Laser removal of couperose with Harmony XL Alma Lasers and FOTONA BTL laser.

Erythema and couperose are a problem faced by many people. Currently, the most effective way to remove it is the method of laser. In J'adore Institute we work on a top-class laser platform of Harmony Laser Alma Lasers and laser Fotona SP-2 - devices, which guarantee maximum safety and efficiency in the removal of vascular lesions, erythema, rubies and other skin lesions. During contact with the hemoglobin laser beam is converted into heat as a result of which there is a sustained contraction of blood vessels and their closure. The treatment is not painful and requires no anesthetic, the effects are seen almost immediately after the treatment. Laser removal of couperose Unwanted visible dilated capillaries (so-called telangiectasias) can be removed using a modern laser with the Harmony XL Alma Lasers system. The treatment belongs to effective, quick and almost painless treatments, well tolerated by the skin.

Removing blood vessels is a completely safe procedure. There is no tissue damage occurs, and the procedure itself does not require convalescence and does not cause any skin lesions. The expected effect of removing (closing) the enlarged capillaries is usually visible after the first treatment. Some changes may require more treatments, although some improvement will be visible already after the first visit to our office. Closed - coagulated vessel should not be broken again, therefore laser closing of vessels is considered an effective and, above all, permanent method. However, it should be emphasized that not all people will be able to see improvement immediately after the procedure, because the individual issue is the course of the process of resorption (absorption) of the capillaries by the body. Sometimes you have to wait a few days for the effects. Laser removal of couperose

Why laser treatment with Harmony XL or Fotona BTL?

Laser removal of vasculitis and erythema is the most effective treatment for solving the problem of broken blood vessels. The Harmony Alma Lasers system is currently one of the most modern and safest laser platforms in the world. Trust the highest quality! Laser vascular closure - External factors that can cause erythema

There are some factors that increase erythema and contribute to the capillaries. Of course, these are not obligatory factors that will lead to such changes in each person. Only those who have a natural tendency or have a sensitive and capillary complexion are at risk.

Erythema and dilated capillaries arise as a result of circulatory disorders that can be caused by external factors. People with a vascular complexion should primarily avoid saunas, long exposure to strong sun and bathing in hot springs or going to a solarium, because the high temperature leads to capillaries rupture and the appearance of unsightly erythema. It is also inadvisable to stay in chlorinated and hard water and expose the skin to sudden changes in temperature. The severity of symptoms also causes stress, some medications being used, and sometimes also physical exertion. Prolonged skin also tolerates strong wind, moisture, alcohol, stimulants and hormonal contraception. By avoiding the above-mentioned factors, you can reduce the visibility of erythema and, to some extent, also prevent the subsequent vessels from cracking. It is also very important to use proper nourishing care creams for the capillary skin, as well as delicate face cleansing liquids.

from 230zł

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    Treatment of erythema and couperose removal – what does it lok like?

    Treatment of erythema and couperose removal – what does it lok like? Treatment of erythema and couperose removal – what does it lok like?

    During the procedure, there is no damage to the tissue, the procedure requires no recovery, it does not cause any skin changes. Some changes require more treatments, but part of them is reduced already during the first treatment of laser removal of vascular changes. Closed – coagulated capillary is enclosed in a durable manner. The process of resorption of it by the body (the absorption) is an individual matter.

    Laser removal of capillaries and erythema is most effective treatment in addressing the problem of broken capillaries and Alma Lasers Harmony system is now one of the most modern and safest laser platforms in the world.

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    After the procedure you should avoid excessive exposure to the sun, and in particular sunbathing. For about 10 days, you should also stop doing the sports that could cause damage to the skin, as well as the use of sauna, solarium or hot baths. It is appropriate to use ointments and cosmetics accelerating treatment. Particularly those including group B vitamins.

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    The treatment is designed for people struggling with

    • aging skin
    • wrinkles, skin lesions
    • erythema
    • discoloration
    • freckles
    • gray and aging skin
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    Contraindications for the treatment:

    • pregnancy
    • cancers
    • epilepsy
    • medications with drugs that increase sensitivity to light
    • suntan
    • coagulation disorders, damage to the skin of the treated area
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    Consultation for the procedure is completely free and non-obligating. Please call us at 12 26 14 443, email at or make a reservation online.

    Immediately after the procedure of photorejuvenation you can observe erythema, edema, skin dryness, burning. After the treatment, you should avoid sunlight and use high protection filters.

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    Single erythema 230zł
    Face 499zł
    Forehead 339zł
    Cheeks 369zł
    Chin 269 zł
    Nose 230zł
    Upper lip 230zł
    Neck 399 zł
    Decolletage 499 zł
    Face and neck 649 zł
    Face, neck and decolletage 979 zł
    Hands 329zł
    Package – 4 face treatments 1699zł


    SINGLE CHANGES: 4 treatments for 599 zł

    Forehead: 4 treatments for 999 zł

    Decolletage: 4 treatments for  1620 zł

    Arms or forearms: 4 treatments 10% discount

    Back: 4 treatments 10 % discount

    Hands: 4 treatments for 1260 zł

    Face + decolletage: 4 treatments for 2299 zł

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