Contraindications for laser hair removal

Contraindications for laser hair removal
Contraindications for laser hair removal

Laser hair removal is an advanced method of permanently removing unwanted hair. Like most cosmetic procedures, it can not be carried out in any case. If you are wondering whether laser hair removal is for you, then check out the most important contraindications.

What is worth remembering before laser hair removal?

What is worth remembering before laser hair removal? The skin to be treated must be first and foremost healthy. It can not be excessively desiccated, have wounds, irritations and active fungal, bacterial or viral infections. If you are not sure if your skin is ready for permanent hair removal, contact us.

When should you opt out of laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal is not recommended for pregnant women, breastfeeding women and those struggling with cancer, because in such cases, any additional, even small stress can be very harmful. In addition, we do not depilate people using photosensitizing hormones, suffering from photodermatoses and bladder diseases of the skin, struggling with vitiligo and psoriasis. Usually, we do not undertake the procedure also in people with unregulated epilepsy, but the final decision regarding the qualification for surgery will always depend on the specific case. Customers who have a pacemaker will unfortunately also have to give up hair removal. What can get up if, despite contraindications, we take a laser procedure to remove excessive hair? Contraindications for laser hair removal

What can get up if, despite contraindications, we take a laser procedure to remove excessive hair?

The answer to this question is not simple and unambiguous, because everything depends on what contraindication we are talking about. If a person taking drugs, herbs or photosensitizing hormones conceals it during the interview for surgery, then most likely he will have to take into account the unpredictable reaction of the skin, where the occurrence of strong discoloration is probably the slightest case. In other contraindications, such as pregnancy, cancer, or a pacemaker, the effects of surgery can be very serious for the health of the client.

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