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Laser removal of blood vessels and erythema Warsaw

Laser removal of blood vessels and erythema Warsaw
Laser removal of vessels Harmony XL PRO Alma Lasers and FOTONA BTL laser. Enlarged capillaries and often accompanying erythema is a problem that many people face. In the fight against a nagging problem comes laser treatments. In our J'adore Institute salon, we only work on the highest-class Harmony Alma Lasers XL PRO laser platform - it is a device that guarantees the highest safety and effectiveness in removing lesions such as erythema, capillaries, single ruby ​​and other skin lesions. When in contact with hemoglobin, the laser light changes into heat, which results in permanent vasoconstriction and closing. The procedure is not a painful procedure and does not require anesthesia, the effects are visible immediately after the procedure.

from 210zł

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    Treatment of erythema and couperose removal – what does it lok like?

    Treatment of erythema and couperose removal – what does it lok like? Treatment of erythema and couperose removal – what does it lok like?

    Unwanted telangiectasias and visible erythema can be effectively eliminated using an innovative laser with the Harmony Alma Lasers system. Treatment belongs to fast, almost painless and effective methods, but also extremely safe.
    Laser treatment eliminating erythema and capillaries is a completely safe method, as there is no tissue damage, and the treatment itself does not require a recovery period and does not cause any skin changes. The desired effect of closing (removing) an dilated capillary is most often visible just after the procedure. However, some changes may require more visits, although partial improvement of the skin condition will be visible just after the first visit to our Institute. Coagulated-closed vessel should not reopen, therefore laser methods of closing vessels are considered to be the most effective and above all durable. Unfortunately, it should also be emphasized that not all people will see improvement in skin condition after the first treatment – this is an individual matter. It all depends on the speed of the process of absorption of the blood vessel by our body. It happens that you have to wait several days for the effects.
    Laser removal of erythema and blood vessels is the most effective way to solve the problem of broken blood vessels. The Harmony Alma Lasers system is currently one of the most modern and safe laser platforms in the world.

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    There are a number of factors that predispose to the formation and intensification of erythema and vascular rupture. These are not obligatory factors that result in the emergence of new changes for every person. Those who have a natural tendency or have vascular and sensitive skin are most at risk.

    Enlarged capillaries and erythema appear as a result of abnormal circulation, which can be caused by external factors. People with a vascular complexion must avoid prolonged exposure to strong sunlight, bathing in hot springs, visits to saunas, walking on the solarium, as high temperatures lead to broken capillaries and the appearance of unwanted erythema. It is also not recommended to stay in chlorinated and hard water and expose the skin to sudden temperature fluctuations. Increasing your symptoms also causes stress, some medications you take, and physical exertion. Vascular skin poorly tolerates strong wind, moisture, stimulants, alcohol and hormonal contraception. By trying to avoid the above factors, you can help reduce the visibility of blood vessels and erythema, and to some extent prevent subsequent blood vessels from cracking. It is also important to use appropriate care cosmetics dedicated to problems with sensitive skin, as well as to use delicate face lotions.

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    In which cases is it worth performing a laser vascular removal procedure? Always when we do not fully accept the appearance of our skin, because erythema, dilated capillaries or hemangiomas are visible.

    Indications for treatment:

    • Rosacea,
    • Dilated capillaries and spider veins on the face and neckline,
    • Erythema,
    • Hemangiomas,
    • Minor varicose veins,
    • Vascular lesions on the legs,
    • Single angiomas,
    • Fibromas, warts and seborrheic lesions on the skin.

    Interested persons who want to take advantage of the laser vascular removal procedure, but are not entirely convinced whether in their case skin lesions will be reduced – we invite you for free and free consultation with our cosmetologists. The specialist during the visit will evaluate each change and determine what effects can be expected. There is also the possibility of performing a laser test – i.e. a single laser shot to check how the skin will react to the treatment.

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    Not all people can undergo the procedure, the qualification of the patient for the laser procedure is always decided by a specialist during the initial consultation.

    Laser removal of blood vessels is not recommended in the following cases:

    • a fresh tan visit to the solarium,
    • pregnancy, lactation,
    • use of photosensitizing drugs (before surgery, you should stop taking medication at least 4 weeks before your visit),
    • diabetes (not stabilized, not treated),
    • cancer,
    • epilepsy,
    • damaged, irritated skin within the performed procedure,
    • bacterial, viral (herpes) infections,
    • dermatological changes caused by infection.

    In addition to the photosensitizing drugs listed above, there are other articles whose supplementation is a contraindication to starting a laser treatment. These are:

    • Gold salt treatment,
    • Drugs taken in the last 6 months: Roaccutane, Acnenormin, Isotrex, Isotec
    • Acquired vitiligo drugs,
    • Anticoagulants and antidepressants.
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    Make an appointment for a free consultation!

    You are not convinced whether the treatment of laser removal of blood vessels and erythema will be recommended and effective in your case? We cordially invite you to our Institute for a consultation. Talk to all your bothering questions about laser surgery with our qualified specialists.

    Consultation for the procedure is completely non-binding and free.
    Phone number: 12 26 14 443,

    e-mail: or we invite you to make a convenient online booking.

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    single erythema  230 zł
    face 509 zł
    forehead 400 zł
    cheeks 410 zł
    chin 290  zł
    nose 260 zł
    upper lip 230 zł
    neck 400 zł
    decollatage 600 zł
    neck, decollatage 790 zł
    face, neck, decollatage 1150zł
    arms 490 – 800 zł
    pre arms 490 – 600 zł
    hands 390 – 500 zł
    thighs 300 – 900 zł
    calves 300 – 900 zł
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