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Clearlift – non-ablative lifting

Clearlift – non-ablative lifting

Clearlift - J'adore Institute in Warsaw presents a revolutionary solution for painless skin rejuvenation! Clearlift Harmony XL Pro is an extremely modern, non-ablative fractional laser, used, among others, for non-invasive smoothing of wrinkles, elimination of discoloration, reduction of enlarged pores and for removal of tattoos and permanent makeup. With it, you can achieve immediate and dream rejuvenation effects, without using a scalpel!

Clearlift Harmony XL Pro treatment

The fractional laser treatment consists of fully controlled induction of microdamages inside the skin, which, by initiating the natural healing process, stimulate collagen multiplication and raise skin tissues. The effect of skin lifting and remodeling is visible. The duration of the treatment depends on the surface of the skin treated with the laser and ranges from 20 to 60 minutes. The laser can also be used in delicate and sensitive parts of the body.

Obrazek posiada pusty atrybut alt; plik o nazwie clearlift-hp.jpg

This is a procedure that has an advantage over other laser solutions. Provides safety regardless of skin phototype and treatment area. What's more, it doesn't require anesthesia or recovery period. The possibility of performing the procedure throughout the year is a facilitation. An additional advantage of the treatment is to protect the skin against premature aging in the future. The effectiveness of Clearlift Harmony XL Pro has been clinically proven.

from 290  zł 

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Co 2-4 tyg


Twarz, usta, szyja, dekolt, ręce,

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    Clearlift Harmony XL Pro
    Indications for Clearlift treatment
    Contraindicates Clearlift treatment
    How often treatments should be performed?
    Post-treatment recommendations

    Clearlift Harmony XL Pro Clearlift Harmony XL Pro

    The uniqueness of the Clearlift device is based on a pioneering solution of mechanical action on the dermis, thanks to which it does not affect the structure of the epidermis. Other lasers work based on the thermal effect and affect the epidermis, which is why they are invasive and require recovery. Our laser has replaceable tips of different lengths, which the specialist selects depending on the skin problem. The Clearlift laser light enables operation at various skin depths, up to 3mm. Thanks to this, you can deal with both surface discoloration and defects that you have to fight in the deeper layers of the skin. These include mimic wrinkles and a falling face oval. It is important to be able to remove both black and colored tattoos. Depending on the type of tattoo, a different wavelength is chosen. For dark shades of skin drawings a longer wave of 1064 nm is needed. For lighter ink colors, the use of 532 nm wavelength is enough. High-frequency light beams break up the ink particles in the skin while minimizing the risk of scars and discoloration. An unusual feature of this equipment is the ability to perform treatments on sensitive parts of the body, such as hands, neck, chest and even the delicate eye area. You do not need to prepare for the treatment. You should only remember to wait 2-3 weeks in the case of antibiotic therapy and not to take medicines and herbs that belong to the group of photosensitizing. The effects are visible immediately after the procedure.


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    Indications for Clearlift treatment Indications for Clearlift treatment

    A non-ablative fractional laser has a lot to offer. It is recommended to undergo surgery in the following cases:

    *rejuvenation and stimulation of the skin for regenerative processes,
    *wrinkle removal,
    *desire to remove pigmentation changes and restore skin radiance,
    *desire to perform a non-invasive skin lifting,
    *desire to restore tension and elasticity to the skin,
    *willingness to eliminate scars and stretch marks,
    *desires to reduce or eliminate wrinkles and furrows,
    *desire to undo the effects of photoaging of the skin.

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    Contraindicates Clearlift treatment Contraindicates Clearlift treatment

    Any aesthetic procedure is safe if contraindications are excluded. The Clearlift HarmonyXL Pro procedure is not performed if:

    • pregnancy and breastfeeding,
    • taking photosensitizing drugs such as retinoids, antidepressants and tetracyclines,
    • using herbs such as St. John’s wort or calendula, alcohol consumption 24 hours before surgery,
    • decompensated diabetes,
    • vitiligo,
    • active phase of psoriasis,
    • epilepsy,
    • blood coagulation disorders
    • tendency to develop keloids,
    • bacterial skin infections
    • kidney failure
    • cancer,
    • mental disorders
    • chronic inflammatory diseases.

    In case of any doubts, our specialist will exclude all contraindications and discuss them with you.


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    How often treatments should be performed? How often treatments should be performed?

    The best results are obtained by performing 3 to 4 treatments at intervals of 3-4 weeks. This time will allow the skin to regenerate.

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    Post-treatment recommendations Post-treatment recommendations

    Due to the special operation of the Clearlift Harmony XL Pro laser, post-treatment recommendations should be followed. It is a minimally invasive procedure, therefore it does not require a recovery period and you can immediately go back to daily activities. Slight redness of the skin is a completely normal symptom that will go away on its own. For 4 weeks after the procedure, it is recommended to avoid sunbathing and using the solarium. Every day you need to use sunscreen creams. Care should be taken to moisturize and oil the area in which the procedure was performed.

    To sum up, the Clearlift Harmony XL Pro laser works differently than other lasers. Instead of a thermal interaction with associated damage to the epidermis, the laser acts on the dermis mechanically. Thanks to this, it eliminates the problem of postoperative recovery. Controlled microdamages of a specific layer of skin cause inflammation in specific places, sending a signal to the body to run skin repair processes. As a result, stimulated fibroblasts begin to produce a new collagen mesh, which leads to increased skin tone and firmness. The laser has tips of different lengths, which translates into the possibility of operating at different levels of the skin. It is important that the treatment is painless and safe for all skin phototypes. It can be performed throughout the year. These features make the Clearlift Harmony XL Pro laser a unique treatment using this type of energy.


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    Price Price

    A ferrulac peeling worth 300 zł FREE!

    1 treatment 3 treatment 
    750 zł instead 900zł 1999zł instead 2700zł
    899 zł instead 1400zł
     2499zł instead 4200zł
    face, neck, decolletage 
    1199 zł instead 1900zł
    2999zł instead 5700zł
    550zł 1399 zł
    690zł 1799 zł
    around the eyes 290zł instead 400zł 799 zł instead 1200zł

    The consultation is free

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