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Soprano ICE laser hair removal is an effective method of permanent hair removal – from the legs, through the bikini sphere, to the buttocks, chin and forearms. Just a few treatments are enough to get rid of the ever-growing hair once and for all.

  • The treatment is performed with a high-end, high-tech laser Soprano ICE. The device is not only extremely precise, but also fully safe for health and life – especially the tissues located in close proximity to the hair bulbs. Why choose a laser Soprano ICE?
  • Why is it better than other lasers? Contrary to appearances, this question is very simple. Those who have already had to deal with laser hair removal, albeit a different device than the laser Soprano ICE know that this treatment is painful. In the case of traditional hair removal, the patient feels pain so intense that he or she resigned from the procedure at a later time.
    Soprano ICE is unique. At the moment, it is the only laser in the world that allows comfortable depilation of any part of the body. During the procedure, the patient feels as comfortable as possible with the highest level of intimacy.
  • Relatively low soreness of the treatment, safety, and most importantly, the effectiveness of the laser hair removal Soprano ICE is very popular among our customers. Soprano ICE is a technological solution for the XXI century. Presented innovative device is a novelty that has been on the Polish market for only a few years. As one of the few devices in this field allows you to precisely adjust the treatment to the individual needs and preferences of each client.
why TO DO?

why TO DO?

Why is the treatment performed with Soprano ICE laser painless? All thanks to a special ICE head.

  • This sapphire, maximum cold tip quickly cools the skin, making the patient feel only a pleasant cold. It is also worth mentioning that Soprano ICE is suitable for any type of hair – not only dark, as with other devices – but also light and thin. Without major obstacles we can remove the hair from the face and all other parts of the body.
  • The procedure is performed with a high-end, high-tech laser Soprano ICE. The device is not only extremely precise, but also fully safe for health – especially the tissues located in close proximity to the hair.
  • Get rid of unwanted hair permanently and effectively! The most effective treatments in Warsaw!

Treatment price

od 100 zł

Treatment time



Number of treatments



6-8 weeks


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    What does laser hair removal look like?
    The difference between diode laser hair removal and IPL?
    Who is the laser hair removal treatment for?
    How to prepare for laser hair removal?
    Recommendations for patients after laser hair removal
    How often should laser hair removal be repeated?
    Advantages of laser hair removal
    Contraindications for performing laser hair removal
    For her
    For him
    Laser hair removal Warsaw - prices

    What does laser hair removal look like? What does laser hair removal look like?

    Laser hair removal treatment involves hair reduction with a laser. The light beam of the technologically advanced Soprano ICE device burns the hair together with the bulb, making it never grow back again.

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    The difference between diode laser hair removal and IPL? The difference between diode laser hair removal and IPL?

    Why is diode laser hair removal better than IPL? Permanent hair reduction is not easy. At the very beginning it should be noted that IPL does not belong to the group of lasers, although the operation of this device is extremely similar to the mechanism of operation of a diode laser. In both cases, the epilation process boils down to the permanent destruction of the hair follicle by a light / laser beam emitted by the head of the selected device. The ray penetrates deeply under the skin, destroying the hair bulb so that it does not reborn in the future. This process is of course permanent. The main difference between the laser and IPL concerns the effectiveness of hair removal, as well as the number of treatments needed to completely remove hair in a selected area.

    The diode laser, including the Soprano ICE used by us, removes hair permanently, and thus forever – regardless of the place of the procedure. Full treatment, i.e. the implementation of a certain number of depilation treatments leads to a complete degradation of the hair follicles, which in turn translates into the lack of any hair at the laser site in the future. IPL (Intense Pulsed Light), as we mentioned earlier, does not belong to devices called lasers, although many people confuse them with them. The procedure itself with its use comes down to exposure with a xenon lamp. The difference in the operation of both devices is significant – a diode laser (including Soprano ICE), and more precisely its light waves have the same wavelength (with only a slight discrepancy), while at IPL the waves are of different lengths. During laser hair removal, only strictly defined subcutaneous places – hair bulbs – are subjected to treatment. Due to the irregularity of the waves with IPL devices, the light beam is absorbed not only by the target tissues – hair, but also surrounding tissues. It is the lack of selectivity for this technology that makes it much worse than laser hair removal.

