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Nomelan Cafeico Peel

Nomelan Cafeico

Nomelan Cafeico

About the procedure

Nomelan Cafeico is a modern, multi-component medical chemical peeling, which owes its effectiveness to appropriately selected active substances. These ingredients have a synergistic effect, which means that together they can have a stronger effect on the skin. A whole line of preparations has been prepared so that the best possible dosage can be made to meet the specific requirements of the patient’s skin.

  • The treatment consists of exfoliating the epidermis, but it also affects the deeper layers of skin. In the process of regeneration a new epidermis is created, which is much smoother and firmer, and additionally we gain an improvement in color – skin discolouration disappears. More damage can be eliminated when the peeling penetrates deeper parts of the skin. It all depends on how many layers of peeling the beautician decides to apply, it also depends on the type and thickness of the skin.
  • We owe the effective fight against dermatological problems to such ingredients as: coffee acid, ferulic acid, rosemary acid, Retinol, TCA, AHA, salicylic acid, brightening agents. The treatment itself is not complicated and lasts for a short time, however, during this time the patient may feel delicate burning and itching. This is very normal for treatments where acids are used, so there is nothing to fear.


The treatment brings very good results

  • It effectively fights against skin imperfections. You can use it once (after the first action you can see the effects of the treatment) or repeat visits to the beauty salon once a month. Everything depends on what we want to achieve and what condition our skin is in.
  • An experienced cosmetologist will be able to plan the entire treatment to bring the best results and will guide us through the entire treatment process.
    In addition, patients can count on advice on care directly after the treatment to enjoy a beautiful appearance for as long as possible.
  • Make an appointment at our beauty salon in Warsaw

Treatment price

od 400zł

Treatment time




Number of treatments

od 1


Co 3-4 tyg


Z przebarwieniami

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    Administratorem Twoich danych osobowych jest J’adore Instytut, Karmelicka 45, 31-128 Kraków NIP 672 200 14 43
    • Twoje dane osobowe podawane w formularzu kontaktowym będą przetwarzane, wyłącznie do podjęcia określonych działań na Twoje żądanie, np. w celu udzielenia odpowiedzi na Twoje pytanie wysłane drogą elektroniczną poprzez zapis na stronie Administratora.
    • Podanie danych osobowych jest dobrowolne, ale niezbędne do przesłania odpowiedzi na Twoją wiadomość.
    • Twoje dane osobowe będą przetwarzane wyłącznie przez okres niezbędny do udzielania odpowiedzi, a następnie zostaną usunięte, chyba że zdecydujesz się korzystać z naszych usług i pozostawisz je na innej podstawie i we wskazanym Ci celu.
    • Twoje dane osobowe będą udostępnianie innym odbiorcom danych, takim, jak serwisy świadczące usługi utrzymania systemu informatycznego i hostingu, dostawcę usługi poczty elektronicznej itp. jeśli okaże się to konieczne.

    Masz prawo dostępu do treści swoich danych, ich poprawiania, ich sprostowania, usunięcia lub ograniczenia przetwarzania, prawo do wniesienia sprzeciwu wobec przetwarzania, prawo do przenoszenia danych, prawo żądania dostępu do danych, a także prawo wniesienia skargi do organu nadzorczego, jeśli uznasz, że przetwarzanie Twoich danych jest niezgodne z aktualnie obowiązującymi przepisami prawa w zakresie ochrony danych. Przysługuje Ci też prawo do bycia zapomnianym, jeśli dalsze przetwarzanie nie będzie przewidziane przez aktualnie obowiązujące przepisy prawa.
    • Posiadasz też prawo do cofnięcia zgody w dowolnym momencie, cofnięcie zgody pozostaje bez wpływu na przetwarzanie danych, którego dokonano na podstawie zgody przez jej cofnięciem.
    • Twoje dane mogą być przetwarzane w sposób zautomatyzowany, w tym również w formie profilowania.


    Q & a


    • We recommend this peeling to all people who are struggling with skin discoloration. Nomelan Cafeico can deal with lentil spots, molasses, freckles, but it also evens out the color of the face and combats post-inflammatory changes. If you are unsuccessfully struggling with acne, seborrhea, or maybe you have dilated pores it is also worthwhile to use the treatment. It will also deal with gray skin, devoid of glow, but will also help in the fight against scars and stretch marks. It is a very universal product, but its versatility does not take its effectiveness into account.
    • If you are struggling with one of the skin problems mentioned above, it is worth to make an appointment to the beauty institute and plan appropriate actions. Or maybe we are looking for an appropriate measure to delay the skin aging process? This treatment will effectively deal with natural aging as well as help people affected by photo aging (skin changes caused by long exposure to the sun).
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    As with most cosmetic treatments, there are also contraindications for Nomelan Cafeico.

    The cosmetologist always puts the safety of the patient first, therefore this service is not recommended to pregnant and breastfeeding women. If we currently have skin lesions, severe irritation, herpes or psoriasis, we should also refrain from visiting the beauty salon until our condition improves. When we are facing more serious diseases or taking specialized drugs, let’s not hide this fact, let’s tell the beautician about it and she will be able to determine whether we can use the service or propose another treatment for us.

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    Due to the fact that Nomelan Cafeico is a medical chemical peel, its effect on the skin may cause redness. If swelling appears – do not panic, it should disappear within 24 hours.

    The most important process, i.e. exfoliation, should take place after 2 days from the treatment and during this time the skin should be handled quite carefully and taken care of (a mild cleanser and cream recommended by a beautician). First of all, do not accelerate this moment, because we may accidentally damage the skin, and then the regeneration process will be prolonged. Exfoliation should be done in a natural way.

    Another important issue is protection from the sun and protection of the face skin with an appropriate cream with a filter, as well as postponing visits to the solarium for at least 2 weeks. The skin after the treatment is very delicate and burns may occur if we do not follow the recommendations of the cosmetologist. For the time of regeneration we also put aside stronger cosmetics, especially those based on alcohol.

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    • Nomelan Cafeico provides intensive renewal of skin cells, deeply revitalizes, so that after treatment we have smooth, firm and elastic skin.
    • In addition, it brightens and even eliminates discoloration, reduces wrinkles and wrinkles, so we retain our youth for longer.
    • The treatment is also effective in shallowing scars and stretch marks.
    • Thanks to Nomelan Cafeico peeling we can act on many imperfections during one visit to the clinic of aesthetic medicine, and its action will certainly surprise us – it is a very effective product, but also safe for health.
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    Q & a Q & a

    1. how long does the procedure last?
    The procedure takes about 30 minutes.

    2. when can I make up after the Nomelan Cafeico treatment?
    We recommend that you hold your makeup for 24 hours after your visit to the beauty salon.

    3. Is an anesthesia needed?
    No, you do not need to use an anesthetic.

    4. do you need to prepare yourself for the procedure?
    The patient does not have to prepare himself or herself. All activities are performed on site, in the beauty salon.

    We invite you to make an appointment at our J’adore Institute salon, where experienced professionals are waiting for you. If you have any doubts, we will always be happy to advise you, prepare for the procedure and guide you step by step through the whole process. The most important thing for us is the good of the client and we want you to feel comfortable with us. We invite you.

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