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Non-ablative fractional laser Palomar Emerge

Non-ablative fractional laser Palomar Emerge
Currently, aesthetic medicine and laser treatments are able to reduce almost any skin defect. If you want to achieve firm and smooth skin, reduce wrinkles and  discoloration or enlarged pores - the treatment using Emerge Palomar laser is for you! Emerge fractional laser was produced by the American company Palomar. It is intended for skin rejuvenation as well as for removing superficial imperfections. It has a special FDA certificate, which confirms its effectiveness in removing crow's feet or mimic wrinkles. The laser in a controlled way damages the epidermis and dermis, which stimulates it to intensify regeneration. Thanks to this, collagen and elastin fibers, which are the foundation of the skin, are rebuilt. At the same time, it does not affect its continuity. The device is distinguished by high efficiency. Now you can do it in a beauty salon in Warsaw - J'adore Institute. Indications for surgery:
  • wrinkles, including around the eyes and mouth, lion's wrinkle, nasolabial furrows, smoker's wrinkles,
  • acne scars, postoperative, after burns,
  • enlarged pores,
  • stretch marks,
  • slight discoloration,
  • flaccid skin,
  • dark circles under the eyes,
  • cellulite,
  • skin irregularities in different areas, e.g. neckline, shoulders, abdomen or buttocks.

from 300zł

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    What is the Palomar Emerge procedure?
    Effects after the procedure using Palomar Emerge:
    How long does the procedure take?
    Recommendations after the procedure:
    Contraindications for the Palomar Emerge procedure:

    What is the Palomar Emerge procedure? What is the Palomar Emerge procedure?

    We start with a thorough facial makeup removal. Depending on the problem, we choose the right light beam. The procedure does not require anesthesia, although in some patients it may cause slight discomfort. With the help of the head, micro-beams of light are introduced, which penetrate the skin above 1.5 mm. After the procedure, the process of skin renewal and regeneration starts and it acquires a healthy appearance. The laser stimulates skin cells to produce hyaluronic acid, thanks to which wrinkles are filled. Under the influence of its action, it undergoes reconstruction. Old tissue is replaced with new and healthy one. It is performed by the Beauty Institute in Warsaw – J’adore Institute, which offers high-quality cosmetic services.

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    Effects after the procedure using Palomar Emerge: Effects after the procedure using Palomar Emerge:

    Results of the procedure:

    • even skin texture narrowed pores,
    • leveled wrinkles on the face, neck and décolleté.
    • reduced slight skin discoloration,
    • shallow scars,
    • reducing the visibility of stretch marks,
    • firming and smoothing the skin,
    • improvement of the face oval,
    • reduction of dark circles under the eyes.
    • cellulite reduction.

    The effects can be seen the second day after the procedure. Full results can be expected after about 2-3 weeks, while the production of collagen fibers takes up to 6 months.

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    How long does the procedure take? How long does the procedure take?

    The treatment using Emerge Palomar takes a short time, usually up to 15-30 minutes. It depends on the defects that we want to correct. Usually, the time does not exceed 1 hour. The treatment is non-invasive, but after that the skin may be red immediately. However, this disappears within a few hours. The skin may itch slightly and be slightly dry, which is a completely normal result of using a laser.

    You can also feel the heat in the treated areas, which will effectively soothe the gel compress. There may also be scabs that fall off after a maximum of 2 weeks. Do not scratch them. The skin is completely healed after about 2 weeks.

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    Recommendations after the procedure: Recommendations after the procedure:

    • using a protective cream with a high filter – SPF 50 for a minimum of 4 weeks after the procedure,
    • gentle skin care, washing with a non-alcohol preparation,
    • resignation from tanning within 4 weeks after the procedure,
    • moisturizing the skin with a cream recommended by the person performing the procedure,
    • avoiding the pool and sauna for a week after treatment,
    • it is recommended to avoid strong makeup until the treated area heals,
    • do not do intensive exercises within 3 days after the treatment
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    Contraindications for the Palomar Emerge procedure: Contraindications for the Palomar Emerge procedure:

    • The use of photosensitizing herbs (f.ex. horsetail and calendula)
    • as well as antibiotics and antidepressant drugs, oral intake of retinoids and isotretinoin, photodermatoses,
    • tanned skin, also the use of self-tanning creams,
    • active viral and bacterial infections,
    • psoriasis,
    • atopic dermatitis,
    • filling wrinkles with hyaluronic acid within 4 weeks before the procedure,
    • skin cancer diabetes,
    • peels performed shortly before the procedure,
    • low body immunity,
    • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

    The treatment using Emerge Palomar is completely safe, it does not affect the nerves and blood vessels or surrounding tissues. You do not need to prepare for the procedure. No tests are required before starting therapy. To get the best and lasting results, it is suggested to perform 3 to 6 treatments at intervals of 2 to 6 weeks. You will do the cosmetic treatment in Warsaw – at the J’adore Institute. The advantage of the Emerge Palomar laser is a short recovery period and a quick opportunity to return to your duties.

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