    It can be said that both treatments using an IPL device and diode lasers are characterized by similar pain. It all depends on the patient’s individual predispositions, as well as the quality of the equipment. In the case of the Soprano ICE diode laser used in our salon, the entire procedure is painless. How is this possible? This laser is equipped with a special, sapphire ICE head, which cools the place of treatment. Thus, the patient does not feel any pain or even discomfort.

    The difference in terms of both devices is also visible in the number of treatments necessary if hair is completely eliminated in a given place. Generally, there are at least three treatments using IPL for one treatment using a diode laser. Complete removal of hair with IPL devices is therefore longer, and additionally the regenerating hair is deformed, which makes it even more difficult to remove it permanently.

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    Who is the laser hair removal treatment for? Who is the laser hair removal treatment for?

    Laser hair removal treatment is intended for everyone – women and men, regardless of age. During the first laser hair removal treatment in our beauty salon in Warsaw, a specialist will be consulted during which the phototype will be determined and the treatment schedule will be drawn up.

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    How to prepare for laser hair removal? How to prepare for laser hair removal?

    14 days before the laser hair removal treatment, the body part that we intend to undergo UV treatment (sun and solarium) should be limited. 21 days prior to surgery, you must not pull out the hair with tweezers, wax, or use a depilator. On the days of the procedure, it is not recommended to use deodorants and other cosmetics applied directly to the body. 14 days before the procedure, you should give up cosmetics containing derivatives of retinoids and photosensitive components (mainly herbal extracts and herbal teas). On the days of surgery, depilate the skin with a disposable razor.

    We would like to emphasize that it is particularly important that the treatment site is completely natural, i.e. it has a natural color. As melanin is found not only in bulbs, but also on the surface of the skin, it focuses the laser light in almost the same way. Tanning can significantly disrupt the epilation process.

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    Recommendations for patients after laser hair removal Recommendations for patients after laser hair removal

    Dn’t apply any cosmetics to the skin for up to 2 days after the procedure. Up to 14 days after the procedure, it is not recommended to expose the depilated place to UV rays (sun and solarium). For 4 days after the procedure, avoid physical exercise, as well as visits to the pool and sauna. It is worth mentioning that after laser hair removal, in which there is a permanent elimination of mature hair bulbs, the hair may leave for about 10 days.

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    How often should laser hair removal be repeated? How often should laser hair removal be repeated?

    In order for the laser hair removal treatment to have the desired effect, several sessions are required for the selected body part. Their number depends primarily on individual predispositions – mainly the type of hair. Recommended number of treatments – about 6 – 8 at intervals of 4 – 8 weeks. Of course, the intervals between treatments also depend on the place where we perform it. The hair growth cycle differs depending on the body region. For example – on the chin this cycle oscillates within 3 months, while on the legs 6 months.

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    Advantages of laser hair removal Advantages of laser hair removal

    • Perfectly smooth skin;
    • Permanent getting rid of hairs from a selected body part;
    • No more problems with ingrown hair.
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    Contraindications for performing laser hair removal Contraindications for performing laser hair removal

    • Fresh tan,
    • Consumption of photosensitizing drugs,
    • Consumption of herbal supplements and teas,
    • Gray hair color,
    • Epilepsy,
    • Skin diseases,
    • Skin wounds,
    • Pregnancy and breast-feeding.
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    Areas: Areas:

    J’adore Institute in Warsaw offers treatments for removing excessive hair from all body regions. Laser hair removal is most often performed with particular emphasis on legs and thighs, forearms, bikini zone, moustache, chin and buttocks. Laser hair removal can be performed on almost the entire body. The hair must be at an appropriate growth stage. Underarm laser hair removal is the most frequently treated area in Warsaw.

