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Electrocoagulation is one of the most effective methods of vessel closure used in aesthetic medicine. The procedure itself is characterized by electrocoagulation:

  • maximum safety.
  • Short process time is also worth noting.
  • Thanks to the non-invasive method of closing the capillaries, the patient can return to performing his daily duties immediately after the procedure.
  • The first effects are visible after leaving the office. However, the skin healing process takes much longer – complete closure of the capillaries may occur even after three weeks.
  • Electrocoagulation is irreplaceable when it comes to rapid reduction of unaesthetic vessels located on the skin. This method will also work well for the elimination of fibroids – skin growths appearing on the face, eyelids, upper limbs, trunk and scalp.


The procedure of closing capillaries by electrocoagulation is not only simple, but also fast, painless and fully safe. Each procedure is preceded by a visit to a specialist – one of our experienced doctors.

  • Electrocoagulation consists in cutting off the protein by means of electric impulses. The doctor moves a special electrode in the place of the procedure – directly on an unaesthetic vessel – and the harmless and painless electric impulses shear the protein, leading to closing and sealing the blood vessel. The whole thing is aseptic – no anesthesia is necessary when closing the vessels. The epidermis does not tear and thus bleed. After the procedure the skin may be irritated – depending on the frequency of the current. The healing process is short – depending on the sensitivity of the skin it takes up to several days at most.

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from 80zł

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after 4 weeks



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    FOR WHO?
    Q & A


    The procedure of capillary closure by means of electrocoagulation will be perfect for every healthy Patient – regardless of age or gender. The main contraindication in this respect is only pregnancy and pacemaker. Properly performed procedure allows to quickly and effectively get rid of unsightly skin changes in the form of visible blood vessels.

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    Electrocoagulation is an extremely universal method of treatment, which will work well not only for closed and dilated blood vessels. This modern, advanced technique is perfect for the elimination of other unsightly skin lesions, including warts, warts, porcupines, piglets, soft fibroma and cysts. Moreover, electrocoagulation is also irreplaceable for the reduction of excessive hair. Electrocoagulation can also be used for the treatment of viral, seborrheic and flat warts, infectious molluscs, stellar hemangiomas and overgrown sweat and sebaceous glands.

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    The capillary closure procedure is completely safe. However, the method of electrocoagulation alone is not recommended for all patients. Every aesthetic medicine procedure has certain limitations. In the case of electrocoagulation it is pregnancy and breastfeeding period, implanted pacemaker, as well as blood clotting, circulation disorders and diabetes. It is strongly discouraged to perform the procedure using electrocoagulation in general bad health – chronic diseases or even a common cold. This procedure is not recommended for people suffering from epilepsy, albinism and psoriasis.

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    Electrocoagulation treatment areas:

    • Face;
    • Areas of superfluous hair;
    • Sebaceous and sweat glands;
    • Whole body.
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    The patient does not have to prepare himself or herself in any special way for the procedure of capillary closure by electrocoagulation. Two weeks prior to the visit to our Institute, you should resign from other aesthetic medicine treatments, including microdermabrasion and chemical peelings. Sunbathing should also be avoided – both in the sun and in the solarium. One month before the treatment, you should stop using the cream with retinol. Immediately before the visit to our Institute – 24 hours before – you must not consume alcohol.

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    Q & A Q & A

    • Is it painful to close capillaries using electrocoagulation?
      Electrocoagulation is not painful, although it may cause some discomfort. The scale of the sensation depends on the individual’s resistance to pain, as well as the place of the procedure and the size of the vessel. The procedure itself does not require the use of an anaesthesia, however, it is possible to use local anaesthesia in the form of Emel ointment. If the patient has a low tolerance to pain, he or she should inform our specialist about this fact during the medical visit preceding the procedure.
    • What does the skin look like after the procedure of capillary closure by electrocoagulation?
      Skin changes immediately after the procedure of capillary closure by electrocoagulation depend on the individual predisposition of the patient. The procedure may be followed by slight swelling or erythema at the stabbing site, bruising or hardening of the skin, as well as mild pain. All unpleasant ailments disappear within a few hours after leaving the Institute. The healing process is relatively fast. Following the recommendations of our specialists will eliminate all potential inconveniences associated with the treatment, including scars.
    • Is it necessary to take care of the skin after the procedure of closing the capillaries by electrocoagulation in a special way?
      For some time the place of treatment should be taken care of in a special way. First of all, it must not be exposed to the sun. If it is necessary to leave the house, it is worthwhile to use a cream with a high filter or slice. Sunbathing, the use of solarium and sauna is also strongly advised against. In the place of treatment should not be used cosmetics.
    • Is it safe to close capillaries using electrocoagulation?
      All electrocoagulation treatments are relatively safe. The key to success is the experience and precision of the specialist. As this method does not have a selective effect on tissues and blood vessels, each procedure must be performed with maximum accuracy. In our Institute, low current is used for electrocoagulation, which translates into safety of each procedure. All symptoms associated with tissue damage are temporary and resolve – depending on the type of procedure – after several to several days. The use of the highest quality equipment means that the treatment is not burdened with any permanent side effects such as scars, inflammation, discoloration or discoloration.
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