How often should I repeat laser hair removal?

How often should I repeat laser hair removal?
laser hair removal how often do you have to repeat treatments?

Laser hair removal is not the cheapest way to remove hair, so many people wonder what the overall cost of the treatment will be, that is how many times you need to come to the laser to completely and forever remove hair from a given body part. Sometimes people think it's not cheap. However by comparing the overall cost of the treatment to how much we spend in just a few years on disposable razors, shaving foams, waxes, etc., we quickly notice that laser hair removal is much cheaper.

What should you know before deciding to have excessive hair removal?

First of all, it should be remembered that obtaining a perfectly smooth and hairless skin requires time, which is associated with the need to repeat treatments. Laser hair removal is performed at 4-6week intervals, and in total there should be about 5-8 on one body area. For two weeks before and after the treatment, you should not tan the skin, because this can lead to unsightly discoloration. For this reason, we recommend starting the hair removal cycle now, in autumn or winter.

In the summer, we are not able to protect our skin so well against the sun's rays. The laser hair removal cycle can also be separated by performing, for example, two this year and two in the next. However, then you have to reckon with the fact that only after doing all the treatments our skin will be perfectly smooth, without hair. Previously, only in places thinned. Laser hair removal how often do you have to repeat treatments? How often to remo

How does laser hair removal work?

The laser catches the melanin found in the bristles and hair. Then laser burns the hair along with the hair roots, which prevents later growth of hair. At the same time, it does not heat neighboring tissues, therefore it is a very safe procedure.

How often should I repeat laser hair removal?

 The necessity to perform 5-8 treatments on one area of ​​the skin comes from the fact that the laser has the ability to remove only those hairs that are in one specific, growth phase. Unfortunately, each hair grows at a different time and can be in a different growth phase. That is why it is so important to perform several treatments at specific intervals. Come to our office for free consultation before the procedure. It guarantees that you will remove your unnecessary hair quickly, effectively and above all. We can boast of the best equipment and experienced staff in the field of laser therapy.
If you want to have a guarantee that you will remove your unnecessary hair quickly, effectively and above all, then come to our office for consultation before the procedure. We can boast of the best equipment and experienced staff in the field of laser therapy.
laser hair removal

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