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    For her For her

    • Legs and thighs laser hair removal
      Laser thigh hair removal, just like calf laser hair removal, is one of the most common treatments performed by women in the field of hair removal itself. No wonder – legs are an attribute of femininity, so it is important that they are smooth. Most of the epilation treatments show low effectiveness. The opposite is true for diode laser hair removal. Currently, it is the only permanent method of effective and, at the same time, quick removal of unnecessary hair. The next treatments will bring the expected results.

    Laser thigh hair removal covers the area from the bottom line of the lingerie to the area under the knee – both the front and back of the thighs. There is no denying that keeping this part of the body smooth requires a lot of effort. Hair removal treatment using Soprano ICE allows you to get a permanent, aesthetic appearance of this part of the body, without the need for other expensive treatments or regular use of depilation preparations. Several laser hair removal treatments will allow you to have perfectly smooth skin.

    Laser thigh epilation includes at least several treatments – depending on individual predisposition, complexion or hair type.

    •  calf hair removal
      Laser calf hair removal has been popular among women for many years. Many representatives of the fair sex treat it as an element of everyday cosmetics and hygiene – especially in the spring and summer months. Smooth, well-groomed calves attract men’s attention and are an attribute of femininity. Mechanical or chemical hair removal – i.e. traditional hair removal methods – are relatively ineffective. We recommend to our patients an innovative method of epilation – laser Soprano ICE. Removal of hair by means of a diode laser beam is characterized by high efficiency, and at the same time is painless and fully safe.

    Several treatments with Soprano ICE laser allows you to get rid of hair on the calves once and for all (without the need for special creams or repeat treatments). The range of laser calf hair removal covers the knee line up to the tibia line – both front and back of the calves. This treatment is suitable for people with sensitive skin.

    • upper lip hair and facial hair
      Laser hair removal, i.e. the moustache, i.e. the place on the face, is a serious challenge due to the area itself. The skin of the face is characterized by particular delicacy and sensitivity, and thus is susceptible to irritation more than any other place located on our body. Improperly performed hair removal of the moustache can lead to a painful reddening of the epilated area, and in extreme cases even to inflammation of the hair follicles. The only effective method of getting rid of hair over the mouth is laser hair removal with the Soprano ICE device.

    Laser depilation Soprano ICE allows you to get rid of dark, annoying hair around the mouth once and for all. The treatment is not only safe, but also fast and effective. Carefully performed treatment with a technologically advanced device does not cause facial skin irritation. The use of a diode laser is a guarantee of obtaining a permanent effect of epilation in a fast time.

    • armpit laser hair removal
      Most women of the fair sex depilate their armpits daily. A significant proportion of women are looking for an effective way to quickly, accurately and effectively remove hair from this very place. Since the skin under the armpits is thin, epilation can result in numerous irritations – especially when it comes to traditional hair removal methods. The low effectiveness of chemical preparations makes ladies very often decide to perform professional laser hair removal.
    • laser bikini hair removal in Warsaw
      The bikini zone is a particularly sensitive yet delicate part of our body. As it is particularly susceptible to any kind of irritation, it is extremely important to choose the right epilation method. Most women epilate this area for aesthetic and hygienic reasons. There is no denying that smooth skin in this area is also practical, e.g. during holiday trips to the water. Commonly known and used methods of epilation lead to the formation of painful red spots and in extreme cases to inflammation of hair follicles. Soprano ICE is the only painless, safe and fully effective method of hair removal from the bikini zone.

    Cyclical epilation of the bikini allows you to get rid of the problem of regrowth once and for all. Laser hair removal – full treatment eliminates the need for razors, hot wax, epilator or other hair removal methods in the future.

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    For him For him

    • neck laser hair removal
      Tiresome neck hair is a problem that mainly affects men with thick, dark and hard bushes. Traditional epilation of this area is not an easy procedure due to its availability. In the case of delicate skin of the neck, it is recommended to completely abandon mechanical treatments in favor of an effective method of laser hair removal with Soprano ICE. Full treatment, performed at the appropriate stage of hair growth, eliminates any possible skin irritation and allows you to get rid of annoying hair once and for all.

    Neck laser hair removal covers the back of the neck and the neck itself. The treatment allows to keep the skin as smooth as possible without the need for epilation cosmetics or razor.

