Laser Tattoo Removal Qswitch

Laser Tattoo Removal Qswitch
LASER TATTOO REMOVAL The treatment is aimed at complete, permanent and relatively painless liquidation of unwanted pigmentation (tattoo or permanent make-up), thanks to the use of innovative Qswitch technology.The laser tattoo removal treatment in Krakow is performed on the Harmony XL Alma Lasers laser, having the highest certificates in dermatology and laser therapy. The Q-Switch laser does not work on the surface and in the deep layers of the skin on tattoo ink, thanks to which the skin is not damaged and the risk of scarring is minimized. Although theoretically the tattoo is a permanent drawing, thanks to the latest technologies there is a complete possibility of its reduction without having to undergo surgery. The Alma® Harmony XL laser is the perfect solution for all those who have already made tattoos bored or just started to look unsightly. Because laser removal of the tattoo may be somewhat painful, especially in delicate parts of the body, the procedure sometimes starts with local anesthesia. Usually lidocaine ointment is used for this. Then the person performing the procedure breaks down the dye molecules with the help of a laser device that makes "shots" reaching the skin. Such a treatment must be carried out on every millimeter of skin covered by the painting. It is worth knowing that if the tattoo was made with a dark dye, the treatment takes less time, bright colors require longer luring (and more treatments).

from 250zł

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    What kind of tattoos can we remove?
    Is this safe?
    How many treatments and how often
    Laser tattoo removal - Postoperative care
    The effectiveness of the laser removal of tattoos

    What kind of tattoos can we remove? What kind of tattoos can we remove?

    The use of QSwitch ND: YAG 1064 / 532NM technology enables removal of tattoo or permanent make-up, regardless of whether they were made amateur (eg using elemental carbon) or professional method (using organic dyes).

    By emitting ultra-short pulses (nanosecond) to the dermis, the dye particles are broken up into small elements, which in effect are neutralized and removed from the body. Qswitch technology enforces the skin’s immune processes which causes its faster regeneration. The treatment can be performed even in such delicate areas as the area around the eyes, ears, neck or neckline.

    An important issue in the case of the tattoo removal process is its color. The tattoo or makeup undergoing treatment must be blue, black, yellow, red or green.

    Laser tattoo removal can be performed under local anesthesia.

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    Is this safe? Is this safe?

    The modern device we use to tattoo tattoos guarantees safety. If contraindications for surgery and postoperative treatment are taken into account, you can have almost 100% certainty that there will be no adverse effects, for example bacterial infections. Sometimes there are such not too severe, undesirable side effects as an allergic reaction, change in skin texture or discoloration, but this is conditioned individually. The procedure itself is safe, and in most cases even so little noticeable that there is no need to perform anesthesia.

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    How many treatments and how often How many treatments and how often

    How many treatments do you need to remove a tattoo or permanent make-up?

    The number of treatments and the strength of the parameters used depend to a large extent on the tatoo itself. It is important whether:

    it was made professionally or amateurly,
    the color of the tattoo
    intensity and intensity of dyes
    density and size
    type of skin,
    tattoo age,

    Amateur tattoos need about 4-5 treatments to completely or 90%. Professional tattoos with a deeply introduced dye require about 4-8 treatments – they are characterized by higher density and stronger pigments. Treatments are performed every 6-8 weeks – giving the body the time for the process of absorption of vinca and gradual brightening of the tattoo.

    The number of treatments is an individual matter and determined by the master of cosmetology or a doctor during the consultation and the treatment process.

    Treatment consultation is free.

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    Laser tattoo removal - Postoperative care Laser tattoo removal - Postoperative care

    Although the removal of a tattoo with a laser is safe, the procedure after surgery is of great importance for the health and final appearance of the skin. Scrambling of scabs (which are supposed to disappear by themselves) or inappropriate skin care can cause, for example, bacterial infections or change of skin texture, so it should be avoided. It is advisable to lubricate the skin with an antibiotic ointment, sometimes it is also useful to apply a dressing. You should also avoid the sauna and swimming pool to avoid possible bacterial infections, sunbathing and strenuous physical exercise, for example related to fitness classes.

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    Contraindications Contraindications

    The most important contraindications for the laser removal of the tattoo are cancer, skin inflammation, pregnancy and vitiligo. The procedure can not be performed also in people who have heavily tanned skin or naturally very dark complexion or are in the course of using photosensitive drugs. Contraindications are also connective tissue diseases, as well as skin susceptibility to scarring, although in the latter case the choice may belong to the patient. In some cases, the procedure of removal of a very large, deep tattoo is also refused, which is why an earlier consultation is recommended.

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    The effectiveness of the laser removal of tattoos The effectiveness of the laser removal of tattoos

    The newest technology that we use to remove unwanted tattoos, gives almost 100% efficiency, but we must remember about individual conditions. Whether the tattoo will be completely removed or only its visibility drastically reduced depends, among other things, on the color of its dye, the depth it is in and the time it has passed since its completion. Dark tattoos are removed much easier than bright ones, whose dyes – yellow or orange – are harder to break down. The type of skin is also of great importance – its type depends largely on the final effect of the treatment or a series of treatments.

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    Prices Prices

    Treatment Price
    4cm2 / 1 treatment 250 zł
    9cm2 / 1 treatment 360 zł
    16cm2 / 1 treatment 450 zł
    25cm2 / 1 treatment 490 zł
    4cm2 / 3 treatments 699 zł
    9cm2 / 3 treatments 999 zł
    16cm2 / 3 treatments 1199 zł
    25cm2 / 3 treatments 1399 zł

    Consultation is free

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