneration processes.

    The treatment gives the effect already after the first session – your skin will become brighter and tighter, “youthful”.
    Before the procedure, the specialist carries out a detailed consultation. Then an ointment with lidocaine is applied for anaesthesia and the procedure is performed.
    We suggest that you spend about 60 minutes on the entire procedure.
    The treatment can be compared to deep and strong mesotherapy – using even stronger treatment products
    Find out more about the Hyalual redemption treatment and read the price list ->

    Learn more about S LINE Cytocare treatment ->

    Learn more about Skinbooster treatments ->

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    These products are an absolute hit for skin rejuvenation and revitalization. They are suitable for people of 30 years old as well as 50 or 60 years old. Their main goal is global skin rejuvenation without artificial filling effect. They are especially recommended in case of face aging e.g. in its lower and middle part. Thanks to the treatment, jaw lines, cheeks and the contour and oval of the face can be improved. The treatment phenomenally improves the quality and resilience of the skin by levelling the so-called hamsters. The treatments are fast and consist of a special technique of several deep punctures in the skin (about 5). The procedure itself takes about 15 minutes and does not require anesthesia – but of course sensitive people can ask for it. Then you should add about 30 minutes to the total treatment time.

    We particularly recommend such treatments as:

    Profhilo procedure -> find out more about the procedure
    Nucleofill -> read more about the treatment
    Sunekos -> find out more

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    If you want to keep your youth longer without worrying about excessive filling effect, we also recommend treatments with collagen. Why? These treatments performed cyclically will block the aging process and regenerate and stimulate the skin to produce new fibroblasts and collagen fibers, thus reducing the amount of your wrinkles and improving the quality of the skin. The treatments give the effect of long-lasting rejuvenation and skin stimulation. In addition, collagen is great for reducing limpness, stretch marks or atrophic scars.

    Collagen treatments are performed on such products as:

    Linerase -> find out more
    Nithya – > find out more

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    Fractional mesotherapy, otherwise known as micro-needle or dermapen, is a treatment that will rejuvenate your skin comprehensively and help to get rid of wrinkles, stretch marks and scars. It works perfectly as an independent treatment or as a part of a comprehensive treatment together with other aesthetic medicine treatments. The treatment will eliminate discoloration, improve the quality of the skin, its density and help to eliminate fine lines. Fractional mesotherapy is for people of all ages.

    After consultation, the specialist anesthetizes the skin with ointment with lidocaine. Then the length of needles is selected and the type of preparation is adjusted to the needs of your skin.
    Depending on the intensity of the treatment the redness disappears up to a few hours before the treatment or up to 2 days after mesotherapy.
    Find out more about the treatment:

    Fractional mesotherapy
    Nanofrax or Nanopore

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    Eyes are getting older the fastest, and it is the time that is most often visible in the eye area. The most common problems are wrinkles around the eyes, so called crow’s feet, excessive amount of skin on the eyelids (there is the effect of so called eye drooping), shadows under the eyes (giving the effect of fatigue or so called sunken eyes). In case of wrinkles, we particularly recommend either a series of mesotherapy such as RRS or Electri or botox. In the case of under-eye shadows, it is worth thinking about cross-linked hyaluronic acid dedicated to these areas, e.g. Redensity or Volift, which will effectively fill in the resulting losses. As far as eyelids are concerned, we recommend IQ Plasma or Emerge laser treatments, which will help improve the structure of the skin on the eyelids.

    Redensity Teosyal or Volift
    Needle mesotherapy e.g. Dark Cicle Solution, RRS
    Hyalual Electri
    IQ plasma
    Laser Emerge

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    lipolysis lipolysis

    Injection lipolysis is a procedure that aims to reduce or completely remove local fat deposits, which are difficult to reduce – often even despite exercise or diet. Injection lipolysis is performed using tensioning, lipolytic preparations such as phosphatidylcholine.

    The procedure itself is fast and virtually painless, however, after the procedure, there may be swelling, which disappears after 2-3 days after lipolysis. The effects increase up to 5 weeks after surgery. It is suggested to perform about 4 series of treatments. Lipolysis can be combined with other slimming treatments such as endermology, accent, cryolipolysis or lymphatic drainage.

    Learn more about these types of lipolysis:

    • Aquyalyx
    • Dermastabilon
    • Injection firming treatments such as Strechcare, Cellucare
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    Bruxism Bruxism

    Bruxism is a problem of gnashing teeth. People struggling with this problem usually unknowingly clench or gnash their teeth while sleeping, thus destroying and sawing them. In addition to the deepening dental defect, there is a strong proliferation of muscles around the jaws. As a result, the jaw line may be excessively enlarged and widened. This has a negative impact on female facial features, which lose their delicacy and slenderness. Botox is applied in strictly defined muscles – inhibiting excessive and uncontrolled gnashing and clenching of teeth.

    The treatment itself is fast and relatively painless. It does not require anesthesia. The effect lasts up to several months after the procedure, depending on the defect.

    Find out more about the procedure and its prices:

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    Excessive sweating is one of the most effective methods to get rid of this problem. The treatment can be performed on the area of armpits, feet or hands. Before the procedure a consultation takes place, then the area is anesthetized. The botox treatment allows to limit the sweat glands. The effect lasts up to several months.

    Find out more about the procedure ->

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    The scalp must be taken care of. This will be helped by aesthetic medicine treatments – which will prove useful in case you notice excessive hair loss, alopecia, hair weakness. In fact, each of the treatments should be supported by a trichological consultation. It would be good for you to also perform the blood tests indicated by the specialist. This will help you choose a treatment that is really effective. We recommend needle mesotherapy treatments such as Dr Cyj or Haircare. The treatments can be combined with Dermapen. In case of dermatitis, we suggest Darsonvalization, Led treatment or trichological products.

    Learn more about the treatments:

    Peptide Complex Dr Cyj
    Haircare needle mesotherapy
    Trichological treatments
    Dermapen / Fractional mesotherapy

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