    • abdomen laser hair removal
      Excessive and dense abdominal hair is a serious problem that affects a large part of the male population. Gentlemen who are struggling with unaesthetic as well as troublesome abdominal hair are repeatedly looking for a painless yet effective way to remove hair. Hard hair is a significant obstacle in everyday life, especially in the summer season.

    Abdominal laser hair removal Soprano ICE is a fast, effective and durable way to get rid of hair from sensitive parts of the body. While other treatments cause discomfort, and sometimes pain, are ineffective and sometimes also dangerous, laser hair removal does not cause irritation of the hair follicles or the skin itself. Its long-lasting effects have been appreciated by men from all over the world.

    Abdominal laser hair removal is a procedure that covers the white line of the abdomen, i.e. the area from the bust line to the pubic hill.

    • laser chest hair removal
      Excessive chest hair can cause significant discomfort, especially during the summer months. Generous, dark and dense hair does not affect the aesthetics of this area and, moreover, is a problem from the point of view of hygiene and well-being. Chest hair removal is a relatively difficult procedure, as it concerns a place particularly susceptible to irritation. Unlike in other places, it is not recommended to perform epilation by home methods.

    The only effective, safe, painless and permanent way to get rid of chest hair is laser hair removal device Soprano ICE. Laser hair removal, compared to other hair removal methods, is based on permanent degradation of hair follicles, without irritating the skin and surrounding tissues. It is worth mentioning that this treatment also includes hair removal from nipples. To achieve the final effect it is recommended to perform a full treatment consisting of several treatments.

    • laser hair removal of the buttocks
      Laser hair removal of the buttocks is of great importance not only in terms of appearance, but also hygiene. Dark, thick and hard hair can cause many problems. The hair on the buttocks reduces the feeling of comfort and convenience, especially for active men such as athletes.

    Laser hair removal on the buttocks is the only effective treatment that allows to permanently eliminate annoying hair. Compared to other methods of hair removal, Soprano ICE hair removal works on the inner structure of the hair, effectively damaging it and preventing hair regrowth. Of course, this treatment is painless. Several sessions allow you to get rid of the problem completely, and thus eliminate mechanical hair removal methods.

    • laser foot hair removal
      Contrary to popular belief, laser foot hair removal is particularly popular among men from almost all over the world. Dark, dense hair can be extremely troublesome – both during the summer and winter months. Hair removal from the area around the feet covers the outside of the foot and squares. Treatment performed with Soprano ICE laser is non-invasive, effective, safe and … durable.
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    Laser hair removal Warsaw - prices Laser hair removal Warsaw - prices

    Our salon offers all its clients comprehensive laser hair removal services in the city of Warsaw, whose prices start from 99 PLN. We invite you to read our price list. If you have questions or concerns, please contact our specialists. Experienced staff will be happy to bring you the secrets of each treatment – they will tell you about its benefits, recommended quantity, price or contraindications.

    Laser hair removal Warsaw Women Men
    Mustache 130 zł instead 200 zł 150 zł instead 200 zł
    Ears 160 zł 160 zł
    Sideburns 160 zł 150 zł
    Chin 170 zł 200 zł
    Neck 180 zł 250 zł
    Face 220 zł instead 300 zł 250-300 zł
    Nape 150 zł 200-250 zł
    Chest 240-290 zł 300-450 zł
    Nipples 160 zł 170 zł
    Abdomen 250-350 zł 250-350 zł
    Line abdomen 140 zł 190 zł
    Back 200-300 zł 350-550 zł
    Arms 230-280 zł 250-300 zł
    Pre arms 230 zł 250-300 zł
    Whole arms 330 zł instead 400 zł 399 instead 450 zł
    Deep bikini 349 zł 450 zł
    Base bikini 299 zł 299 zł
    Hunkers 199-300 zł 250-350 zł
    thighs (knees for free) 290 zł 250-350 zł
    Calves (nees for free) 290 zł 300-350 zł
    Whole legs 450 zł instead 700 zł 490 zł instead 700 zł
    Feet 130 zł 130 zł
    Armpits 249 zł instead 300 zł 249 zł instead300 zł
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